1. Slide presentations: First slide via Google Docs & 2nd via Google groups.

2. Write up for posting through Google Groups: Today Dinesh ji came up with the idea of using insert function (a blue square on left of link) to allow normal size images being posted from Group forum. It should be a big sigh of relief for many who were not able to post images earlier. You may use the following link to reach the forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/indiantreepix
Pl. take the following steps:
1. Click New Topic (red square on top left). Mail compose window will open.
2. Enter subject line
3. Click into the text window and type information you wish to share.
4. Click Insert button (blue square left of Link) and insert pictures one after another.
5. Picture may become smaller a few seconds after it is inserted. click it to select original size from the options of Small/Medium/Large/Original
6. Click Post to send your mail.
3. Write up for posting through Google Docs: Members may use Google docs to upload photographs to the group, because attachments larger than 100 Kb (in fact not larger than 70 KB if some text is also included) can’t be sent through normal mails. 
Members can use Google docs (link https://docs.google.com/#home); you may have to log in to Google to access it. Click on Create  button on top left (red) and select document. Working as you do in Microsoft word set the page size to A3 and then insert images one after another, taking care that each image as usual should be 800 x 600 (it wont accept image larger than 2000 x 2000 pixels). Please remember to write information about the plant (Botanical name, place, habit, habitat or any other information that you want to share on the top of the page. Please remember to label each picture so that images can be properly documented and discussed. Please remember to click untitled document and enter the subject line (“…………..(name of plant) from ………..(place)” or “………(Unique ID) for ID from …………..(place)”. Save the file. Now you have multiple options. Choose which ever is convenient to you:
      A: Preferred option: click share (top right blue button) . The first option should be Private – Only the people listed below can access. In the Add people window enter email ID of the group  (indiantreepix@ ooglegroups.com),  on right side change option can edit to can view, Next tick the option Paste the item itself into the email. Next click Share and Save. This way your images will appear directly in the email. Mail may be longer and members may have to scroll down but they don’t have to click a thumbnail to see an image. It will save them a lot of time.
         Those working within a web mail can simply copy the whole content of doc. using ctrl + A and then ctrl + C. Next go to webmail (say Gmail), click compose button, enter email ID of the Group under To window, enter subject line in subject window, next click inside body of the text window and paste copied contents (ctrl + V). Send the mail. Your paste will appear similar to above option.
      B. Use above option but don’t tick the option of Paste the item itself into the email. A link would be visible at the bottom of mail. Click this to view the file with attachments. 
      C. Alternately simply choose the option of Email as attachment from File menu, enter email of the group in next window and send. This way the doc file will be attached at the bottom of email. No thumbnail or image would be visible to the members, but an attachment 1-2 kb size would be at the bottom of the compact mail. Once you click view on  the attachment whole file with text and will be visible. 
          Members using last two options are requested to write information in the mail body and not in document containing images, so that it is visible to the members in the mail itself.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh

You may also try other options:
4. Further Write up for posting through Google Docs:
The Google Docs approach is one of the ways that helped the show running.
The downside is SEARCH is getting ineffective from inbox OR the groups page.

For it work better, I found that the contents of Google Doc copy-pasted
into the post is serving the purpose for SEARCHING.

Therefore, a slight change in steps of posting via Google Docs.
(*The step of notifying people by email is purposefully avoided*)

Thus, How-to post at eFI via Google Docs

1. Go to Google Docshttps://docs.google.com/#home

2. Create doc
   – Click on Create button
   – Click on Document
   – Click on Untitled document
      – type the subject line in place of the words Untitled document
   – Type the contents in doc (just as one would in WORD doc), insert 
   pictures appropriately inline with text OR at the end.
   – The doc is saved continuously, that is: every time change(s) are made — automatically
3. Share the doc:
    – Click on Share button
        – In the “Sharing settings”
          – Locate Add people
          – Enter eFI’s group ID: indiantreepix@googlegroups.com
          – Change the option Can edit to Can view
          – UNCHECK the option of Notify people via email
          – Click on Done

4. Send the doc:
  – Copy-paste the entire contents of your doc into the message body of your webmail.
  – Copy the title of your doc in the subject line of the post.
  – Send the post.

If the above expressed steps are not clear, please try understanding from those illustrated in a presentation …
