Erica carnea (Introduced- UK)

Erica carnea L., Sp. Pl. ed. 2 504 1762. (syn: Erica bracteata Moench; Erica herbacea L.; Erica herbacea f. alba (André) D.C.McClint.; Erica hibernica Utinet; Erica lugubris Salisb.; Erica mediterranea L.; Erica pallidopurpurea L.; Erica purpurascens L.; Erica saxatilis Salisb.; Ericoides herbaceum Kuntze; Gypsocallis carnea D.Don; Gypsocallis mediterranea D.Don; Gypsocallis purpurascens D.Don);
Central & E. Central Europe: Albania, Austria, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Yugoslavia as per POWO;

SK 3399 10 April 2022: 4 very high res. images.

Location: Gorran Haven, St. Austell, UK
Altitude: 43m.
Date: 02 April 2022
Habit : Cultivated
Erica … ???

Hold on a minute.

I live in Scotland UK where Heathers cover the hillsides.
I find them tricky to id.
This one was found in Cornwall… so may not be Erica cinerea  …common name bell heather,
I wonder if it is Erica vagans… common name Cornish heather????
But do not have sufficient expertise. Sorry.
Others can decide.
Quote www….”The key identification characteristics of Cornish Heath (Erica vagans) are: Stamens protruding from mouth of corolla. Pedicels (the stalk of the flower) longer than flowers. Bell-shaped flowers.”

I could not decide but your guess looks to be close !

To me appears close to images of Erica carnea at
I think it looks different from Erica vagans as per


SK 3398 10 April 2022: 5 high res. images.

Location: Gorran Haven, St. Austell, UK
Altitude: 43m.
Date: 02 April 2022
Habit : Cultivated 
Erica … ???

To me appears close to images of Erica carnea at





POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  Wikipedia  NCSU

Updated on December 23, 2024

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