Argostemma monophyllum Ridl., J. Bot. 65: 27 (1927);
. as per 
Assam as per POWO;

Need help in identification of this Argostemma sp.: 2 high res. images.
Herbs growing in a rock substratum, flowers mainly Tetramerous but some are pentamerous.
Elevation : 40m A.s.l

Date:- 9 june 2024
Place: Tripura

Not much detail but please check Argostemma khasianum C.B.Clarke !

I think it looks different as per specimen at POWO.
I think it is Argostemma monophyllum Ridl. as per BSI Flora of India Checklist and GBIF specimens (onetwo).

Thank you. Sir any match with A. sarmentosum?

I think it looks different as per GBIF specimens.






POWO  Catalogue of Life  BSI Flora of India Checklist and GBIF specimens (onetwo) (High resolution specimens) India Biodiversity Portal