Ilex fragilis Hook. fil., Fl. Brit. India 1: 602 (1875) (syn: Ilex burmanica Merr. ; Ilex fragilis f. genuina Loes.; Ilex fragilis f. kingii Loes. ; Ilex fragilis f. subcoriacea C.J.Tseng ; Ilex opienensis S.Y.Hu);
Central Himalaya to S. Central China and N. Indo-China: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam as per POWO;

Hook. f. ; glabrous, leaves 4-5 in. elliptic or ovate sub- caudate-acuminate serrulate membranous, flowers 5-merous all fascicled, drupe 1/8 in. with 5-8 stones.
SIKKIM and BHOTAN HIMALAYA, alt. 7-10,000 ft., Griffith. KHASIA MTS. at Suru¬reem, alt. 5000 ft., H. f. & T. T.
A small tree, with very brittle branches, quite glabrous. Leaves bright deep green, more membranous than in any of the Indian species, very strongly reticulate with many raised nerves beneath ; petiole 1/2-2/3 in. Flowers 1/8 in. diam., both male and female fascicled ; pedicels 1/8-1/6 in., glabrous. Calyx-lobes rounded-oblong. Petals spreading, broadly oblong, obtuse, united at the base in both sexes. Stamens shorter than the petals, filaments stout, inserted on the corolla in both sexes. Drupes 1/6 in. diam., on short stout pedicels, fleshy, red, globose, stigma rather large and tumid, stones thickly coriaceous.
(As per IBIS Flora (Flora of British India))

SK 3974 04 June 2024: 5 images.

Location: Lamjung, Central Nepal 
Date: June 2024
Altitude: approx 3200m.
Habitat : Wild 

Images sent by Mr. Basu Dev Neupane !

Some Ilex sp?
Ilex fragilis?


I guess it’s correct !




POWO   Catalogue of Life  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flora of China  FOC illustration  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  India Flora Online  India Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora (Flora of British India) Research Gate