Memecylon rivulare

Memecylon rivulare K. Bremer, Op. Bot. 50: 18 1979. (syn: Memecylon angustifolium var. attenuata Clarke);   ID KANNUR 38- 2 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Please identify this shrub….. probably memecylon from Kannur District of Kerala.. Memecylon rivulare   References: Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  IPNI  

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Lycianthes lysimachioides

Lycianthes lysimachioides (Wall.) Bitter, Lycianthes 491–493 1919. (syn: Lycianthes biflora subsp. lysimachioides (Wall.) Deb; Lycianthes lysimachioides var. cordifolia C.Y. Wu; Lycianthes lysimachioides var. lysimachioides ; Lycianthes lysimachioides var. purpuriflora C.Y. Wu & S.C. Huang; Lycianthes lysimachioides var. rotundifolia C.Y. Wu; Solanum lysimachioides Wall.; Solanum macrodon var. lysimachioides (Wall.) C.B. Clarke); China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, […]

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Caragana versicolor

Caragana versicolor Benth. (syn: Caragana pygmaea Baker; Genista versicolor Wall.); China (N) ; Quinghai ; Sichuan ; Xizang Zizhiqu; India (N) ; Himachal Pradesh ; Jammu-Kashmir ; Uttar Pradesh ; Nepal (N) ; Pakistan (N) as per ILDIS;   Fabaceae undershrub : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Perennial Leguminosae under shrub commonly covering […]

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Vachellia planifrons ?

Vachellia planifrons ?;   21082017BHAR2 : 14 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2) Found in Vandalur forest. Chennai. Shrub. Check for Acacia leucopholea. Thanks for your reply. The leaves of Acacia leucopholea are bigger than mine. Anyhow looks related. I will check with  the genus.  Similar doubts were nagging me.  Good suggestion by … However, it […]

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Pinanga gracilis

Pinanga gracilis Blume, Rumphia 2: 77 1839. (syn: Areca gracilis Roxb. [Illegitimate]; Areca gracilis Buch.-Ham.; Nenga gracilis (Blume) Becc.; Pinanga patula var. gracilis (Blume) Scheff.; Seaforthia gracilis (Blume) Mart.); E. Nepal to SE. Tibet and Myanmar as per WCSP;   Palm species ? : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Location Rajnagar Kumarghat Unakoti district […]

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Medicinal Herbs in a garden near Chennai

Medicinal Herbs : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – Herbs.docx- 5 MB Medicinal Herbs of Sidda and Ayurveda in a garden near Chennai. Correct if it is wrong. Thanks, … May I request you to post one species per mail with attachments in jpg as it will further enrich our database with more […]

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List of plants seen in Pharping, Nepal

Pharping : 3 posts by 3 authors, Attachments (1) Great going by …. Looking forward to your compilation of all the plants you have photographed in Nepal ! plant names Date Altitude/ft. Place Amaranthus hybridus subsp. cruentus (L.) Thell.?? 25-Oct-16 4600 ft. Ficus pubigera (Wall. ex Miq.) Miq. 05-Jul-15 4500 ft. Datura stramonium L. 02-Jun-12 4400 ft. Cedrus deodara […]

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Garcinia cowa ?

Garcinia cowa ?;   Garcinia identification from leaves/seedling : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Location Wayenad Kerala but seed from Tripura and I provided saying that it could be Garcinia paniculata but it may be Garcinia cowa.     Re: Edible fruit from Tripura : 6 posts by 2 authors. 4 images. This is […]

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Alocasia species ?- Soureni, Mirik, India

  SK713 13 AUG-2017:ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Location: Soureni, Mirik, India Date: 25 May 2017 Altitude: 4200 ft. Pl. check comparative images at Araceae page in efi site.  Can it be either some Alocasia species or Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott as per images herein ?

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Musa thomsonii ?

Musa thomsonii (King ex Baker) A.M.Cowan & Cowan, Trees N. Bengal 135 1929. (syn: Musa × paradisiaca var. thomsonii (King ex Baker) King ex K.Schum.; Musa × sapientum f. thomsonii King ex Baker) ?; Sikkim to China (Yunnan) as per WCSP; Assam; China South-Central; East Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life; Musa acuminata or Musa thomsoni ? : […]

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Pedicularis roylei

Pedicularis roylei Maxim., Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Petersbourg 27(4): 517 1881. (syn: Pedicularis roylei subsp. roylei ; Pedicularis roylei var. roylei ); Common name: Royle’s Lousewort China (SW-Sichuan, NE-Yunnan), SE-Tibet, Bhutan, India, Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir), Pakistan (Hazara), Sikkim, Chumbi, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;   Pedicularis roylei? ABAUG2017/16: 3 posts by 2 authors. […]

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Hosta ventricosa (Cultivated)

Hosta ventricosa Stearn, Gard. Chron. III, 90: 27 1931. (syn: Bryocles ventricosa Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Funkia caerulea (Andrews) Sweet; Funkia lanceolata Siebold ex Miq.; Funkia latifolia Miq.; Funkia marginata Siebold ex Miq.; Funkia ovata Spreng. [Illegitimate]; Funkia ovata f. aureovariegata Regel ……; Funkia spathulata Siebold ex Miq.; Funkia viridimarginata Siebold ex Miq.; Hemerocallis caerulea Andrews; Hosta caerulea […]

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Utricularia species- Kannur District of Kerala

  ID KANNUR 33- 2 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Please identify this tiny herb from a Montane habitat in Kannur District of Kerala. It looks like a species of Utricularia… Yes, it looks good. But need clear and close up picture.  

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Cynanchum species- Chennai, Tamilnadu

  12082017BHAR3 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Found in Vandalur forest. Chennai. There are no leaves found. Only stem used for getting photosynthesis. I have seen something like this in some gardens, nursery. Sarcostemma sp…. only a guess Pl. check comparative images at efi site.  Most probably Cynanchum viminale after comparing with […]

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Cucurbitaceae member- Shivapuri National Park, Nepal

    SK686 30 JUL-2017:ID : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Location: Shivapuri National Park, Nepal Altitude:7000 ft. Date: 22 July 2017 More detail are required as no pictures except fruit.  Thought so. Just giving a try ! Cultivated? Climber?  Wild. Just found in the Shivapuri National Park ! Cucurbitaceae member?  Pl. check comparative […]

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