Ribes glaciale

Ribes glaciale Wall., Fl. Ind., ed. 1820 2: 513 1824. (syn: Ribes glaciale var. glandulosum Jancz.); Bhutan, Sikkim, N-India, Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir), China (SE-Gansu, Henan, W-Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan, NW-Yunnan), SE-Tibet, Pakistan (Kurram, Swat, Hazara), Pakistani Kashmir (Baltistan), Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Kachin), Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;    VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG […]

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Efloraofindia completing 10 years on 17.6.17

Efloraofindia completing 10 years on 17.6.17 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) It is really difficult to describe the long journey of 10 years of Efloraofindia in a few paragraphs. It had all emotions of a pot boiler like joy, pain, satisfaction etc. It started with a commitment to do something for the […]

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Efloraofindia page on Facebook

Efloraofindia page on Facebook. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Efloraofindia page on Facebook has been created. Please like the page and invite as many friends as possible (from your friends list) to like the page. This will increase popularity of the group. Thanks, … Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/efloraofindia/

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Tinospora species- Mumbai

  ID27052017SH2 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) For Id pl. This was a creeper in the mangroves which had grown on some other tree. I couldn’t get any picture of this creeper’s leaves.The leaves seen in the picture are of some other treeLocation – Mumbai (near one of the mangroves) Date – […]

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Polypogon species- Salbari, Sukna, Darjeeling, West Bengal.

  For Identification: Monocots : 5 posts by 2 authors. 1 image. The plant was collected from Salbari, P. O. : Sukna. Dist.: Darjeeling. West Bengal.  due to poor quality image it is not clear but seems Polypogon sp We have only one species in this genus, pl. check with images at Polypogon monspeliensis

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Pogostemon cablin

Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth., Prodr. 12: 156 1848. (syn: Mentha auricularia Blanco; Mentha cablin Blanco; Pogostemon battakianus Ridl.; Pogostemon comosus Miq.; Pogostemon javanicus Backer ex Adelb.; Pogostemon mollis Hassk.; Pogostemon patchouli var. suavis (Ten.) Hook. f.; Pogostemon patchouly Pellet.; Pogostemon tomentosus Hassk.); Tropical Asia as per WCSP; China Southeast; Fiji; Hainan; Jawa; Lesser Sunda Is.; […]

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Rhododendrons of North East India

Rhododendrons of North East India : 4 posts by 2 authors. 1 image. Thanks, …  But image appears to be too small.  Here you are. Attachments (1)  Thanks a lot, …  … has been helping us a lot in this matter.     

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Sonchus species ?- Nasik

  Asteraceae For ID : Nasik : 12JUN17 : AK-01 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Came across this old picture of mine taken in Nasik. Kindly help in id. Common Sowthistle? Sonchus Species?

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Acalypha indica ?

Acalypha indica ?;   Wild Plant For ID : Oman : 30MAY17 : AK-21 : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Wild plant seen near a water spring. Acalypla Species? Acalypha lanceolata? Yes, looks like Acalypha species.  The images of the flowers are not very clear, but from the shape of the bracts and […]

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76. Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st May’17

Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st May’17- more than 12,000 species : 1 post by 1 author. It’s heartening to reiterate that Efloraofindia is the largest google e-group/ forum in the world in this field & the largest nature related e-group (and the most constructive) in India with around 2,70,400 messages so far & membership currently […]

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Hencklia species?- Arunachal Pradesh

  Plant for ID UP 2 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 4 authors. id pl.-location Eagle nest sanct. Chirita sp. (Gesneriaceae) Agree with …Chirita pumila I suppose. Looks different from images at Henckelia pumila (D.Don) A.Dietr.

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Aeschynanthus acuminatus

Aeschynanthus acuminatus Wall. ex A.DC., Prodr. 9: 263 1845. (syn: Aeschynanthus acuminatus Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Aeschynanthus acuminatus var. chinensis (Gardner & Champion) C.B. Clarke; Aeschynanthus chinensis Gardner & Champion; Trichosporum acuminatum (Wall. ex A. DC.) Kuntze (ambiguous synonym); Trichosporum acuminatum (Wall. ex A. DC.) Matsum. (ambiguous synonym));      Southern Asia as per Catalogue of Life; Bhutan, […]

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Geranium species- Sikkim

  Wild flower.Sikkim-1: a wild flower seen at Kyangnosla WLS in Sikkim at an altitude of 11000 feet. – Geranium sp., the leaf in the back doesnt belong to this. – On second thought, I think I concur with .. earlier view that it is a Geranium species, and the leaves in the background belong to […]

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Geranium species- en route Vasundhara falls, Uttarakhand

  VOF Week: Geranium sp-G9 — — en-route Vasundhara fall: This Geranium sp-G9 was also seen with white flowers.Location: en-route Vasundhara fall.   VOF Week: Geranium sp-G8 — en-route Vasundhara fall: Geranium sp-G8 — en-route Vasundhara fall.Date/Time: 11-08-2012 / 10:00AM.

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Eupatorium capillifolium

Eupatorium capillifolium (Lam.) Small ex Porter & Britton, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 5 311 1894. (Syn: Artemisia capillifolia Lam.; Artemisia tenuifolia Willd.; Chrysocoma capillacea Michx.; Chrysocoma capillacea Michaux; Eupatorium capillifolium var. capillifolium ; Eupatorium foeniculaceum Willd. [Illegitimate]; Eupatorium foeniculaceum var. foeniculaceum …; Eupatorium foeniculoides Walter; Mikania artemisioides Cass.; Traganthes tenuifolia Wallr.); Eupatorium capillifolium (dogfennel) is […]

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Plant Discoveries, 2016

Fwd: Plant Discoveries, 2016 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) – Plant Discoveries_2016-E.pdf- 5 MB   Please find attached a PDF file as mentioned above uploaded in Research Gate by Paramjit Singh. Really very useful …!! Thanks for sharing.. Thank you for sharing this document so early Sir!Do BSI have data of Indian species […]

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Role of citizen science in conservation

Role of citizen science in conservation: : 3 posts by 3 authors. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00063207/208?sf84116954=1 Here is a new issue of Biological Conservation, talking about how information gathered from a database like ours can help in conservation. … can incorporate some of these in his presentation if he wants. Thanks …, certainly this will help….  

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