
    A good website for animals/plants identification (free) : 1 post by 1 author. Hello, guys! I’d like to recommend a good web site for animals/plants identification to you. If you have encountered an unknown animal or plant, just submit a picture to the website and you’ll get an answer from experts. Here is […]

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Tree at SGNP, Mumbai

      Requesting ID of this tree – Mumbai :: 19092013 :: ARK-01 :: September 2013 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Requesting to please ID this tree captured at SGNP, Mumbai in September 2013. Unfortunately, this is the only pic I have, is this enough to ID?         […]

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Azalea species- at a nursery at Pune

      efloraofindia:”For Id 18092013MR1’’ plant with orange flowers at Pune : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. Sep 2013 request Id of this plant with orange flowers at a nursery at Pune Azalea sp., I think.          

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Cleistocactus samaipatanus ?

Cleistocactus samaipatanus (Cárdenas) D.R.Hunt, Bradleya 5: 92 1987. (syn: Bolivicereus brevicaulis F.Ritter; Bolivicereus croceus F.Ritter; Bolivicereus rufus F.Ritter; Bolivicereus samaipatanus Cárdenas; Bolivicereus samaipatanus var. divi-miseratus Cárdenas; Bolivicereus samaipatanus var. multiflorus Cárdenas; Borzicactus samaipatanus (Cárdenas) Kimnach; Borzicactus samaipatanus var. divi-miseratus (Cárdenas) Krainz; Borzicactus samaipatanus var. multiflorus (Cárdenas) Krainz; Cleistocactus samaipatensis (Cárdenas) D.R. Hunt) ?;       […]

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Buxus microphylla Siebold & Zucc.   Buxus sempervirens L.     Buxus wallichiana Baill.         Species as per Flora of India Vol 23 with keys (Editors N. P. Balakrishnan, T. Chakrabarty, M. Sanjappa, P. Lakshminarsimhan & P. Singh- by Botanical Survey of India (2012)) (Distribution): Buxus microphylla Siebold & Zucc. (India: On dry rocks […]

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Cycas species- Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai

    Cycas For ID : Jijamata Udyan,Mumbai : 160913 : AK-3 : Attachments (2). 8 posts by 4 authors. Cycas seen at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai on 22/8/13. Species id please. cycas circinalis  Yes, it is Cycas circinalis. Its not easy to make out from this. Why not Cycas rumphii? Thanks for your feedback. Cycas […]

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Ceropegia anjanerica

  Images by Sushant More Ceropegia anjanerica Malpure, M.Y.Kamble & S.R.Yadav, Curr. Sci. 91: 1141 2006. ;   It differs from allied species in having flower up to 3.5 cm long, narrowly obovate, and flat (not linear and reflexed) corolla lobes forming an obovate (not attenuate) head. Flowering period: August- September Perennial erect herbs. Rootstock […]

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Corydalis ochotensis (South Korea)

Corydalis ochotensis Turcz., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 13: 62 1840. (Syn: Capnoides ochotensis Kuntze);             Corydalis ochotensis_RKC_02_16092013 : Attachments (2). 9 posts by 6 authors. Corydalis ochotensis Turcz. Fumariaceae Loc.: Jeongup, S. Korea Local name: 눈괴불주머니 (Nunkwafuljumoni) Date: 14 Sept. 2013 Another mesmerizing shot. Never seen such flowers. You have […]

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Scleromitrion diffusum

Scleromitrion diffusum (Willd.) R.J.Wang (syn: Hedyotis brachypoda R.Br. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Hedyotis diffusa Willd.; Hedyotis diffusa var. extensa (Hook.f.) R.Dutta; Hedyotis extensa R.Br. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Hedyotis polygonoides Wall. [Invalid]; Hedyotis radicans Bartl. ex DC. [Invalid]; Hedyotis ramosissima Kurz [Illegitimate]; Oldenlandia angustifolia var. pedicellata Miq.; Oldenlandia brachypoda G.Don [Illegitimate]; Oldenlandia corymbosa var. uniflora (Benth.) Masam.; […]

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Asclepias tuberosa (USA)

Asclepias tuberosa L., Sp. Pl. 217 1753. (Syn: Acerates decumbens Decne.; Acerates decumbens var. erecta Durand; Asclepias decumbens L.; Asclepias elliptica Raf.; Asclepias lutea Raf. [Illegitimate]; Asclepias revoluta Raf.; Asclepias rolfsii Britton ex Vail; Asclepias tuberosa f. bicolor Standl. ……); Asclepias tuberosa is a species of milkweed native to eastern North America. It is a perennial […]

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Baptisia alba (USA)

Baptisia alba (L.) Vent., Dec. gen. nov. 9. 1808 (Syn: Baptisia albescens Small; Baptisia albiflora Raf.; Baptisia lactea (Raf.) Thieret; Baptisia leucantha Torr. & A.Gray ..; Crotalaria alba L.; Dolichos lacteus Raf.; Podalyria alba (L.) Willd.; Podalyria alba Sims; Sophora alba (L.) L.);      Flower for ID – New York – 160913 – RK : […]

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Checking the plants with Protologue for correct Id

      ID: Prejith006. Unidentified plant from Western Ghats: …………………………………………. A humble suggestion from my side..Whenever we make a comment on the identity of a plant, I request to you to check the characters of the plants with the protologue. I have seen many floras give wrong identifications and misleading descriptions. Can you imagine […]

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Murdannia nimmoniana var. juncoides

Murdannia nimmoniana (J. Graham) Bole & M. R. Almeida var. juncoides (Wight) Nandikar & Gurav comb. & stat. nov., Phytodiversity 2015: Vol. 2 (1): 56-112 (syn: Dichaespermum juncoides Wight; Murdannia juncoides (Wight) Rao and Kammathy);          Commelinaceae: Murdannia juncoides (Wt.) Rolla & Kammathy:  Herewith attaching one interesting Murdannia species. Murdannia juncoides (Wt.) Rolla & Kammathy […]

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Allium stracheyi

Allium stracheyi Baker, J. Bot. 12: 293 1874. (Syn: Allium longistaminum Royle [Invalid]);  Images by D.S.Rawat     Bulb – raw or cooked. Leaves – raw or cooked. Dried and used as a flavouring[177]. Flowers – raw. Used as a garnish on salads.  Although no specific mention of medicinal uses has been seen for this […]

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Glycine max subsp. soja (South Korea)

Glycine max subsp. soja (Siebold & Zucc.) H.Ohashi, (Syn: Glycine formosa Hosok.; Glycine formosana Hosok.; Glycine gracilis var. nigra Skvortsov; Glycine gracilis var. nigra-brunnea Skvortsov; Glycine javanica Thunb.; Glycine javanica “Thunb., p.p.”; Glycine max subsp. formosana (Hosok.) Tateishi & H. Ohashi; Glycine soja Siebold & Zucc. ………; Glycine ussuriensis Regel & Maack ….; Rhynchosia argyi H.Lev.);    […]

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Badrinath area plant exploration

    Proceeding on a plant explorat :  14 posts by 9 authors. I am proceeding on a plant exploration in Upper Mandakini river in Uttarakhand. The target area is adjacent to Kedarnath valley. Hope to see few high altitude species in this visit. Leaving Pantnagar on 9th September and will be back on 17th Sept. […]

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White flowers at VJTI Flower Show in Mumbai

      Requesting ID of this white flower at the VJTI show – Mumbai :: 02092013 :: ARK-02 :: February 2013 : Attachments (1). 7 posts by 5 authors. Requesting to please ID the white flowers captured at the VJTI Flower Show in Mumbai in February 2013. … some species of Clerodendrum ? Clerodendrum […]

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