Gardneria ovata

Gardneria ovata Wall., Fl. Ind. 1: 400 1820. (Syn: Gardneria wallichii Wight ex Wall.);   Small glabrous climbers. Leaves to 10 x 5 cm, ovate, abruptly acuminate, acute at base, entire; nerves 4 or 5 pairs; petiole 1 cm long. Cymes axillary, 3-5-flowered, peduncled; bracts ovate, acute. Flowers pedicellate; calyx shallowly 4-lobed, lobes obtuse; ciliate; […]

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Commelina species- Sri Lanka

      150713 ASP 110 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Please ID this small medicinal herb. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in April 2012. It seems some Commelina species.  Without flowering, spathes and capsule it will difficult to conclude its ID.         

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Centaurea calcitrapa

Centaurea calcitrapa L., Sp. Pl. 2 917 1753. (Syn: Calcitrapa calcitrapa (L.) Hill [Invalid]; Calcitrapa calcitrapoides (L.); Calcitrapa hippophaestrum ; Calcitrapa hybrida Sweet; Calcitrapa hypophaestum Gaertn.; Calcitrapa lanceolata Lam.; Calcitrapa myacantha Cass.; Calcitrapa phoenicea Sweet; Calcitrapa stellaris Hill; Calcitrapa stellata Lam.; Calcitrapa vulgaris Bernh.; Centaurea adulterina Moretti ex DC.; Centaurea calcitrapoides L.; Centaurea carduifolia Salisb.; […]

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Asparagus officinalis ?

Asparagus officinalis ?;      170713 ASP 115 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Please ID this small creeper with no flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Oct 2012. Looks like Asparagus officianalis.-Asparagaceae. Needs more pics.     SK1249 02 JUL 2018 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)- around […]

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Pterygota alata ?

Pterygota alata (Roxb.) R.Br ?;      Pterygota alata 2 ? : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Same seedling from the previous post.     Is this Pterygota alata :  Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. One year old potted seedling in Hyderabad. Seed collected from Western Ghats; seed flat, ovoid and winged. Could […]

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Erigeron emodi ?

Erigeron emodi I. M. Turner, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 53(5-6): 313 (2016) (syn: Aster bellidioides Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don; Aster bellidioides var. minor Wall.; Erigeron bellidioides (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Benth. ex C. B. Cl.; Stenactis bellidioides (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Nees) ?;      Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus misc.): 110713 ARK-09 : Erigeron bellidioides […]

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Osteospermum ‘Balsereama’ (Cultivated- USA)

Osteospermum ‘Balsereama’ ;   Images by Alka Khare (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)       Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus misc.): 110713 ARK-04 : Osteospermum Balsereama from Chicago, USA – May 2013 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors. Attached are pictures of Osteospermum Balsereama […]

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List of plants which I can supply

    List of plants- pdf :  4 posts by 2 authors.       I am herewith sending list of plants which I can supply you as per demand. please find an attachment.I have added both the list. Ambika Nursery & Ecosystem Services Head Office- C/o R. B. Fugare, Mudhe Galli, Tal-Mangalwedha, Dist-Solapur, Mh-India 413305 Mob- 09420420999 […]

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Vanda hybrid- Sri Lanka

      Ornamental Orchid For ID : Sri Lanka : 160713 : AK-9 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. An ornamental orchid seen at Colombo in a hotel garden on 19/11/10. Its a Vanda species………. I think its a hybrid…..      

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Barleria acuminata

Barleria acuminata Nees (Syn: Barleria tomentosa Roth var. acuminata Clarke in Hook. f.); Flora of Davanagere District: Karnataka, India By B. K. Manjunatha, V. Krishna, T. Pullaiah (Keys- buxifolia, prionotis, cuspidata, acuminata & involucrata & Description)     Subshrubs, branchlets pubescent. Leaves to 4-5 x 2.5-3 cm, ovate-orbicular, apex acute, apiculate, base rounded, tomentose; petiole to […]

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could i identify a plant with digital picture ?

    could i identify a plant with digital picture or it should be examined manually ? : 2 posts by 2 authors. It depends on your expertise experience in field and intelligence… experts who often visit field and intelligent observer can id plant perfectly just by watching pictures 🙂      

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Episcia ‘Pinkiscia’

Episcia ‘Pinkiscia’; Images by Bhagyashri Ranade (Identified by Rahul Sharma at Indian Flora) efloraofindia:”For Id 15072013MR1’’ ornamental with deep green leaves and pink flowers at Pune : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.   July 2013 requesting identification of this ornamental at a housing society garden at Pune. very deep green leaves and pink flowers […]

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Episcia cupreata (Hook.) Hanst.  (Cultivated)       Episcia ‘Pinkiscia’ (Cultivated) Images by Bhagyashri Ranade (Identified by Rahul Sharma at Indian Flora)

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Strychnos species- Sri Lanka

    150713 ASP 111 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Please ID this small tree, unforunately no flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in April 2012.             Strychnos sp.        

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Urospermum picroides (Oman)

Urospermum picroides (L.) Scop. ex F. W. Schmidt, Samml. Phys.-Ökon. Aufsätze 1: 275. 1795 (Syn: (≡) Tragopogon picroides L. (basionym)); Images by Aarti Khale (ID confimation  Dr Annette Patzelt) 2, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Click links to see details and other images)     Asteraceae Week (Part III – Ligulate Heads) :: For ID : Oman : 070713 […]

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