Dypsis decaryi

Dypsis decaryi (Jum.) Beentje & J.Dransf., Palms Madagascar 187 1995. (Syn: Neodypsis decaryi Jum.); Images by Aarti Khale & Raman Arunachalam (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)       Palm Trees of Bangalore – RA – Dypsis decaryi – Trianlge Palm Tree: The Triangle Palm Tree, scientific name Dypsis decaryi, is a very striking palm known for […]

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Rarest Flowers of the world

    Rarest Flowers of the world.: Thought this might be interesting.   10. Jade Vine – Strongylodon macrobotrys9. Corpse Flower – Rafflesia arnoldii8. Gibraltar Campion – Silene tomentosa7. Franklin Tree – Franklinia alatamaha6. Parrot’s Beak – Lotus berthelotii5. Chocolate Cosmos – Cosmos atrosanguineus4. Kokai – Kokai cookei3. Yellow and Purple Lady Slippers – Cypripedium […]

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Typhonium flagelliforme

Typhonium flagelliforme (Lodd.) Blume, Rumphia 1: 134 1837. (Syn: Arum angulatum Griff.; Arum cuspidatum Blume; Arum divaricatum L.; Arum flagelliferum Griff.; Arum flagelliforme Lodd.; Arum ptychiurum Zipp. ex Kunth; Heterostalis flagelliformis (Lodd.) Schott; Typhonium cuspidatum (Blume) Decne.; Typhonium cuspidatum var. ptychiurum Blume; Typhonium flagelliferum Griff.; Typhonium flagelliforme var. angustissimum Ridl.; Typhonium hastiferum Miq.; Typhonium incurvatum […]

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Peperomia heyneana

Peperomia heyneana Miq., Syst. Piperac. 1: 123 123 1843. (Syn: Peperomia ceylanica Miq.; Peperomia duclouxii C. DC.; Peperomia haycockii C.DC.; Peperomia kurzii C.DC.; Peperomia wightiana Miq.; Peperomia zeylanica Miq. ex Walp.; Piper oblongum Wall.);  China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan), Tibet, Bhutan, India, Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Kachin, Mandalay), Nepal, Sikkim, Sri Lanka as per Catalogue of Life; […]

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Dis- figuring Plants ?

    is this the way to express love / infatuation ?: People, irrespective of their maturity or age, misuse plants :- 1) teenagers carve out their lovers name 2) grown up(s) nails signboard 3) bouquets are unnecessarily made huge 4) leafy twigs are unnecessarily used in bouquet (someone will say they are to enhance […]

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Pollination Biology

    efloraofindia:”22102011MR3’’ ? Adulsa Pune: I hope the attached paper by Prof Shivanna would be interesting for most of us in connection with this thread. Pollination biology, breeding system of Adathoda vasica Thank you … for this interesting paper on Pollination. I learn the busy bee carries out the work of Pollination and the […]

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Rhododendron griffithianum

Rhododendron griffithianum Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 4: 6, pl. 1203 6 1848. (Syn: Azalea griffithiana (Wight) Kuntze; Rhododendron aucklandii Hook. f.; Rhododendron griffithianum var. aucklandii (Hook. f.) Hook.; Rhododendron oblongum Griff.);  S-Tibet, Bhutan, Sikkim, Darjeeling, E-Nepal, N-India as per Catalogue of Life;     Re: White rhododendron : 4 posts by 2 authors. This is […]

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Rhododendrons from SFO Bot. garden

       Rhododendron 7 SFO Bot.garden: One more Rhododendron. Rhododendron campanulatum may be   Rhododendron 9 SFO Bot.garden: One with combination of colours.   Rhododendron 8 SFO Bot.garden:   One more…..   Rhododendron 4 SFO Bot. garden: Sorry Don’t know the name of this one too. Rhododendron thomsonii may be Rhododendrons are difficult to guess, […]

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Best International Researcher of KRIBB for the year 2011

    Dr. Ritesh Kumar Choudhary- ‘Best International Researcher of KRIBB for the year 2011’:     Dr. Ritesh Kumar Choudhary has been awarded as the ‘Best International Researcher of KRIBB (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology) for the year 2011’. The award was conferred on him yesterday on the occasion of ‘KRIBB’s 27th Establishment […]

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K. S. MANILAL AWARD for the best paper in Floristics

    A happy news………..: I am very happy to inform you that, K. S. MANILAL AWARD for the best paper in Floristics (Including new taxa/new reports) has been awarded to me in the International Symposium and XXII Annual Conference of Indian Assocoation for Angiosperm Taxonomy on Innovative Prospects in Angiosperm Taxonomy during 28-30 October […]

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Flora and fauna in bangalore

    flora and fauna in bangalore: I have redesigned my sites, added more photos and added seasonal info for the trees. Trees http://dl.dropbox.com/u/43406542/Flora%20and%20Fauna/Trees.html Birds http://dl.dropbox.com/u/43406542/Flora%20and%20Fauna/birds.html You are comments are more welcome  

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IAPT Award 2012 for the best poster presentation

    6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae: I am very happy to inform you that, IAPT Award 2012 (International Association for Plant Taxonomy, Zlovakia) received to me for the best poster presentation in 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae held at Calicut University during 10-13th September 2012. IAPT award free membership in […]

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Nisarg-mitra Award

    Prof.S.D.Mahajan Book Publication: Presentation of Maruti Chitampalli Nisarg-mitra Award to Shrikant Ingalhalikarand the release of Next book in the series of books by Prof.S.D.Mahajn.Lecture by Shrikant Ingalhalikar on the occasion.A good opportunity for Puneites      

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PPT presentation on the subject of ‘Poisonous Plants Around Us’

    For ITP members in and around Pune: I will be delivering a lecture with PPT presentation on the subject of ‘Poisonous Plants Around Us’ at Bal Shikshan Auditorium, Mayur Colony, Kothrud, Pune. on Sunday 25th Dec 2011 at 6 pm. ITP Members in and around Pune are cordially invited. Following will be the […]

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Panipat is now better known for Flora of Panipat

    Panipat is now better known for Flora of Panipat rather than the Battle of Panipat: Panipat is now better known for Flora of Panipat rather than Battle of Panipat.Thanks, Balkar ji for single handedly doing so- re-writing the word ‘battle’ with ‘flora        

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Dracaena cinnabari

Dracaena cinnabari Balf.f., Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 30: 623 1882. (Syn: Draco cinnabari (Balf.f.) Kuntze);          Fwd: Socotra Island !!!!!: Friends, this is interesting and I thought of sharing with all you botanist friends: The Mysterious Socotra Island (Indian Ocean ) Welcome to the Alien lands of Socotra , with […]

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