Forest Trees of the Western Ghats

      Book release – Forest Trees of the Western Ghats.: Pls. find forwarded the information on a new book FOREST TREES OF THE WESTERN GHATS authored by Sri. S.G. Neginhal.Those interested could procure a copy from Sheshadri as per details. FOREST TREES OF THE WESTERN GHATS -authored by Neginhal S.G (I.F.S Retd) This […]

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They wish to change Matheran

    They wish to change Matheran:          

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Kaiga biodiversity

    article “Kaiga biodiversity puzzles Scientist’: Pl see the link of article “Kaiga biodiversity puzzles Scientist’      

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Wildlife exhibition in Panipat

    Wild Life and Nature Photo Exhibition- 2012 In Panipat Haryana: Association for Promotion for Plant Sciences and Manav Sankalp Society are going to organise a two day Photography exhibition on Wildlife and Nature. This event will be the first of its kind in the State of Haryana… Where people are not so much […]

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CBSE warns against use of rare/endangered plants and species

    CBSE warns against use of rare/endangered plants and species: NAGPUR: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has reminded affiliated schools that it is illegal to use rare/endangered species and plants in school laboratories and classrooms. This recent letter was a follow up of a circular sent last year.In that circular the board […]

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    HOPE EXHIBITION 2012 – WILD FLOWERS OF INDIA: The HOPE exhibition ‘Wild Flowers of India’ was successfully concluded last week-end. There was a large turn-out of visitors. And we had a few special visitors in Shrikant Ingalhalikar (Flowers of Sahyadri fame), Shreesh Kshirsagar ( Bahar fame), Sudhir Shivram (India Naturewatch fame) along with […]

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National Seminar on Fungi 6th and 7th Jan 2012

    National Seminar on Fungi 6th and 7th Jan 2012: I have attached the brochures for National Seminar on Fungi and Health care to be held on 6th and 7th January and Vrukshavalli nature club intercollegiate competitions. Do send your junior and degree students to participate in the competitions. I invite you to present […]

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Kolkata’s Indian Botanical Garden, the third oldest in the world, has turned 225 years young

    Kolkata’s Indian Botanical Garden, the third oldest in the world, has turned 225 years young: Forwarding pl. Link below: for your reading pleasure…….. A festival of flora N. Shiva Kumar (for photos please see the link placesd in the SUBJECT) Kolkata’s Indian Botanical Garden, the third oldest in the world, has turned 225 […]

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89 invasive plant species present a threat to Kerala’s biodiversity

    89 invasive plant species present a threat to Kerala’s biodiversity: 89 invasive plant species present a threat to Kerala’s biodiversity K. S. Sudhi Special Arrangement Mikania micrantha, an aggressive climber, has swathed the canopy at the Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary in Wayanad. Kerala’s plant biodiversity faces a severe threat from 89 alien invasive […]

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Adbhutachya Shodhat- A novel

    Greetings & Butterfly Story!: Wish you a Very Happy, Healthy & Peaceful Deepavali & New Year! I take this opportunity to inform you that this year’s Diwali Issue of ‘Chandrakant’ (Marathi Annual Special Festive Issue) has published my Kadambari (Novel) – ‘Adbhutachya Shodhat’. The imaginary story is based on Butterfly/Moth research and is […]

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Kas fauna

      Kas fauna: Posting photographs of some insects, moth, etc., found at Kas last year. The moth that you posted is Problepsis vulgaris of family Geometridae (Sterrhinae)   KAS Week DS_101012_04 a bird in midst of flowers: Malabar crested Lark in Kas , 22nd Sep 2012. the newly accepted name is Malabar Lark […]

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Germination of seeds of trees

    Germination of seeds of trees.: I am in an effort to germinate seeds of Tree species for assisting forest dept. nurseries and am not able to geminate some like Dolichandrone atrovirens, Melia dubia , Anogeissus latifolia, Mitragyna parviflora etc. Can I get information on the above about treatments, germination techniques etc. ? These […]

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Connections = White Flowers = fragrance = Night Blooming

    Connections = White Flowers = fragrance = Night Blooming: I had read it somewhere, though unable to recollect the source, that most of night blooming flowers are fragrant and are white in colour. Would love to hear efI members view on it. Yes … White and other light coloured flowers shine in moonlight […]

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Is leguminosae called Fabaceae ?

    is leguminosae now called Fabaceae?: i have an query …though an stupid one… leguminosae now called Fabaceae? i thought papilionaceae is called fabaceae… whats papilionaceae called then? To understand this you have to first understand what rank we are giving to the three subfamilies 1. If we treat legumes in the broader sense […]

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Querry about double fertilisation

    querry about double fertilisation.: please clear my doubt about this double fertilisation….Considering double fertilization in angiosperms, how many sperm are involved in the formation of a mature 2-seeded peanut pod? According to my knowledge..double fertiliztion involves 2 male gamete (for every seed) follows.. one male gamete fuse female gamete to form zygote..which later […]

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Queries about nectaries

    Queries about nectaries.: Nectaries may be floral (inside the flower) or extrafloral (nectaries present on the part of the plant other than the flower. eg.nectaries at the meeting point of petiole and the leaf blade of Ricinus).As we all know that floral nectaries have a great role in pollination by attracting insects but […]

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Kyd – Roxburgh – Indian Botanic Garden

    Kyd – Roxburgh – Indian Botanic Garden – BSI: Tuesday, the 17th July 2012, i was on a time machine and travelled to the days of Colonel Robert Kyd, the founder of “Indian Botanic Garden”, …and to the days of William Roxburgh, “The Father of Indian Botany” who authored “PLANTS of The COAST […]

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Describing Flowering Plants

    Describing Flowering Plants: Recently I got the set of books as a gift and along with it was this pamplet. I am sure this can be of use to you all in checking and describing your plants following the keys.Enjoy and have a great week ahead    

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query about saprophytic plants

    query about saprophytic plants…: Now all the saprophytic plants are commonly classified as mycoheterothophic plants…Does all the saprophytic plants have an association with a particular fungus???All the members please clear my doubt. I will reply positively to your query. The research on fungal symbiosis shows, without the help of the fungi it becomes […]

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