Latest classifica​tion

    Latest classifica​tion _Bentham and hookar: i was start to work in the filed of plant taxonomy and ecology since last four year and during this course of time, i was came to know that there is a name of various species, genera and family were changed. in addition, some of the species and […]

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Names of plants- mini lexique

    Names of plants in India – mini lexique: It would be useful to every one to have a kind of mini lexique covering the basic words which can be found in plant names. Something like this:ASSAMESE:BENGALI :ENGLISH : 1.Leaf, 2. leaves, 3 flower, 4. fruit, 5. treeGUJARATI : HINDI : 1. , 2. […]

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literature on Genus Dahlia

    Help required………: I urgently require literature on Genus Dahlia (Asteraceae). Can anybody help me with it. On what aspect you need to have literature? Taxonomy/distribution or number of species? Some relevant information can be accessed from and I attache some publications related to the genus Dahlia. A Phylogenetic Analysis of the Genus […]

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Photos required for field guide

    photographs needed for some trees of Uttrakhand forest depratment: I am helping forest dept of Uttrakhand in putting together a field guide for nature guides from community to increase opportunities for community livelihoods program under sub dept of eco-tourism. Since this is a non profit program to augment the income of community guides […]

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IUCN status of Indian plants

    Help required…………….: Information required on the IUCN status of Indian plants. Can anybody help me with the information. …, this may be of use to you Attachment: Threatend plants of India.xlsx      

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Guidance for post graduation

    guidance for future: My self … I am a student of Medical IInd Year,S.D. College,Ambala Cantt.Dear members please guide me what course I would opt after B.Sc. so that I can have a bright future. Should I go for M.Sc. or any other course. My best subject is BOTANY and I want […]

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Lessons in Plant Morphology

    JFR d’Almeida’s book “Lessons in Plant Morphology”: I am trying to locate information on a book entitled “Lessons in Plant Morphology” by J.F.R. d’Almeida and D.P. Mullan, published in 1946 in Bombay. I have been trying to track this book for a long time without any luck and was wondering if any of […]

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Herb. Musei. Vindob.

    Inquiry about Herbarium: While searching for the type specimen of one species of Arisaema, I came across “Herb. Musei. Vindob.“, the only clue I could find out from the protologue, probably where the actual type is housed at. Unfortunately I couldn’t trace the actual herbaria yet. Here I am waiting for your expert […]

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Medicinal and aromatic plants of Himachal Pradesh

    Help required…………………….: Require a paper “Medicinal and aromatic plants of Himachal Pradesh” by N.S. Chauhan (2003). Indian Forester. Can anybody help. If that can serve your purpose, I can give you mobile number of Dr. NS Chauhan….

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Fotos for use in Field Guide

    Fotos for use in Field Guide: I will be obliged to receive and use close up fotos of inflorence/flowers of following plants in the coming new field guide. 1. Cynometra iripa 2. Tropidia angulosa 3. Sagittaria trifolia 4. Desmos chinensis 5. Aniseia martnicensis 6. Hewittia malabarica 7. Phrynium pubinerve 8. Pachystoma senile 9. […]

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eFI library

    eFI library: Here was … idea & it was discussed among moderators & agreed to: “As a taxonomist, literature collection has been a matter of difficulty, especially those papers published in Indian journals (hope all our members do have the same opinion). And we had discussed this earlier in our group .. Here […]

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    PRAJAPATITIR PAKHA : 4: আজকালকার গতিময় জীবনে প্রজাপতির পাখার রং দেখার সময় কি হয় ?দেখলে আনন্দ পাবে ।আনন্দে থেক বন্ধু।  

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Flora picture of 2011

    Flora picture of the Year 2011: Year 2011 is passing by & efloraofindia (efi in short) has generated lot of interest in photographing Indian Flora, their identification & knowing/ learning about them. Let us post one of our best images by each of the member. It may be based on a difficult situation, […]

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Jhum cultivation

    My Flora Picture of the Year 2011_Ritesh Kumar Choudhary: I don’t know whether my post is suitable for this title or not but the intention behind this post is to spread awareness among eFlora members. I am sure … is going to be the most disheartened person to see this post. The picture […]

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Durga Puja: green style

    Durga Puja : green style: Holidays in the air and West Bengal is in festive mood. It is Durga Puja and tomorrow will be SHASHTI. It is said that Durga Puja is one of the greatest festivals, if not the greatest, in Bengal. Maybe, i do not know, rather i find myself on […]

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Diamonds in the vegetation

    Monsoon Magic..”Diamonds” in the vegetation: To add a little two-bit science…. apparently this phenomenon is called “Guttation”. It occurs when a plant (Xylem) has absorbed a lot of water.Excess water is released through tiny cells in the margins of each leaf…. Extra ordinary! Which plant leaf is this?    

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Vishen Sar

    Vishen Sar: May I share photos of the VISHEN SAR (sonamarg) Kashmir (0637) and Krishen Sar (0619) taken last week.    

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    DO NOT ID THIS PLANT: Flora Picture of the Year 2011: We were returning from a deep Sahyadri forest with a bag (card) full of images of some rare plants and had lost the track of time, thirst and hunger amidst the amazing plants. It was the noon of scorching summer and we […]

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FloraIndia Community of Google+

    FloraIndia Community of Google+: If you are on Google+ we have Floraindia community there @ Please do join the community and participate in the discussions.  

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