drought resistance of various species

    Request for info on drought resistance of various species: I am a landscape designer trying to expand the range of drought resistant species grown in Los Angeles, California, United States, where I am located. Does anyone have experience of the following species tolerating extended dry periods, e. g., no watering during your dry […]

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KFBG, Hong Kong

    One of our many Orchid Sheds at KFBG: Sent from my iPhone Woww….great collection …!Are they hybrids? Or collected from wild and multiplied? This is a very small part :). Not all are hybrids. All are marked with tags so all have their history record maintained. We also have tissue culture lab, so […]

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genes regulate the shape of a fruit ?

    Yesterday i was eating an orange and then: A very warm hello to everyone…Hope you all are fine…Yesterday i was eating an orange and then a question arose in my mind..I thought why all the oranges have same shape…Why all are spherical or rounded…Why not some of them are elongated like banana or […]

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Quadrate sampling

    Quadrate sampling: Please let me know that which is the best quadrate method to survey grass lands for the herbs, shrub, tree etc. If anybody have more information about it please tell me. Your question is your answer. Quadrat method is the best. Use 1m x 1m quadrats. Firstly it is quadrat and […]

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search mushrooms by fotos

    mushrooms: yesterday I attended a mushroom-excursion. I shall send the fotos one by one, as soon as I get some time. We found many edible mushrooms. People here normally look for edible mushrooms, other mushrooms which are poisonous or not goodtasting, they just ignore, which means, one perhaps gets to know the names […]

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Propagation of native tree species

    Propagation of important native tree species: Welcome to Ambika NurseryWho are we?We Ambika Nursery produce thousands of trees each year for reforestation and other plantings across Maharashtra. We’ve been in the tree business for over six years. Our first nursery established at Mangalwedha in 2006 and look forward to furnishing planting stock for […]

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Vernacular Names of Indian Plants

    Vernacular Names of Indian Plants: I came across eflora a little while ago, congratulation for the painstaking work. I admire it very much. In the meantime, I would like you all to visit http://www.patalkot.com/Herb%20Database/ I would be happy to have your critical feedback about it. Late Dr. G.L.Shaw and his students did good […]

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Orchids of Western Ghats: Website

    Orchids of Western Ghats : Website: I am sharing a website link, on Orchids of Western Ghats. I am sure this would be of useful to members having interest in captioned subject http://www.weatheredwind.org/owg/ If you know him then let him know that there are some mistakes. If he needs help then I can […]

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Edible weeds

    Edible weeds: Thought this was interesting: http://www.downtoearth.org.in/content/weed-my-plate

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endangered medicinal plants of India

    endangered medicinal plants of India: Have been looking for the endangered plants especially which are critically tndangered plants in India. found a state wise list of such plants on FRLHT website but that list does not correspond with the list of plants given on IUCN red data list. can anyone guide me as […]

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Threatened plants of Maharashtra

    list of threatened plants of Maharashtra: I have the list of threatened plants of Maharashtra and in that there is no description of any trees in that. Anyone having such data, I would request to pls share. so where is the list? put it up here and we can find you the description […]

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    JAWAHARLAL NEHRU BOTANICAL GARDEN – RUMTEK: JAWAHARLAL NEHRU BOTANICAL GARDEN – RUMTEK, SIKKIM by D. C. S. RAJU F.L.S & N. C. SHENGA I.F.S This is a part of 750 acre reserve forest adjoining the Monastery at Rumtek. An area of 150 acres covering the Eastern slopes of the mountain has been demarcated […]

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views on the exotic plantation

    group’s- experts’ views on the exotic plantation: I wish to know this group’s- experts’views on the exotic plantation like eucalyptus, A. acacia,gliricidia sepium & subabul being carried out in India for greening the barren lands by forest n Muncipal authorities. I have seen such monocultures in Uttarakhand, Gujrat and also near Pune Maharashtra, […]

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Life in One Cubic Foot

    Life in One Cubic Foot: You may like to see this. It compares about how much life can be present in one cubic feet of volume in different regions of world.http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2010/02/cubic-foot/liittschwager-photography#/video/      

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    WHAT IS A GOOD INDICATOR OF THE HEALTH OF A GIVEN HABITAT?: Today a very old post by Prasad popped up on my screen through efloraofindia so I felt like sharing my thoughts on this matter.His topic was “LICHEN AS BIOINDICATOR –http://groups.google.com/group/indiantreepix/browse_thread/thread/3a495defc56f8cb0“ Just wanted to share this with all..For me what is a […]

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Lichen as bioindicat​or

    Lichen as bioindicat​or: keeping in view of the ongoing climatic variation, it is very demanding to study the lichen distribution as they are the key bioindicators in an ecosystem. The lichens are very less tolerant to pollution load and immediately they respond to any kind of stress by their presence and absence. The […]

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