Monograph on Indian Leucas

    Monograph on Indian Leucas: How do I get to Dr. V. Singh ji’s “Monograph on Indian Leucas” ? you can purchase this book online or I wonder if it is worth paying so much for just 50 taxa. Yes Sir too costly I have not seen this book in any library […]

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Malayalam names-reg.

Malayalam names-reg.: A help required. I need the malayalam names of the following plants and if possible their availability in and around Alapuzha or Cochin of Kerala. Croton sparsiflorus/tiglium Ocimum basillicum Pedallium murax Acorus salamus Vitex negundo Atlantia monophylla You may have a try at efi site by searching on the species name: /home Or […]

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Cajanus lineatus

Cajanus lineatus (Wight & Arn.) Maesen, Agric. Univ. Wageningen Pap. 85-4:143. 1985 (syn: Atylosia lawii Wight; Atylosia lineata Wight & Arn.; Cantharospermum lineatum (Wight & Arn.) Raizada);   Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Cajanus lineatus :: Western Ghats :: DVOCT23 : 8 posts by 3 authors. 13 images. Cajanus lineatus (Wight & Arn.) Maesen along Kumbharli Ghat […]

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Euploca strigosa (Willd.) Diane & Hilger (Images by JANAKI TURAGA, Ritesh Kumar Choudhary, Gautam, Nidhan Singh, Ramjee Nagarajan (Inserted by Manoj Gupta), Surajit Koley (validation by J.M.Garg) & Nidhan Singh (Validation by J.M.Garg) (For more images and details, please click on the links)) Euploca ovalifolia (Forsk.) Diane & Hilger(Images by Surajit Koley, J.M.Garg, Prashant Awale & Sonia Chauhan (Both Ids […]

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Ipomoea lobata (Muscat, Oman)

Ipomoea lobata (Cerv.) Thell., Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zürich 65: 775 775 1919. (Syn: Convolvulus mina (G. Don) Kuntze; Ipomoea mina (G. Don) VOSS; Mina cordata Micheli; Mina lobata Cerv.; Quamoclit lobata (Cerv.) House; Quamoclit pallescens Brongn. ex Neumann); Images by Aarti Khale – validation by Balkar Singh    Ipomoea lobata : Confirmation of ID : 210112 […]

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Role of Bees in Pollination

Panel Discussion on Role of Bees in Pollination:   NATIONAL BEE DAY Celebrate the Indian honeybee with family and friends Where Maharashtra Nature Park (Dharavi) When Sunday February 5th, 9 am to 2 pm Bees work hard to bring us honey. But did you know they play an even more important role in putting food […]

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Yucca species

Yucca species;         Garden Plant for ID : 300112 : Kenya : AK-3: A garden plant seen in Nairobi, Kenya in Jan,2009. Cultivated, like bushes some as high as 8-10 feet. White flowers seen. Dracaena species? Looks like some Yucca to me. yes this is Yucca Thanks for the id.Yucca didn’t come […]

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Euphorbia larica (Oman)

Euphorbia larica Boiss., Cent. Euphorb. 24 1860. (Syn: Tirucalia larica (Boiss.) P.V.Heath); Images by Aarti Khale    Euphorbia larica : 310112 : Oman : AK: Sharing a picture Euphorbia larica from Muscat, Oman growing wild. A very common plant. Picture taken on the 30/12/11. Identified from the book ‘Wild Plants of Oman’ by Helen Pickering […]

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  Mischodon zeylanicus Thwaites (Sri Lanka, S. India, Andaman Is. as per WCSP)       Species as per Flora of India Vol 23 (2012) (Editors N. P. Balakrishnan, T. Chakrabarty, M. Sanjappa, P. Lakshminarsimhan & P. Singh- by Botanical Survey of India): Mischodon zeylanicus Thwaites   ‎Mischodon page (‎‎‎‎‎Picrodendraceae) with images of species in […]

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Catha edulis (Cultivated)

Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl., Ench. bot. 575. 1841(Syn: (≡) Celastrus edulis Vahl (basionym));  Arabian tea,[1] khat,[1] qat, gat, or miraa,[1] ;        Trees of Labagh, Bangalore – Catha edulis, (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl. Arabian Tea Tree – RA: Khat is a slow-growing shrub or tree that grows to between 1.4 and 3.1 […]

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Pouzolzia pentandra

P. pentandra (Roxb.) Benn. & R. Br. ssp. pentandra (Himachal, UP, Bihar, Punjab, Jammu, Nepal, Sikkim, UP, Uttranchal, Assam, Bihar, MP, Maharashtra, AP, Karnataka )       Ssp. wightii (Benn. & R. Br.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear var. wightii (Orissa, TN, Karnataka, Kerala, AP, Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka) Syn: P. caudata Benn.; P. scabra Wight     Ssp. […]

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Bamboo water fountain

Bamboo water fountain: I would like to share the pictures of Bamboo Water fountain at NBNP, based on the This set up work very well for house garden.      

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Caesalpinia sappan ?

Caesalpinia sappan L. ?;        300112 BRS 301: Pl. find the attached file contain seeds for id. request. (Some Caesalpiniaceae sp-.not sure?) I got it through my field asst. no other photos are available. Date: 28.01.2012 Location: Tholampalayam, Coimbatore Dist. Habitat:Garden Habit: Tree The pods to me look like those of Pongamia pinnata […]

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Peperomia polybotrya (Cultivated)

Peperomia polybotrya Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 1: 60-61, t. 5 60 1815. (Syn: Piper polybotrya (Kunth) Poir.; Piper polybotryon Spreng.; Piper polybotryum Poir.; Piper polybotryum Roem. & Schult.);  Ecuador, Peru, Colombia (Cauca, Nario, Tolima), ?Honduras as per Catalogue of Life;     Garden Plant for ID : 300112 : Kenya : AK-1: A […]

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Father Santapau – 109th birth anniversary

    Father Santapau – 109th birth anniversary: I have just been informed by a good friend from Spain that today is the 109th birth anniversary of Father Santapau. My friend Miguel’s uncle, also a Jesuit and serious plant aficionado, knew him very well and both of them shared the same birthplace in north-east Spain. […]

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