Breynia disticha J.R.Forst. & G.Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. 73 1775. (Syn: Breynia axillaris Spreng.; Breynia disticha var. neocaledonica (Baill.) Müll.Arg.; Breynia disticha f. nivosa (W.Bull) Croizat ex Radcl.-Sm.; Breynia disticha var. nivosa (W. Bull) Croizat; Breynia nivosa (W.Bull) Small; Breynia nivosa var. roseopicta (Regel) F.Br.; Melanthesa neocaledonica Baill.; Melanthesa neocaledonica var. forsteri Müll.Arg.; Phyllanthus nivosus W.Bull; Phyllanthus nivosus W.G. Sm.; Phyllanthus sandwicensis var. hypoglaucus H.Lév.);
. New Caledonia to Vanuatu; Introduced into: Bolivia, Caroline Is., Chagos Archipelago, Cook Is., Cuba, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Florida, Gambia, Guinea, Gulf of Guinea Is., Haiti, Hawaii, Leeward Is., Line Is., Marianas, Marshall Is., Niue, Norfolk Is., Ogasawara-shoto, Puerto Rico, Samoa, Seychelles, Society Is., Trinidad-Tobago, Tuamotu, Windward Is. as per POWO; .
Common name: Hawaiian Snowbush
Plant for Id- 080112- NS1- flora of Madhya Pradesh: Looks like some species of Phyllanthus; please wait for comments. Looks like a Breynia species, may be B. disticha, an ornamental plant. Yes … it looks lik..B.disticha. I m not sur of d cultivars. But d ‘roseopicta’ plts hv rose/red coloration (frm d lnk u provided) whras ur plt is green. So I prfr 2 cal it up 2 sp lvl only, til v get mor responses frm members. Nothing against anybody but in the above context I would like to share an article published in Mondays Economic Times about the online manners. Breynia : 4 posts by 2 authors. The plant tolerates moderately high temperature (40 to 44 degree Celsius) under humid conditions, as I have seen in Chennai. May not tolerate lower temperature . 12052014GS1 a shrub for ID from Karnal-GSJUN02 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2). This may be some Breynia species… Yes … is right,
This is Breynia nivosa. Very common garden plant. planted for its variegated foliage. Thank you … for the species ID. I have been looking for it since long….. I am seeing it for the first time. This is very common hedge plant in Vir Jijamata Udyan and Hanging Garden, Mumbai. Correct name is B. disticha Rather B. disticha f. nivosa / Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : 07112013 ARK-25 : Breynia disticha from Mumbai – March 2013 : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Attached are pictures of Breynia disticha in Mumbai in March 2013.
I have never seen fruits on this tree.
Kindly validate ID… An exotic species ? I do not know it. An exotic species not recorded in any literature. Adding some more photographs of the same plant I am really seeing it for the first time efi page on Breynia disticha (syn. B. nivosa) I think it should be Breynia disticha (Cultivated) as per details and discussions herein. Requesting ID of this plant of Breynia species : 10042012 : ARK-03 : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Attaching photographs of the flowering of the Breynia species.
Requesting ID…. Breynia vitis-idaea as can be understood from the photos. Breynia retusa, the cup and saucer plant. efi pages: Breynia retusa & Breynia vitis-idaea Breynia retusa I think it should be Breynia disticha (Cultivated) as per details and discussions herein.
Location: Eden Project, Cornwall, UK
Altitude: 60m.
Date: 03 April 2022
Habit : Cultivated . |