104th TAW at Silonda, SGNP, Mumbai : Attachments (1)- List of the trees of Silonda trail.docx Dear Friends, पाऊसाचे देव, Mr Indra, is sitting still, at the edge of some horizon with a view…… looking down at the desiccated landscape …… not yet willing to release “elixir of life”….. in desperation, so many Bull Frogs are being married off in UP, Udipi, Gujarat, MP, in hope to please Him but Mr Indra seems in two mind “ to smile or not to smile” on us.However, few showers, here and there, have escaped His attentions…..numerous ephemerals took the opportunity to start their life cycle…… the beautiful Crinum lilies, Curculigo orchioides (Kali Musli), Curcuma pseudomontana (Hill Turmeric) , Scilla hyacinthine , Solena amplexicaulis, Ampelocissus latifolia…… let’s admire their courage to grow and flourish in whatever available conditions….. meet us for our Tree appreciation Walk on 7th July at 7.30 am outside NIC gate….. details as follows… The 104th walk is on Sunday 7th July,2019 Venue: Silonda Trail, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Borivali Time: 7.30 Duration of walk: 2 hours Meeting Point: at NIC centre, from the ticket window its about 5 mints Walk.
Please buy your ticket which is Rs.58/- per head. Car ticket is approximately Rs 195. Also note we have to pay Rs 100/- to forest department for entering the Silonda trail and Rs 10 for the forest guide. Please pay the said money to your group leader and kindly bring exact change so we do not waste time].
Most Important: 1. Registration for our this, 7th July2019 , Sunday’s Tree Appreciation Walk, is compulsory. There are changes in their official system of giving permission for the visit to restricted area of SGNP.
We request whoever is planning to join us for this Sunday walk, please register your name with us. Once you buy your ticket at the entrance, please meet us at the NIC (Nature Information Center) which is just 5 minutes walk from the main gate. After you meet us at the gate we will collect money which is Rs.100/- per head and take the permission from NIC.
From NIC to Silonda trail is 1 km, you have to have your vehicle or take a private taxi which are available there.We will guide you about it.
We will wait at NIC till 7.45 am and then move to Silonda Trail…….please reach NIC by 7.45 am.
You may call me if any information/assistant required at my phone no 9869429032. Once we leave NIC, you may not get the phone signal so will not be able to get in touch with me.
Sorry for all these inconveniences……these are not of our making …in spite of all these obstacles, Silonda trail is a heaven on earth, as I said there might be possibilities of meeting पाऊसाचे देव, Mr Indra……come prepared!!
Very Important : Please Don’t be late, specially those who are coming for the 1st time for the trail in the park & not familiar with the area….there will be other groups also for their walks and it will be very difficult to locate us once we leave for Silonda trail. Also the queue for tickets will be very long so do come early.
And as you all are aware that in forest we have to follow certain Do’s & Don’ts……..Here are some….
a) Please wear dull cloths only……preferably dark green, brown, black.
b) No plastics bags or wrappers…..carry food or snacks in boxes which you carry back home.
c) Carry Odomos or any mosquito repellent, drinking water.
f) Have proper rain wear & good rainy shoes.
g] Stay with the group.
h] Each one responsible for their own safety .
I] Take nothing from nature. Leave nothing behind except your footprints. Take lots of pictures and memories.
Park gate opens at 7.30 am.
List of the trees which we are planning to show is attached here with.
Hope to see you all,
TAW Team List
104th TAW at Silonda, SGNP, Mumbai
Updated on December 24, 2024