eFi Man/Woman of month..2013MonthMembersModerators JanuaryMs. Aarti KhaleDr. Balkar Arya February Dr. D S RawatDr. Gurcharan SinghMarchMs. Bhagyashri Ranade Mr. J M GargAprilMs. Aarti Khale Dr. Nidhan Singh MayMr. Surajit Koley Dr. Gurcharan Singh JuneMs Alka Khare Mr. J. M. Garg JulyMs Aarti Khale Dr. Nidhan Singh AugustMr. Surajit Koley Dr. Satish Phadke SeptemberMs. Alka Khare Mr. J. M. Garg OctoberMs. aarti Khale Star of Month Dr. Pankaj Kumar Sahni Most Interactive Person November MIPMs. Aarti Khale Dr. Tapas Chakrabarty Dr. N. Balakrishnan December MIPMost Interactive person for the yearTop posters of 2013Check other years:2015 2014 2012 2011 MainMs. Alka KhareMs. Aarti Khale 2013…Dr. Nidhan SinghMr. J. M. Garg Updated on December 24, 2024Related Articles Stars of family fortnights- 2014 Stars of family fortnights- 2013 Star/MIP of the month…..2016 Star/MIP of the month…..2015 Stars of family fortnights- 2015 Star/MIP of the month…..2014