Stars of family fortnights- 2014

2010-11    2012  2013    2015
Star of Monthly Fortnights 2014……………Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Runner-up Star of Monthly Fortnights 2014……..Dr. Nidhan Singh

Family, Group or ThemeCoordinatorStar of the Fortnight
2014January114Celastraceae & SapindaceaeDr. Robert H. Archer & Dr. B. RoyDr. Gurcharan Singh
Mr. Dinesh Valke
Mr. Prashant Awale
Dr. Nidhan Singh
2014February 1114, aSalicaceaeDr. Sukla Chanda & Dr. T. ChakrabartyDr. Sukla Chanda
2014March 1-14 aDilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and AnnonaceaeDr. Santhosh Kumar Dr. Navendu PageMr. Prashant Awale
Ms Aarti Khale
2014April 1114 aEricaceae (incl. Vacciniaceae)Dr. S.Panda 
Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Dr. Satish Phadke
2014May114 aPolygonaceaeDr. Ritesh Kumar ChoudharyDr. Gurcharan Singh
Dr. Nidhan Singh
Mr. Prashant Awale
2014June1-14 aPlumbaginaceae, Primula- ceae and MyrsinaceaeDr. Gurcharan SinghDr. Gurcharan Singh
Dr. Nidhan Singh, Dr. D S Rawat, Mr. Prashant Awale & Dr. Gurinder Goraya
2014July114 aCampanulaceae and Gentianaceae Dr. V. K. Haridasan (Campanulaceae), Dr. Shahina Shanavas (Gentianaceae)Mr. Prashant Awale
2014August1-31 a bAraceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Manudev Madhavan, Shrikant Ingalhalikar and Prabhu KumarMs Aarti Khale
Mr. Surajit Koley
Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Ms Alka Khare
Dr. Satish Phadke
2014September11-24Piperaceae, Lauraceae and ThymelaeaceaDr. Padma Raj Gajurel (Piperaceae)
Dr. Robi Jose (Lauraceae)

2014October1-14Menispermaceae, Berberi- daceae, Nymphaeaceae and Nelumbonac​eae Dr. Vijayasankar Raman (Menispermaceae)       Dr. Gurcharan Singh (Nymphaeaceae and Nelumbonac​eae)
Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Dr. Nidhan Singh



15-28 a

Hypericaceae, Clusiaceae and Dipterocarpaceae

Dr. Gurcharan Singh

Mr Prashant Awale

Dr. Nidhan Singh



1124 a

Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae

Dr. Ushadi Micromini, Dr. Gurcharan Singh & Dr. P. Santhan

Ms. Aarti Khale

Updated on December 24, 2024

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