Abelmoschus angulosus

Abelmoschus angulosus Wall. ex Wight & Arn., Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 53 1834. (Syn: Abelmoschus angulosus var. grandiflorus Thwaites; Bamia angulosa Wall.; Hibiscus angulosus (Wall. ex Wight & Arn.) Steudel; Hibiscus angulosus var. grandiflorus Thw.; Hibiscus angulosus var. purpureus Thwaites; Hibiscus molochinus Alston; Hibiscus primulinus Alston; Hymenocalyx variabilis Zenk.);
a-bel-MOS-kus — father (source) of musk … Dave’s Botanary
an-gew-LOH-sus — full of corners; many angles … Dave’s Botanary
gran-dih-FLOR-us — with large flowers … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: yellow wild musk mallow
India: Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Kerala; Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Indonesia as per BSI Flora of India;

Prickly annual shrubs. Leaves orbicular, 3-5 lobed, hastate or cordate at base, sparsely tomentose on both sides, to 12 x 10 cm; basally 9-ribbed. Flowers in terminal racemes. Epicalyx segment ovate-acute, densely hairy along margins. Petals obovate, yellow with purple base, 8-10 cm long. Capsule densely hairy, subtended by the enlarged epicalyx.

Flowering and fruiting: October-February
Moist deciduous, semi-evergreen and shola forests
Indo-Malesia to Australia
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi


ANJAN19/19 Abelmoschus angulosus (Please validate)  : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (14)

Family: Malvaceae
Date: 28th December 2014
Place: Someshwara
Wildlife Sanctuary
Habit: Herb

May be Hibiscus setinervis Dunn

The name of this plant is Abelmoschus angulosus var. grandiflorus.

I am confused how can one get a var in wild and how can we the diagnosis down to that level based on some picture???

I have revised this genus for India. I have studied all species of Abelmoschus very well. Therefore, I could identify the given specimen. For Abelmoschus the character of epicalyx and fruit is very important.
Feel free to ask more questions.



Agumbe Ghat :: Abelmoschus angulosus var. grandiflorus :: DVJAN11  : 2 posts by 2 authors. 6 images.
Agumbe Ghat (part of Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary)Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka

Date: 28 DEC 2014 Altitude: about 600 m asl at crest, about 250 m asl at foothill
Many thanks to … for the ID in … post ANJAN19/19.
Abelmoschus angulosus var. grandiflorus Thwaites … (family: Malvaceae).


Attigundi Road Karnataka
Date: 14 NOV 2016 … Altitude: ~ 1450 – 1600 m (4750 – 5250 ft) asl
¿ Hibiscus ? … (family: Fabaceae)

Dear friends,
This mallow, about 4 – 5 cm across, has left me intrigued. It seems as if the flower manages to keep its bud intact!
The flower “looks” like an Althaea. Please help.

This is Abelmoschus angulosus Wall ex.Wight &Arn.
Thanks to Gurumurthy Hegde for suggesting the ID.

… fits very nicely to botanical painting at Wikimedia.
and also herbarium specimens at JCB Herbarium (Digital Flora of Karnataka).
The leaves of this species appear to be highly variable.

Further to the ID, Abelmoschus angulosus Wall ex.Wight & Arn. var. purpureus Thwaites
Reference: Malvaceae of Southern Peninsular India: A Taxonomic Monograph by V. V. Sivarajan, A. K. Pradeep


via Species‎ > ‎A‎ > Abelmoschus angulosus Wall. ex Wight & Arn. var. purpureus Thwaites … family: Malvaceae

a-bel-MOS-kus — father (source) of musk … Dave’s Botanary
an-gew-LOH-sus — full of corners; many angles … Dave’s Botanary
pur-PUR-ee-us — purple … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: purple wild musk mallow

botanical names: Abelmoschus angulosus Wall. ex Wight & Arn. var. purpureus Thwaites … synonyms: Hibiscus angulosus var. purpureus (Thwaites) Mast. • Hibiscus molochinus Alston • Hibiscus setinervis Dunn … Malvaceae of Southern Peninsular India: A Taxonomic Monograph by V. V. Sivarajan, A. K. Pradeep

November 14, 2016 … along Attigundi Road, Karnataka

Abelmoschus angulosus Wall. ex Wight & Arn. var. purpureus Thwaites
a-bel-MOS-kus — father (source) of musk … Dave’s Botanary
an-gew-LOH-sus — full of corners; many angles … Dave’s Botanary
pur-PUR-ee-us — purple … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: purple wild musk mallow
botanical namesAbelmoschus angulosus Wall. ex Wight & Arn. var. purpureus Thwaites … synonymsHibiscus angulosus var. purpureus (Thwaites) Mast. • Hibiscus molochinus Alston • Hibiscus setinervis Dunn … Malvaceae of Southern Peninsular India: A Taxonomic Monograph by V. V. Sivarajan, A. K. Pradeep
Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
purple wild musk mallow
Abelmoschus — father (source) of musk … Dave’s Botanary
Among the three varieties of Abelmoschus angulosus, this variety bears pink or purple coloured flowers … Malvaceae of Southern Peninsular India: A Taxonomic Monograph by V. V. Sivarajan, A. K. Pradeep
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


via Species‎ > ‎A‎ > Abelmoschus angulosus Wall. ex Wight & Arn. var. grandiflorus Thwaites … family: Malvaceae

a-bel-MOS-kus — father (source) of musk … Dave’s Botanary
an-gew-LOH-sus — full of corners; many angles … Dave’s Botanary
gran-dih-FLOR-us — with large flowers … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: yellow wild musk mallow

botanical names: Abelmoschus angulosus var. grandiflorus Thwaites … synonyms: Hibiscus angulosus var. grandiflorus (Thwaites) Mast. • Hibiscus primulinus Alston … Malvaceae of Southern Peninsular India: A Taxonomic Monograph by V. V. Sivarajan, A. K. Pradeep

December 28, 2014 … along Agumbe Ghat, Karnataka 

adavi benda in telugu sir Excelent photograp sir…..

Abelmoschus angulosus Wall. ex Wight & Arn. var. grandiflorus Thwaites
a-bel-MOS-kus — father (source) of musk … Dave’s Botanary
an-gew-LOH-sus — full of corners; many angles … Dave’s Botanary
gran-dih-FLOR-us — with large flowers … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: yellow wild musk mallow
botanical namesAbelmoschus angulosus var. grandiflorus Thwaites … synonymsHibiscus angulosus var. grandiflorus (Thwaites) Mast. • Hibiscus primulinus Alston … Malvaceae of Southern Peninsular India: A Taxonomic Monograph by V. V. Sivarajan, A. K. Pradeep
Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
yellow wild musk mallow
Abelmoschus — father (source) of musk … Dave’s Botanary
Among the three varieties of Abelmoschus angulosus, this variety bears bright yellow dark-eyed flowers … Malvaceae of Southern Peninsular India: A Taxonomic Monograph by V. V. Sivarajan, A. K. Pradeep
~~~~~ x ~~~~~




Wild Hibiscus species : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Wild Hibiscus species from Talagoppa area of Karnataka

Pl. Check comparative images at EFI.

Does not match with any species already there in efi at Hibiscus
May be some other genus ?

Genus is Abelmoschus
Plant may be- Abelmoschus manihot subsp. tetraphyllus (Roxb. ex Hornem.) Borss. Waalk.

Thank you …, It is looking very close to the image of Abelmoschus angulosus (Flowers of India)

It looks like Hibiscus calyphyllus Cav., provided epicalyx lobes 5, larger than calyx; they are not clearly visible, capsule hairy, spinous pointed.

Hibiscus calyphyllus Cav. is not an Indian element, linear epicalyx present there in Hibiscus calyphyllus
http://florakarnataka.ces.iisc.ac.in has given the description and also reported Abelmoschs angulosus from Shimoga area, Epicalyx is ovate 4-5 lobed.



Makutta Ghat Karnataka
Date: 24 FEB 2017 … Elevation range: ~ 87 – 263 m (288 – 865 ft) asl
Abelmoschus angulosus var. grandiflorus Thwaites … (family: Malvaceae)

Superb again..


ID KANNUR 1 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Please identify this small shrub from Kannur District of Kerala.

Some Malvaceae member?

Mostly Abelmoschus manihot

Thanks, …, for the initial id.
I think more closer to images at Abelmoschus angulosus rather than those at Abelmoschus manihot subsp. tetraphyllus




Catalogue of life  The Plant List Ver.1.1 GRIN  India Biodiversity Portal  Wikipedia  India Biodiversity Portal (Abelmoschus angulosus var. purpureusKerala Plants (Abelmoschus angulosus var. purpureusFlowers of India (Abelmoschus angulosus var. purpureus)
Malvaceae of Southern Peninsular India: A Taxonomic Monograph By V. V. Sivarajan, A. K. Pradeep (1996- Details) 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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