Abrus species

Abrus species;

info on Abrus indicus : 6 posts by 4 authors.

I need some help in the taxonomical classification of this abrus species, i ve read from one text on this species but not able to get any further information on it, all my searches hit on abrus precatorius. pl share information on this species and also the genus

from where you got this name? As far as i know there is no species having the name ‘indicus’ under this genus. So pl provide the source reference.

sir, i do not remember exactly which text it was, i am sorry even if this is a wrong species name, but i need more information on this genus sir, pl help

There are about 17 species listed under this Genus.
More you can get from the International legume database and information service.
This can be accessed from the following link. http://www.ildis.org/

There are seven variants in Abrus indicus.

Sir could u pl provide me with information, it would be very useful

Updated on December 24, 2024

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