Abutilon fruticosum (Oman)



Abutilon For ID : Oman : 290513 : AK-2 : Attachments (3).  7 posts by 3 authors.

Found this Abutilon species growing wild in Muscat on 17/5/13.

Can our experts id the species please?

it may be Abutilon fruticosum var. microphyllum.

Ref.: FP
Interesting looking plant!

Thanks … for a possible id.

Very close to my picture.

Could Abutilon sonneratianum also be a possible id?

…, please refer to the leaf apex and the number of mericarps in A. sonneratianum. They don’t seem to match with the posted plant. Let’s wait for more comments.

Thanks for the feedback.
It was just a guess while searching pictures on the net.
We will wait for more comments.

You are somewhere very close to the id, may be the right id.

I was lucky to capture an open flower yesterday evening on the same plant.

Attaching for you to see.

Flora of Qatar. ??

Dr Annette Patzelt of Oman Botanic Garden has identified this plant as Abutilon fruticosum.
…. had suggested the same earlier.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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