Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet, Hort. Brit. 53 1826. (Syn: Abutilon graveolens (Roxb. ex Hornem.) Wight & Arn.; Abutilon graveolens var. queenslandicum Domin; Abutilon heterotrichum Hochst. ex Mattei; Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) G. Don; Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Jacob Cord.; Abutilon hirtum var. heterotrichum (Hochst. ex Mattei) Cufod.; Abutilon hirtum var. yuanmouense K.M.Feng; Abutilon indicum (L.) DON; Abutilon indicum var. hirtum (Lam.) Griseb.; Abutilon kotschyi Hochst. ex Webb; Abutilon lugardii Hochr. & Schinz; Napaea incurva Moench (Unresolved); Sida hirta Lam.; Sida pilosa L’Hér.; Sida graveolens Roxb. ex Hornem.); . Malvaceae week: RVS4: Abutilon hirtum: Abutilon hirtum (Lam) Sweet SN May 11 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments(2). Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet (Malvaceae) A shrub near villages, river bank etc, collected near Krishnagiri dam
Malvaceae For ID : Bangalore : 03DEC14 : AK-10 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Malvaceae seen on 16/11/14. Seems to be Abutilon Species, but the red centre is confusing me. Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet along KSH 34 between Malamba & Gundolli :: Abutilon pannosum FOR VALIDATION :: DVFEB47/80 : 25 posts by 5 authors. 2 images. along Karnataka State Highway No. 34 … between Malamba & Gundolli Date: 15 OCT 2011 … Altitude: about 640 m asl Abutilon ¿ pannosum ? … (family: Malvaceae) Shrub, about 1 m height; flower about 30 mm across, fruit about 15 mm across. efi page on Abutilon pannosum To me it seems to be Abutilon indicum.
I do not think the fruit description of Roxburgh’s plant, in FI, matches with the fruit picture in this thread. Neither the same FI description matches with other posts identified in our database. Yes, agreed … with all your points. Thank you …, the problem is FoP recognizes both muticum, with different author citation, and pannosum. Roxburgh’s plant has fruit both top and bottom rounded. It appears to me the top of your mericarps are not exactly rounded. But at the same time I also understand that what Roxburgh recorded in writing may be a bit different with the real thing. Thanks … for all the efforts. You must have already viewed the only herbarium of A. pannosum in KEW site. The fruit is not clear there. So, it is hard to tell. I agree that A. indicum has more prominent beaks. However, Roxburgh noted “Capsules about twenty, nearly as high as the calyx, in a depressed verticel, very downy, reniform, equally rounded at each end, this mark distinguishes it immediately from S. indica and asiatica….” This is a very interesting thread. I have posted in a separate thread what I believe is A. pannosum with all the relevant details. Please take a look, … efi thread Good morning … Since I do not know how Abutilon pannosum looks like I cannot say if the your posted plant is the same. Thanks … for your upload of possible A. pannosum. (Perhaps not pannosum – mericarps do not appear rounded at top, and the calyx is relatively very short). My naive query: 1) the mericarps could assume different shape as they dry up – thus would seem higher than the calyx 2) the calyx when drying tend to re-curve; would appear of lesser dimension than that seen in a tender fruit – as can be seen in the first pic of the posted plant. So much said – the posted plant may be different; some species other than indicum AND pannosum. 🙂 I asked myself the very question you have pointed out when I was examining the KEW herb. My another query was can dried up mericarps have a bit pointed tip? That is why I cannot rule out any possibility and repeatedly said that maybe Roxburgh’s plant is not the type species. Now please check an old thread which was identified and placed under Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet in our database – efi thread, not the picture of the original post but pic no. Abutilon indicum is it I2 IMG_5261.jpg and series. Many many thanks … for all your efforts. Yesterday night Anurag helped me with following links … Abutilon pannosum: herbarium | description With all that you discussed and pointed out, I am convinced that the posted plant is not A. pannosum; it must be A. hirtum. Many thanks to Anurag too – especially for the herbarium of A. pannosum. Thank you very much …, for everything and links. Oh yes … colours in descriptions help in general identification. Variation in colours is quite possible. Thanks for this clarity. The posted plant could be as simple as Abutilon indicum. The mericarps are acute (not rounded at tip), about 18 (20 or less) and the plant doesn’t seem to have viscid hairs – all pointing to A. indicum. OK …!!!! Thank you very much. Thanks … …, can you please check the number of carpels, which is still green in one of your photographs? About 26 or 28 My count is about 25, not sure but certainly more than 20. So, let’s wait for … Thank you for the upload. I get to learn something about Abutilon, just as you have said the efforts have helped knowing about abutilons a bit better. haha, counting is often controversial 🙂 we need a third umpire now… I counted the dry fruit wherein the mericarps are dehisced/opened up and have two halves each (seen as lobes from side view) and counting was easier here. I also counted a green fruit from an another picture posted by … at flickr where the edges/tips of mericarps are clearly visible. In both, the mericarps are less than 20. But, I can be wrong. If it is more than 20, then it can’t be A. indicum which I suggested earlier. So, we still need to understand the characters clearly and we also need an unambiguous key for this genus covering larger number of species. I agree …, counting is controversial. At the same time your other points in earlier mail were also controversial –
If we start from KEY 3 in FoC and proceed to KEY4 we will see mericarps in A. hirtum will have either acute or obscurely (to 2mm) awned apices. If we start from KEY8 of FoP we will see A. hirtum will have mericarps acute or with a small mucro If we read Haines in BoBO we will see – “head of carpels rounded, muticous or mucronate
Haines recorded – “the whole plant covered with a tomentum much as in A. indica, but also with glandular pubescence and long soft hairs on the branches, peduncles, etc.” Very little we can see branches and peduncles in the attached pictures in this thread. FoP and Roxburgh’s account is “clammy pubescence” … flickr account of A. indicum features old photographs too. Here, in this thread there are only two photographs. It is impossible to count mericarps in the 2nd pic. In the first pic You are possibly correct about the number of mericarps in the dry fruit. But when we count number of carpels we cannot reject young fruit, in fact young fruit bears more validity, I think, in the sense that all carpels may not attain full maturity when a fruit is ripe. … seems to busy with something else. …, if you count number of styles and stigma (red coloured) int he flower of your first pic you will see there are at least 23 clearly visible. So, your species is not A. indicum (L.) Sweet as per KEY given by Vijay Sir in this thread. In A. hirtum (Lam.) Sweet each merricarp is acute tipped as per KEY provided by Vijay Sir in another thread. The picture in the FloraKarnataka link you have provided clearly shows viscid hairs. The buds there exactly same as in your second pic. Haines’, Roxburgh’s plant has flowers with darker centre – ferruginous/crimson/purple (FoC, FloraKarnataka).
As per recent discussion in various thread I think it is likely to be so. It is Abutilon hirtum Malvaceae Fortnight- Post 20:: Abutilon from Kurukshetra: NS August 05/05 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Please help to id these old shots of mine recorded from near Kurukshetra.. I regret for insufficient pics.. Can this be Abutilon hirtum? A very similar looking flower posted by me was identifies as Abutilon hirtum (Lam) Sweet. Seen growing wild in Bangalore. Malvaceae Fortnight- Post 18:: Abutilon sp. from Ujjain (M.P.): NS August 03/03 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5) Kindly identify this Abutilon specimen. Please observe the hairy and sticky shoots. Could this be Abutilon hirtum (Malvaceae)…..?? Habit: Under shrub Habitat: Waste land by the road side. Sighting: Kadur, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 800 msl Date: 16-11-2014 I think seems to match with images at Abutilon hirtum Kindly identify this Abutilon specimen (Malvaceae) Habit: Under shrub Habitat: Waste lands by the road sides. Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl Date: 10-09-2015 and 03-10-2015 Kindly identify this Abutilon specimen (Malvaceae) Habit: Under shrub Habitat: Waste lands by the road sides Sighting: Tumkur, Karnataka, about 800 msl Date: 12-10-2014 Is it not Abutilon hirtum (pl. see the images here) again ? This could be Abutilon indicum ssp. guineense (=A. asiaticum). yes it is A. hirtum (Lam) Sweet. Thanks … Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet :: Malvaceae :: MKJAN2017 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) Name: Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet Family: Malvaceae Date: 28 Dec 2016 Alt.: 125 m asl Location: Guntur District, Andhrapradesh
Wild Plant For ID : Malvaceae : Bangalore : 26JAN17 : AK-5 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Pl. Check comparative images in EFI at Abutilon Appears close to images at Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet I think … is right. It looks like Abutilon hirtum to me too. Wild Plant For ID : Malvaceae : Bangalore : 26JAN17 : AK-6 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Pics taken on 7th Jan, near a lake. Abutilon Species? An earlier post, taken at another location was identified by … as Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet. Is this also the same? Appears close to images at Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet Yes it is Abutilon hirtum, the dark ring in the inner corolla, the flowers open in the evening Abutilon for ID : Oman : 041012 : AK-3: Height of the plant about 2-3 feet with yellow flowers.. Flower size about 1 inch Id please. what about Abutilon hirtum ? I checked in flowersofindia, this could be Abutilon hirtum var. heterotrichum. …, kindly validate. Malvaceae Week – Abutilon persicum – 070911- RK1: I think this is Abutilon hirtum. The picture in wiki needs a recheck. Agree with … This is not Persian Mallow. Sending my photographs of Abutilon persicum for comparison. yes Abutilon hirtum, its similar to A. asiaticum except red spot in middle. Id requested for this Abutilon sp. : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Abutilon hirtum. ID provided by … Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet Family : Malvaceae Place : Midnapore, West Bengal , India Date : 11 January 2019 cultivated or wild? pics are good Wild, i am found it in a road side.
Wild Flower for Bot. ID-211109-RK-2 : Attachments (1). 7 posts by 4 authors. … could it be Abutilon persicum ? looks like some Abutilon sp. … Is this Abutilon persicum? … had suggested this. Would like confirmation. it doesn’t look like Abution persicum. to me it looks more like Abutilun indicum but the red colour at the base of corola is not present in indicum this should be either A. indicum or A. hirtum. Two forms of flowers (with and without the purple/red center) occur in both the species. Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet .
Abutilon pannosum (G.Forst.) Schltdl. ! Please Check ! Maybe A.hirtum as per keys in BSI Flora of India. .
Abutilon pannosum (G.Forst.) Schltdl. ! Please Check ! Maybe A.hirtum as per keys in BSI Flora of India.
Appears to be Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet only. . Please ID this flowering plant spotted in central India: 1 image. Location: Outskirts of Indore, central india Date: June 2021 Plant height: shrub, 2ft tall seeds: dry cluster, very similar to seeds of abutilon indicum Abutilon pannosum (G.Forst.) Schltdl. or Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet ?? It seems to be Abutilon hirtum. . Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet :: Khanapur, Belgaum :: Oct 15, 2011 · JUN23 DV440: 2 images. Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet Khanapur, Belgaum :: Oct 15, 2011 · 5:18 PM IST :: about 594 m (1949 ft) asl . References: |
Abutilon hirtum
Updated on December 24, 2024