Abutilon × hybridum (Cultivated)

Abutilon ×hybridum hort. ex Voss, Vilm. Blumengärtn. ed. 3, 1:135. 1894;
Images by Gurcharan Singh, Gurcharan Singh, Gurcharan Singh & Gurcharan Singh, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)

Shrub up to 2 m tall with soft-wood; leaves usually 3-5 lobed, green or variegated; flowers solitary often nodding like a lantern when young, expanding when mature, usually red or orange with various patterns; calyx about 2.5 cm long; petals 4-5 cm long.
In A.striatum the leaves are much/ deeply lobed whereas in A. hybridum the leaves are generally bigger and less lobed. A. hybridum leaves has a maple like in appearance.
In A. hybridum the calyx is broader whereas in A. striatum it is narrower and longer than that of the other species.

Malvaceae Week: Abutilon hybridum from California:  Abutilon × hybridum Voss, Vilm. Blumengartn. ed. 3, 1: 135, 1894

Common name: Chinese lantern (name also shared by Physalis alkengi)
Shrub up to 2 m tall with soft-wood; leaves usually 3-5 lobed, green or variegated; flowers solitary often nodding like a lantern when young, expanding when mature, usually red or orange with various patterns; calyx about 2.5 cm long; petals 4-5 cm long.

Photographed in California, often planted in private houses.

yes, sepals are  quite distinctive… 

Flora of California 1: Abutilon hybridum: Common name: Chinese lantern (name also shared by Physalis alkengi)

Shrub up to 2 m tall with soft-wood; leaves usually 3-5 lobed, green or variegated; flowers solitary often nodding like a lantern when young, expanding when mature, usually red or orange with various patterns; calyx about 2.5 cm long; petals 4-5 cm long.

Photographed in California, often planted in private houses. 



Garden Flower for ID : 180711 : AK-2: Taken at Kodaikanal on 23/10/2008.
Found these in a number of places in different colors.
Indian Mallow?

Abutilon species. (could be A.voodoo?)

This is Abutilon striatum Dickson ex Lindl. of Malvaceae; found in high altitudes of TN.

Kindly refer

Yes this is Abutilon striatum see the link

Or perhaps Abutilon hybridum.

Differences between two would be interesting to explore.

Yes  … Abutilon hybridum

My ID is based on the photographs available in the net especially toptropicals.com, wherein a large number of ornamental Abutilon pictures are posted. I had chosen A. hybridum and A. voodoo initially and later went for A.voodoo. It is quite possible this could be some other species, as the photographs are always deceptive and direct observations are the best for ID.

I too stand for Abutilon hybridum of Malvaceae family and I think the main difference is in the leaf. In A.striatum the leaves are much/ deeply lobed whereas in A. hybridum the leaves are generally bigger and less lobed. A. hybridum leaves has a maple like in appearance.
In A. hybridum the calyx is broader whereas in A. striatum it is narrower and longer than that of the other species.

Both these species generally show huge variation in leaf size and shape, flower color etc

Can you please highlight the difference, taxonomic-ally, between A.voodoo and A. hybridum



Malvaceae Week – For ID – 100911 – RK3:  Request ID. Pic taken in Lalbagh,Bangalore on 14.06.09 a 8.45am. Large [regular hibiscus-sized] shrub.

I hope Abutilon hybridum, uploaded by me from California.

Abutilon hybridum ‘Lucky Lantern Yellow’ from Sunnyvale, California.
a cultivar with lemon yellow downward facing lantern shaped flowers.  



Abutilon x hybridum ‘Savitzii’, a cultivar with white and green variegated mapple like leaves and apricot coloured flowers. Photographed from Sunnyvale, California.

Abutilon x hybridum ‘Nabob’, red flowering cultivar photographed from Farmers Market, Mountain View, California.



Seen at the garden with yellow flowers.

Abutilon hybridum  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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