Abutilon indicum ?

Abutilon indicum ?;


ANFEB39 Abutilon pannosum (please validate) : 17 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (17)

Family: Malvaceae
Date: November 2014
Place: Bangalore Rural

…, this will not be A. pannosum, and not A.hirtum too.

The links you provided yesterday were helpful to know about pannosum & hirtum.
Putting them here for quick reference:

Abutilon hirtumherbarium | description | picture
Abutilon pannosumherbarium | description
To me your posted plant is A. indicum.

The number of mericarps (25+) and their acute tips, and emarginate petals are pointing to Abutilon hirtum. The indumentum is supposed to have viscid hairs, please check.

Thank you sir. Here is a close up of the stem. Would you say there are viscid hair or only dense simple hair?Attachments (1)

Thanks …, it looks like viscid but I cannot tell for sure from the picture. When viscid glandular hairs present, it will be ‘sticky’ to touch.

It was clicked a long time back and the stem close up is something I failed to click at the time!
If not A. hirtum, what else could it be sir?

nice pictures esp. number 8
that makes it seem that it may have been sticky…
like some fruits of some basil do and some plectranthus do… that slight dewy smallest “droplets” and they will also collect dirt..

Most likely Abutilon indicum.

efi pages on Abutilon indicum & Abutilon hirtum

One my request, concerning Abutilon in another thread, has not been addressed yet, leave aside met, yet I have received this mail, perhaps to express my view on it, view of a minnow, Huh!

I agree with … view. I do not think it is or the one in https://groups.google.com/d/msg/indiantreepix/UJ is Abutilon pannosum.
I also do not think this is Abutilon hirtum.
Except the hairs at hilum, which I fail to explain for want of literature, I think it is probably Abutilon indicum G. Don, where number of carpels can be 20 or more. Yes, I read that FoP records, in A. hirtum, seed with minute shinning stellate hairs, more so at hilum. At the same time FoC records seeds in A. indicum are sparsely stellate.

Thank you very much sir, I too had the doubt about the hair at the hilum.
If only there was a definitive key that bore absolutely no ambiguity.
I will take this as Abutilon indicum.

I request you to count the number of mericarps in … photograph https://www.flickr.com/photos/dinesh_valke/6257781510 in the thread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/indiantreepix/1E9-0oJ.
I think the species in that thread is A. indicum.
I am sad that my knowledge is so little.

The number of mericarps in that photo seem to be just over 20, as in mine sir.

Thank you very much …, I can see 23 clear mericarps in that pic. It means A. indicum (L.) Sweet can have more than 20 mericarps!

But, it doesn’t mean that your species is A. indicum.
Because, there are differences. One is hair on seed. Second is the tip/beak of mericarp is not that curved and pointed as in usual A. indicum.
So, your species may be some other. But, not A hirtum or A. pannosum I think.
Surprisingly, we do not have records of Abutilon bidentatum Hochst. ex A. Rich. in our database.
FoP has description, FBI very little. Can you retrieve more from somewhere?

Will do sir. ill get back to you on this.

I am fed up with non-availability of correct info on Abutilon or many other genera, yet I am trying to ID a plant to species level….!!!
I fully subscribe your view, “If only there was a definitive key that bore absolutely no ambiguity.”
Sorry, dear, I am really sorry. 

I will check that link sir. Thank you.
Maybe one day when this forum is with enough thoroughly validated links, we could come up with a key based on the photos available right here.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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