Abutilon indicum

Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet, Hort. Brit. 54 1826. (Syn: Abutilon albidum (Willd.) Sweet; Abutilon albidum (Willd.) Hook. & Arn.; Abutilon album Hill [Invalid]; Abutilon arborescens Medik.; Abutilon asiaticum (L.) Sweet; Abutilon asiaticum (L.) G. Don; Abutilon asiaticum (L.) Guill. & Perr.; Abutilon asiaticum var. subasperum Fosberg; Abutilon asiaticum var. supraviride Fosberg; Abutilon australe var. malvifolium (Benth.) Baker f.; Abutilon cavaleriei H.Lév.; Abutilon croizatianum Moscoso; Abutilon cunninghamii Benth.; Abutilon cysticarpum Hance ex Walp.; Abutilon elongatum Moench [Illegitimate]; Abutilon frutescens Medik.; Abutilon grandiflorum G.Don; Abutilon hirsutissimum Moench [Illegitimate]; Abutilon indicum var. albidum (Willd.) Baker f. …….; Abutilon leiospermum Griseb.; Abutilon malvifolium (Benth.) J.M.Black; Abutilon malvifolium (Benth.) Domin; Abutilon oxycarpum var. malvifolium Benth.; Abutilon populifolium (Lam.) Sweet; Abutilon populifolium (Lam.) G. Don; Abutilon pubescens (Cav.) Urb. [Illegitimate]; Abutilon subpapyraceum Hochr.; Abutilon vesicarium (Cav.) Sweet; Beloere cistiflora Shuttlew. ex A.Gray; Sida albida Willd.; Sida asiatica L.; ……..; Sida indica L.; …..; Sida populifolia Lam.; Sida pubescens Cav.; Sida vesicaria Cav.);
a-BEW-tih-lon — from the Arabic word for a mallow-like plant
IN-dih-kum or in-DEE-kum — of or from India
commonly known as: Chinese bell-flowers, common evening mallow, country mallow, flowering maples, Indian abutilon • *Bengali*: পোটারী potari • * Gujarati*: કાંસકી kaansaki • *Hindi*: अतिबल atibal, कंघी kanghi • *Kannada*: ತುಥ್ಥಿ ಗಿಡ tuththi gida • *Konkani*: पेटारी petari • *Malayalam*: വെള്ളൂരം velluram • *Marathi*: कंगा kanga, कासली kasali, मुद्रा mudra, पेटारी petari • *Oriya*: biley phulo • *Punjabi*: ਪਤਾਕਾ pataka • *Sanskrit*: अतिबल atibala, कङ्कटिका kankatikaa, ऋष्यप्रोक्ता rishyaproktaa • *Tamil*: பெருந்துத்தி peru-n-tutti • *Telugu*: నూగుబెండ nugubenda, తుతిరిబెండ tuteribenda
Native to: s e Asia; naturalized pantropically
Perennial herb up to 1.5 tall, stellate pubescent; leaves up to 12 cm long, cordate, acuminate, 7-9 nerved, sometimes 3-lobed, serrate; flowers solitary or fascicled; calyx up to 10 mm long in fruit; corolla yellow, 2-2.5 cm across, petals obovate, claw hairy along margin; fruit 10-12 mm in diam, mericarps 28-40, obtuse at apex, pubescent.


Abutilon sp. ID :: 20-03-12 :: SK-1:

Attaching images of Abutilon sp. If this is Abutilon indicum then the Bengali name given to it is POTARI.

Species : Abutilon indicum ? 

Habit : herb, 1 ft to 2 ft height 

Habitat : common, wild, roadside, bushes 

Date : 02/Mar/2012, 4.35 p.m. 

Place : Hooghly, WB

Yes …

We do not have Abutilon hirtum or A. pannosum here. Attached here a set of pics of A. indicum recorded yesterday. First two photographs show two infected fruit, there were several in that individual. I have also attached two cropped originals of stem and seed photograph.
As I said in your thread that I fail to explain hairs in your seeds, the hair here I think missing. But, we will have to keep in the mind that A. indicum has varieties and we didn’t examine several individuals of a given population.
Also that I took photos in daylight, without flash.
My guess is that mericarps of A. hirtum and pannosum would be rounded at top, with acute tip and not, like that of infected fruits here.
Attachments (14) 


Unique Seedpod: I saw this unique seedpod on a small shrub while photographing butterflies in rural Palghat district in Kerala a few weeks ago. I know I am presenting limited information here, I would be very grateful if someone can ID this plant. This was growing next to Lantanas, touch-me-nots etc in between paddy fields.
Attached is top and front view of the seedpods.

… this must be of Abutilon species … most probably A. indicum (family Malvaceae).

Agree with … This looks like the County Mallow [Abutilon indicum]. Sending one of my photographs of the same.

Yes Abutilon indicum. attached flowers photo of the same.


along KSH 34 between Malamba & Gundolli :: Abutilon indicum :: DVFEB48/81  : 1 post by 1 author. 3 images.
along Karnataka State Highway No. 34 between Malamba & Gundolli

Date: 15 OCT 2011 … Altitude: about 640 m asl
Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet  (family: Malvaceae)


Sangli, May 2015 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: ARKJUL-03/03  : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)
Requesting to please ID this plant growing in a sugarcane field at Kagwad near Sangli, Maharahstra in May 2015.

Should be Abutilon indicum

Thank you … for the quick ID….


Malvaceae Fortnight: Abutilon indicum from Delhi-GSJULY04/04 : Attachments (3)
Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet,  Hort. brit. ed. 1:54. 1826

syn: Sida indica L.
Common name: Indian abutilon, country mallow
Hindi: Kanghi
Beng: Potari
Tel: Tuttura-benda
Mal: Velluram
Perennial herb up to 1.5 tall, stellate pubescent; leaves up to 12 cm long, cordate, acuminate, 7-9 nerved, sometimes 3-lobed, serrate; flowers solitary or fascicled; calyx up to 10 mm long in fruit; corolla yellow, 2-2.5 cm across, petals obovate, claw hairy along margin; fruit 10-12 mm in diam, mericarps 28-40, obtuse at apex, pubescent.
Common in Delhi along roadsides and wastelands, photographed from Vikas Puri, New Delhi 


Malvaceae Fortnight: Abutilon indicum from Coimbatore-BRS JULY03/03: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Sharing the images of Abutilon indicum from Coimbatore. 

Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet
along Ghodbunder Road on November 30, 2009


Malvaceae (inc. Tiliaceae) Fortnight: Malvaceae Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet from Assam – KD 05 July2015 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Attached images are Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet from Assam.

Bot.name: Abutilon indicum, (Family: Malvaceae).
Location: Aurangabad (26-12-2009).

love the second one. reminds me of some stylized water fountains in city parks now a days


Malvaceae Fortnight:: Abutilon indicum: Pune :: SMP01 : 1 post by 1 author. 3 images.
Abutilon indium growing wild in Pune 


Malvaceae Fortnight- Post 21:: Abutilon indicum from Panipat: NS August 06/06  : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5)
This is very frequent road side shrub, present shots are being shared from Panipat..
Abutilon indicum


ID please PC 130916-1 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Here is a picture. Please identify. The shot was taken at Tuglakabad pavement.

Abutilon indicum Malvaceae traditionally known as Kanghi in Hindi


Malvaceae For ID : Bangalore : 25JAN17 : AK-4 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Pictures taken on 9th Jan,17.
Abutilon Species?
Is it Abutilon indicum?

yes it is Abutilon indicum

I think it is Sida cordata (Burm.f.) Borss. Waalk. If i am not wrong on the ID of this one it is my second post of the same species. The first one have been identified by … and … at – efi thread
Species : Sida cordata (Burm.f.) Borss. Waalk (syn: S. veronicifolia Lamk.)
Habit & Habitat : wild herb, roadside
Date : 16-04-2012, 1.30 p.m.
Place : Hooghly, WB
ID help : efi thread

It is Abutilon indicum

Carpels pointed or mucronate
1. Carpels 9-12 mm long – A.indicum
2. Carpels 6-8 mm long- A. bidentatum

I would have to learn the differences between Abutilon & Sida. I thoght it was more like Sida than the Abutilon at – efi thread
I thought 1) long flower stalk, 2) smaller leaves indicate it to be a Sida.

The fruits are different in two genera

Could you kindly give information about diameter of flower to confirm species.

Attaching an image featuring a 5 rupee coin that may give an idea about the size of this flower. But it will be a tough job, i think..


Abutilon pannosum:
Captured this Abutilon pannosum in Warje, Pune.
Common name-Ragged Mallow
Date- 19th Sep 2011.

I think Abutilon indicum

Here r p fruit pics frm the same plant.
Plz confirm Abutilon indicum or Abutilon pannosum.

I think A indicum.

Yes A. indicum, the mericarps are clearly pointed along outer margin and not rounded

Thanks for the link about Abutilon pannosum.
Regarding one of my Abutilon picture an ID of A.pannosum was suggested on the basis of leaf structure. I will have to check those again esp fruit part….


ID please 08062012 SR-1:
Date-27.01.2009 Place-Kanpur,UP
Habitat-Wild found in crop field.

There is definitely a mixing up of two plants, the twiner is Convolvulus arvensis and the yellow flower belongs to Abutilon indicum

… is very right. I can see Abutilon leaves in between the field bind weed


efloraindia: 281111 BRS 215:

There are two different Abutilon sp. I have noticed along the road side.
The first one is Abutilon indicum Pl. confirm the sp. of the other flower attached herewith.
Location: CODISIA Raod, Coimbatore
Date: 27.11.2011
Habitat: Urban Road side
Habit: Shrub

The second and third photographs could be Abutilon chiappardi (Abutilon chittendenii, Abutilon chitenendii, Bakeridesia integerrima, Sida integerrima).
The first one looks like A. grandifolium. Other details are required to confirm.

I think both are of Abutilon indicum only. This variation in flowers (corolla with or without purple center) is common in A. indicum as well as A. hirtum.


SYMBIOSIS : 443 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Attaching an image of a Common Pierrot butterfly on the flower of Abutilon indicum.

Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet- Malvaceae- ESSK FEB 01 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet from Kerala.

Thanks … for posting, this is frequent in our area (Panipat, Haryana) too..

Nice photograph. The plant is a very common weed in Mysore waste lands.



Abutilon indicum from Bangladesh SM113 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).
Abutilon indicum

Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet SN Sep 39 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2).
Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet, common shrub near villages, roadside, from Thiruvallur dt of Tamilnadu


Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet from Assam KD 10 Dec : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
Attached images are Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet.
Date :16.12.2014
Location: Assam
Family : Malvaceae
Genus & species : Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet
Habitat: Grows wild on open space
Habit : Herb

Thanks … for posting nice pics..


Sonepat, Haryana, 14th May 09; Lalbagh,Bangalore-140609; At Alibag- 04 Dec 2009; at Navegaon National Park on 30th Dec , 2009; Pingla, Midnapore- Jan’10?; 10-12-2009 / 04:00 PM- Satyamangalam RF- Scrub- ca. 300msl; Lohari Panipat- Sept’10?; 30/11/10- Chethalayam, Wayanad; from outskirts of Bangalore- Jan’10;


Malvaceae Week: Abutilon indicum from Delhi:
Abutilon indicum (L.)Sweet,  Hort. brit. ed. 1:54. 1826
syn: Sida indica L.

Common name: Indian abutilon, country mallow
Hindi: Kanghi
Beng: Potari
Tel: Tuttura-benda
Mal: Velluram
Perennial herb up to 1.5 tall, stellate pubescent; leaves up to 12 cm long, cordate, acuminate, 7-9 nerved, sometimes 3-lobed, serrate; flowers solitary or fascicled; calyx up to 10 mm long in fruit; corolla yellow, 2-2.5 cm across, petals obovate, claw hairy along margin; fruit 10-12 mm in diam, mericarps 28-40, obtuse at apex, pubescent.
Common in Delhi along roadsides and wastelands, photographed from Vikas Puri, New Delhi

Called Atibala in Ayurvedic medicine, very useful plant. everybody should plant a few..

Yes a Medicinal plant also called as Pili Buti

Malvaceae week :: Abutilon indicum: Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet
a-BEW-tih-lon — from the Arabic word for a mallow-like plant
IN-dih-kum or in-DEE-kum — of or from India
Nov 30, 2009 somewhere along Ghodbunder Road, Thane commonly known as: Chinese bell-flowers, common evening mallow, country mallow, flowering maples, Indian abutilon • *Bengali*: পোটারী potari • * Gujarati*: કાંસકી kaansaki • *Hindi*: अतिबल atibal, कंघी kanghi • *Kannada*: ತುಥ್ಥಿ ಗಿಡ tuththi gida • *Konkani*: पेटारी petari • *Malayalam*: വെള്ളൂരം velluram • *Marathi*: कंगा kanga, कासली kasali, मुद्रा mudra, पेटारी petari • *Oriya*: biley phulo • *Punjabi*: ਪਤਾਕਾ pataka • *Sanskrit*: अतिबल atibala, कङ्कटिका kankatikaa, ऋष्यप्रोक्ता rishyaproktaa • *Tamil*: பெருந்துத்தி peru-n-tutti • *Telugu*: నూగుబెండ nugubenda, తుతిరిబెండ tuteribenda
Native to: s e Asia; naturalized pantropically
   – [image: Tuththi Gida (Kannada: ತುಥ್ಥಿ ಗಿಡ)]
… Nov 26, 2011 in premises of Vasai fort    – [image: Kaasali (Marathi: कासली)]
… Nov 30, 2009 somewhere along Ghodbunder Road, Thane
– [image: Tuteribenda (Telugu: తుతిరిబెండ)]
… Nov 30, 2009 somewhere along Ghodbunder Road, Thane
– [image: Kanghi (Hindi: कंघी)]
… Nov 26, 2011 in premises of Vasai fort

Very Common now days in our area

very important in ayurvedic medicine

Mine Pics

Malvaceae week 0905- 9112011 UD 034 Sida creeper to ID:
I found this “creeper” like prostrate non-woody herb growing in a mess of other weed/herbs and a lots of grass and mud…   only one of this plant was around with just one yellow BUD… sorry the flower had not opened yet, its about 6 km from where Is stayed… so could not go back for a couple of days… and by the third day.. the whole plant was gone… this is all I have.. Pics were taken on 7th June 2011.
Can it be identified based on this few features: Based on the fruits I know it’s a sida, but that’s where it stops for me…Please help…
Family: Malvaceae
Subfamily:           Malvoideae
Tribe:                        Malveae
Genus:                              Sida  L
Species                                   ID needed

Abutilon indicum indeed I think … took this photo around the Salt Lake region of Kolkata, it a gregarious weed out there .

Yes, it is Abutilon indicum. I think the lonely plant had lot of disturbances in the field and been ‘forced’ to grow like a creeper, and finally gone.
It was NOT Sida for several reasons including for the mericarps which are not 1-seeded, nor 2-beaked and the beaks not pointing towards the center of fruit.

I took the pictures near Patuli,
but on the eastern side of the EM bypass… far away from salt lake… . you are right it was a very disturbed site.. nearby lots new apartment buildings are coming up …  “Forced” to grow like a creeper” so site and prevailing conditions specify plants behavior…  interesting… almost human


Malvaceae week : Abutilon indicum:
Malvaceae week :  Abutilon indicum
“Mudra” “Petari” पेटारी
Found on open spaces roadside. A common shrub.; Medicinal.

… somehow n1, n2 and n4 seem different, the buds and flower seem to be of Sida

yes even i thin no. 1, 2, and 4 look like some Sida species, and rest look A. indicum

Yes I too support the views of .. and ….

Abutilon Species for ID : Bangalore : 270418 : AK-11 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Abutilon Species seen in Bangalore growing wild.
For Species id please.

Abutilon indicum for me.

Shiny yellow flower from Sri Lanka : 3 posts by 2 authors.
I can not identify this flower. I first thought of a Malvaceae but unsuccessful. The fine etamines with red anther ereres make me think of a Hypericaceae … But I must have everything wrong !!
Photo taken on 11/02/2018 in Anuradhapura-SriLanka
Thank you in advance for your savvy comments!

You are right on Malvaceae. It is Abutilon, likely to be A indicum.

Thank you very much for your answer.
I had watched Abutilon indicum but the stamines made me doubt …

Malvaceae for ID : Pune : 15FEB20 : AK-14 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Seen growing wild at a farm near Pune in Jan, 2020.
Abutilon Species?

Abutilon indicum



Id of Fruit – ID23032020SH2 Abutilon sp. ? : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) – around 900 kb each.

Fruit for id pl. Any Abutilon sp.?
Location – Hatnur (North Maharashtra)
Date – January 2020

Check with A. indicum

Thanks, … I agree with you as per Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet


Plant for Id – ID09022021SH1
2 images.

Plant for Id pl.
Location – Taljai Hills,Pune
Date – January 2021

Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet

This is Bala ( बला) as per आयुर्वेद I think. But in Ayurveda, there are 3 बला – अतिबला, महाबला and बला. So can you please possibly tell me which one is this ? And what about the rest two names ?

I have not much knowledge of Indian nomenclature but I guess it should  be अतिबला since it is called by same name in Nepali as well.

May be … could help.


Chilika lake, December 2021 :: Abutilon for ID :: ARK2022-045: 2 images.

This was clicked at Behrampura on the banks of the Chilika lake, Odisha in December 2021.
Requested to please ID. Is it Abutilon indicum?

Yes from me.

Yes, maybe as in your other post from the same place.


Malvaceae: Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet: 1 high res. image.
location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994

Updated on December 24, 2024

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