Abutilon ramosum (Cav.) Guill. & Perr., Fl. Seneg. Tent. 68 1831. (Syn: Abutilon elaeocarpoides Webb; Abutilon ramosum var. chevalieri Hochr. ex Ulbr.; Abutilon ramosum var. pfundii Ulbr.; Abutilon ramosum var. sparmannioides (Guill. & Perr.) Hochr.; Abutilon sidoides Dalzell & A.Gibson; Abutilon sparmannioides Guill. & Perr.; Sida ramosa Cav.; Sida sparmannioides Steud. (Unresolved));
Erect shrubs, sparsely tomentose. Leaves distant, alternate, 10 cm across, broadly ovate, cordate at base, acuminate at apex, crenate, densely softly tomentose below. Flowers in subterminal and terminal panicles; pedicels 5-6 cm long, jointed towards the end; sepals ovate, obtuse, cuspidate, connate at base into a short campanulate tube, pubescent outside; petals 2 x 0.9 cm, yellow, obovate, obtuse; stamens many; filaments combined into a tube. Ovary 7-celled, ovules many in each; styles as many as the carpels; stigma terminal. Fruit a capsule, 15 x15 mm, truncate at apex; mericarps beaked, seeds many, reniform, 2.5 mm across, glabrous, grey. Flowering and fruiting: August-January Disturbed forest areas Paleotropics Abutilon sps for id : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 2 authors. Need help in identifying this plant. for me it looks a sps of abutilon. id plz Habitat: dry mix deciduous forest Location: Ramnagar WLS, Jammu,J&K Abutilon bidentatum var bidentatum It is Abutilon ramosum (Cav.) Guill. et Perr. of family Malvaceae. |
Abutilon ramosum
Updated on December 24, 2024