Flora Australia-26: some `Abutilon` from Malvaceae. Malvaceae Week: Ragged Mallow from Ellora: Ragged Mallow Where do we find equivalent scientific names of Ragged Mallow and Brazil Jute? I think Abutilon pannosum Malvaceae week: Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet: Name: Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet Family: Malvaceae Date: 05 Dec 2009 Location: Sathyamangalam RF, closer to Bhavanisagar dam Altitude: c. 250 ASL i think its A. hirtum and not indicum Me too thought of hirtum by seeing the hairs all over plant body, Stipules lanceolate. Branches, petioles and pedicels with dense-spreading hairs.
e reference; http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=5&taxon_id=200013674 the indumentum, stipules and leaf structure confirms this plant as A. hirtum, but the petals lack emarginate character To me this looks like Abutilon indicum, owing to the soft indumentum (hairs on stems long but seemingly weak) and overall appearance of plant. As you said, the petals lack emargination. I may be wrong. But if you have recorded the number of mericarps, then it may be easy to fix the id. A. hirtum has 25, whereas it is less in A. indicum. Malvaceae week. Is this Abutilon sp?: Is this Abutilon sp.? Date/Time- March 2011 Location- Chembarambakkam near Chennai Habitat- Wild Plant Habit- Shrub Height/Length- 2 to 3 feet Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- green, serrated edges Flowers – Size, shape and colour similar to Abutilon indicum, except the red at the centre Fruits – Similar to Abutilon indicum … yes, Abutilon species … not sure if A. persicum OR A. pannosum … please wait for comment(s). It may be either A. indicum (mericarps less than 25) or A. hirtum (mericarps 25). In both of these, two forms of flowers occur: with and without reddish brown blotch in the corolla.
Abutilon species/ hybrids
Updated on December 24, 2024