Acacia koa ?

Asia: India (I); West Bengal; Indian Ocean: Reunion (I); Pacific Ocean: Hawaii (N) (as per ILDIS)

Acacia tree from USA SMP MAY2016/8 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)

This interesting variety of Acacia was observed in California USA in Mar 2016
You can see both variety of leaves. In fact the cladodes.
Curious to know the ID

Sorry please read it as phyllode rather than cladode
It was a small tree. May not have grown fully yet.
Some leaves are compound.
Some are just phyllodes.
Some phyllodes have a compound leaf at the tips.
Acacia auriculiformis shows the compound leaves only during first few days after germination

Acacia koa may be

Native grows in Hawaii.

Please check for Acacia koa.

Thanks … Yes it does like Acacia koa.

Please look at Acacia koaia also. The two native Acacia in Hawaii are A. koa and A. koaia.

Adding link to list of images by Forest & Kim Starr; please see the A. koa, A. koaia and the hybrid of the two plants.

thanks for the link. … pictures of Koa and koala pages have many a same picture? so which is which? plus i always thought he was very careful to show all features but here the leaf structure is not so clearly photographed in either page.. we we would perhaps need herbarium sheets pics

Updated on December 24, 2024

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