Acacia verticillata (Cultivated- USA)

images by Aarti S. Khale





Acacia verticillata (Prickly Moses; Prickly-leaved Wattle; Star-Leaved Acacia; Prickly Mimosa; Whorl-Leaved Acacia) is a perennial shrub to small tree native to Australia and Tasmania.[1]

The species is a common understorey shrub in both wet and dry sclerophyll forests as well as scrub and heath. In coastal environments it will often have much wider leaves as opposed to the regular needle-like nature of inland specimens.
(From on 6.11.14)

Small Tree For ID : California : 30OCT14 : AK-43 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
A small tree seen in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco on 30th Sept,14.

Initially, I thought it to be Callistemon species, but it had pods hanging.
Lemon colored flowers resembling Bottle brush.
Sorry for the bad pictures due to foggy weather and pictures taken from a distance.

It may be Acacia verticillata.

Yes, it does look like your suggested id.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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