Acer acuminatum

Acer acuminatum Wall. ex D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 249 1825. (Syn: Acer sterculiaceum K. Koch); 

W. Pakistan to W. & W. Central Himalaya and S. Tibet as per POWO;
India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir) as per Catalogue of Life;




Flora of Uttarakhand- Acer Species for Id- JM: Wild- captured on 12/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Valley of Flowers (around 12,500 ft.).

Acer acuminatum from me

This could be Acer pectinatum.

Really a difficult call. The two species really seem to be very close.
Flowers would have helped. And frankly nomenclature is confusing going by Flora of China.   

Although the two species are close, we can rule out Acer pectinatum because it is not found in Western Himalayas. So it should be Acer acuminatum



VoF Week: 19092012 BS 9 Acer sp for id from Govindghat Ghangriya Trek:  Acer sp for id from Govindghat Ghangriya Trek

May be Acer caudatum

Leaves 3-5 lobed, flower stalks longer than 5 mm, I would go with A. acuminatum. 5-7 lobed leaves and pedicels shorter than 5 mm in A. caudatum. Pl. see my comments in another thread.




VOF Week: Acer sp.1 from the Trek:  Three distinct species of species we could find along the trek (may be few more are there)…here is the first one for id….

I hope Acer caesium

this may be Acer caudatum, because of tip of leaf lobes are long tail like.

Thanks … Surely it is not A. caesium as the leaf magins are much more strongly serrate with deeper cuts. It prompted me to some more investigation. There is generally an impression that A. acuminatum is the new name for Acer caudatum, as appears from Flora of Pakistan and Flowers of India. It, however, appears , looking at Flora of China (sorry I don’t have much literature here in California at present) that two are distinct, and both grow in Western Himalayas from Kashmir to Nepal. The two seem to be very distinct being placed in separate sections Spicatae (flowers in spicate-paniculate infl. A. caudatum-pedicel barely 5 mm long, leaves 5-7 lobed, base cordate, margin serrate) and section Arguta (flowers in racemose inflorescence, 4-merous. A. acuminatum, leaves 3-5 lobed, margin usually double-serrate).

I think more photographs focussing on inflorescence may help, but I am more inclined to consider this as A. acuminatum.
Perhaps the images on the net may not help much, as the two have often been confused.

looks me Acer acuminatum too

I have just purchased Manual of Cultivated shrubs and tree by A. Rehder. It describes both species: A. caudatum and A. acuminatum.

I am more sure now that it is A. acuminatum.

This beautiful maple was recorded from Gobind Ghat-Ghanghariya trek….
was earlier identified as Acer acuminatum.. please validate/correct

Yes it is A.acuminatum. It makes smaller trees or shrubs near timberline.

VoF week : MN-29.8.12 Acer acuminatum (Tapering Leaf Maple):  

Acer acuminatum

seen on the way to Valley of flowers


Updated on December 24, 2024

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