Achyranthes aspera

Achyranthes aspera L., Sp. Pl. 204 1753(Syn: Achyranthes acuminata E.Mey. ex Cooke & Wright; Achyranthes aspera var. australis (R.Br.) Domin …….; Achyranthes asperoides Pires de Lima; Achyranthes australis R.Br.; Achyranthes canescens R.Br.; Achyranthes daito-insularis Tawada; Achyranthes ellipticifolia Stokes; Achyranthes fruticosa Desf.; Achyranthes grandifolia Moq.; Achyranthes obovata Peter [Illegitimate]; Achyranthes obovatifolia Stokes; Achyranthes okinawensis Tawada; Achyranthes robusta C.H.Wright; Achyranthes sicula Roth; Achyranthes tenuifolia Steud. [Invalid]; Cadelaria punctata Raf.; Centrostachys aspera (L.) Standl.; Centrostachys australis (R.Br.) Standl.; Centrostachys canescens (R.Br.) Standl.; Centrostachys grandifolia (Moq.) Standl.; Centrostachys indica (L.) Standl.; Stachyarpagophora aspersa Maza;                     (=) Achyranthes aspera var. indica L.; (=) Achyranthes aspera var. obtusifolia (Lam.) Suess.; (=) Achyranthes indica (L.) Mill.; (=) Achyranthes obtusifolia Lam.);
Images by Gurcharan Singh, Balkar Singh & Surajit Koley (Inserted by J.M.Garg & Gurcharan Singh)


— Greek: achyr (chaff); anthos (flower) .
.. Dave’s Botanary
AS-per-uh — roughDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: crocus stuff, crokars staff, devil’s horsewhip, prickly chaff-flower • Assamese: অপমাগ apamaga, বনশোধ bonsodh, ওভতকাটা obhatakata, ওভটাশোধ ovotasodh • Bengali: অপামার্গ apamarga, আপাং apang • Garo: champangmichel • Gujarati: અઘેડો aghedo, અપામાર્ગ apamarga • Hindi: अघाड़ा aghara, अपामार्ग apamarga, चिरचिरा chirchira, चिरचिटा chirchita, धानुष्का dhanushka, दुग्धिनिका dugdhinika, दुरभिग्रह durabhigrah, लटजीरा latjira, मधुकर madhukar, मयूर mayur, प्रत्यकपर्णी pratyakparni, प्रत्यकपुष्पी pratyakpushpi, तरुण tarun, वशीर vashir • Kachchhi: કાંઢેરો આઘાડો kandero aghado • Kannada: ಉತ್ತರಾಣಿ uttarani • Konkani: आघाडो aghado, बेल्लो bello, ಕಾಂಟಮೊಗ್ರಿ kantamogri • Maithili: दतिवन dativan • Malayalam: കടലാടി katalati, വൻകടലാടി vankadalaadi • Manipuri: ꯈꯨꯖꯨꯝꯄꯦꯔꯦ* khujumpere • Marathi: अघाडा aghada, अपामार्ग apamarga, खरमंजरी kharamanjari, किणी kini, सूराट suraat • Nepali: अकमारो akamaro, अपामार्ग apaamaarg, दतिवन datiwan, जम्दी jamdee, काली झार kaalee jhaar, उल्टो कुरो ulto kuro • Odia: ଆକୃତିଚ୍ଛତ୍ରା akrutichchhatra, ଅପାମାର୍ଗ apamarga, ଚମତ୍କାର chamatkara, ଧାମାର୍ଗବ dhamargaba, କେଶପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ keshaparnni, ଖରମଞ୍ଜରୀ kharamanjari, କ୍ଷାରମଧ୍ଯ ksharamadhya, ପରାକ୍ପୁଷ୍ପୀ parakpushpi, ରକ୍ତ ବିନ୍ଦୁ rakta bindu, ରକ୍ତବିଟ୍ raktabit, ଶିଖୀ sikhi, ସ୍ଥୂଳ ମଞ୍ଜରୀ sthula manjari • Pali: मोरगु moragu • Punjabi: ਪੁੱਠ ਕੰਡਾ putth kanda • Rajasthani: आघीजाडो aagijaado • Sanskrit: अधामार्गव adhamargava, अधोघण्टा adhoghanta, अध्वशल्य adhvashalya, आघाट aghata, आकृतिच्छत्त्रा akrticchattra, अक्षर akshara, अपामार्ग apamarga, चमत्कार chamatkara, धामार्गव dhamargava, धानुष्का dhanushka, दुरभिग्रह durabhigraha, घण्टा ghanta, गिरिकर्णिका girikarnika, काण्डीर kandira, करमण्डलिन् karamandalin, करम्भक karambhaka, कर्कटवल्ली karkatavalli, कर्कवल्ली karkavalli, कटुमञ्जरिका katumanjarika, केशपर्णी keshaparni, खरमञ्जरी kharamanjari, किणि kini, कीशपर्ण kishaparna, क्षारमध्य ksharamadhya, क्षवक kshavaka, कुब्ज kubja, लिङ्गवर्धिणी lingavardhini, मधुकर madhukara, महादिकटभी mahadikatabhi, महाशौण्डी mahashaundi, महाश्वेता mahashveta, मालाकण्ठ malakantha, मर्कटपिप्पली markatapippali, पाण्डुकण्टक pandukantaka, पङ्क्तिकण्टक panktikantaka, पराक्पुष्पी parakpushpi, पत्त्रिन् pattrin, प्रत्यक्पर्णी pratyakparni, प्रत्यक्पुष्पी pratyakpushpi, रक्तापामार्ग raktapamarga, शैखरिक shaikharika, शिखरिन् shikharin, शिरोवृत्तफल shirovrttaphala, स्फुलमञ्जरी sphulamanjari, स्थलमञ्जरी sthalamanjari, तृणशौण्डिका trnashaundika, वार vara, वशीर vashira • Santali: cipcirip, cipirit • Tamil: ஆகாடம் akatam, அபாமார்க்கம் apamarkkam, நாயுரீஇ nay-urii, நாயுருவி nayuruvi • Telugu: అంటీశ antish, అపామార్గము apamaargamu, దుబ్బిన చెట్టు dubbinachettu, ప్రత్యక్పుష్పి pratyakpushpi, ఉత్తరేణు uttarenu • Tibetan: ཨ་པ་མ་རྒ a pa ma rga • Tulu: ಉತ್ತರಣೆ uttarane • Urdu: اگهاڙا aghara, چرچرا chirchira
Names bibliography at
Distribution: widely naturalized, exact native range obscure
From BSI Flora Mah: Following sp. exist from Achyranthes.

1. Infl. of terminal spikes, simple or branched. Flowers greeninsh-white … A. aspera
1. Infl. first erect, later patent,finally deflexed and appressed to rachis; flowers rosy or purplish … A. coynei
Now A.aspera has two varieties
2. Leaves thick, velvetty tomentose or silky rachis stout. … … var. aspera
2. Leaves membranous, glabrous or sparsely pubescent; rachis slender … var. porphyristachya.

Differences as per efi link:

Achyranthes aspera L., Sp. Pl. 204. 1753, var. aspera
Stem tomentose. Leaves 6-10 x 3-6 cm, broadly elliptic to obovate, apex abruptly acuminate, tomentose, nerves 6 pairs; petiole 5 mm long. Spike to 20 cm long, hispid; bracts 6 mm long, lanceolate, aristate; bracteoles entire, aristate. Flowers deflexed; tepals 7.5 x 2 mm, elliptic, acute, glabrous, equal; ovary truncate at apex. Achenes 3 mm long, ovoid, brown.
Habitat: Dry deciduous forests and forest plantations, also in the plains.
Distribution: Pantropical.
Achyranthes aspera L. var. porphyristachya (Wall. ex Moq.) Hook. f.
Straggling subshrubs. Leaves decussate, oblanceate, 3-6 by 2-3 cm, base cuneate, apex acuminate, pubescent, chartaceous. Flowers in terminal and / or axillary spikes, bisexual; bracts and bracteoles spine-tipped; tepals 5, unequal, 1-3 nerved; stamens 5, connate, alternate with fimbriate staminodes; ovary superior, 1-locular, ovule 1, basal. Fruit a dehiscent utricle. Seed 1.
Habitat: Moist deciduous forests
Distribution: Peninsular India and Sri Lanka

Achyranthes based Formulations in Indian Traditional Healing:
Achyranthes aspera is a reputed medicinal herb since time immemorial. ………………


Attaching two photogrpahs what i think are of this species (Achyranthes aspera). The Bengali name given to this species is APANG, but i do not know what the word APANG means in Bengali !


efloraofindia:”23102011MR1’’ ? Aaghada in Marathi Pune:
Request for validation ? Aaghada in Marathi Date/Time-Sep and Oct 2011

Location-Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Wild
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb
Height/Length- 5-6 cms
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- green
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- I waited enough to see the flowers but one day almost after 15 days suddenly I saw these thorny things coming up I do not know what are these

Sorry I forgot to add I say thorny because I touched them and they were prickly

Achyranthes aspera of Amaranthaceae.
Leaves used as vegetable and the root is helpful in treating dental problems (used as toothbrush!).

Achyranthes aspera, a common weed here.



Flora of Panipat: Achyranthes aspera var. aspera from Arya College Campus Panipat:
Achyranthes aspera var. aspera from Arya College Campus Panipat
pls Validate

Yes …


Achyranthes bidentata ?? 081109 – NSD 92:

This herb is from Satprura,

Photo taken on 11-10-09

I think this is Achyranthes bidentata from Amaranthaceae,

Experts please confirm or id otherwise

… ¿ Achyranthes coynei ?

Achyranthes coynei  is stated to be Endemic to north Western Ghats (India) as per link:

Thus there is a need to look at it more carefully. Experts may further look at it.

to me this plant only looks like Achyranthes coynei for detail identification two more pics are attached.

Satpura is considered as link between Himalaya and Western Ghat, it has many plants of Himalaya as well as of Western ghat.

… me too think it to be A. coynei … about having put endemic to northern Western Ghats is part of my notes in flickr … needs verification and study.

Identified as “… plants has densely hairy thicker leaves like A. aspera.” as per another thread:


Achyranthes aspera L. from Hooghly:

Attaching images of Achyranthes aspera L., don’t know which variety.
Species : Achyranthes aspera L.
Bengali name : APANG
Habit & Habitat : wild herb, roadside, wasteplace
Date : 14/7/12, 19/7/12, 12/2/12

Place : Hooghly

yes, its ash is a very good source of alkali used in ayurvedic medicine… 


VoF Week: Achyranthes aspera from Govindghat Ghangriya Trek:

Achyranthes aspera from Govindghat Ghangriya Trek

Pls validate

I think yes

Good set of photographs


Wild Flower for ID – 120112 – RK:
Would appreciate ID. I have not come across this before. Pics taken on
01-01-12 at Jakkur Lake around 11am. Shrub-like – about 2′ in height

It could be Achyranthes aspera of Amaranthaceae family.

Yes I also think this is Achyranthes aspera

Agreed. This is the Pricklychaff flower / Roughchaff tree [Achyranthes aspera]. Sending one of my photographs of this.

APAAMARG of Ayurved, a very important antiinflammatory and produces ash upon burning that’s high in alkalinity… special uses for the ash…
seeds stick to clothes and are not easily dislodged so seed dispersal on the skin hairs of grazing animals…

Achyranthes aspera
Aghada in Marathi.

Achyranthes aspera also called as Puthkanda in our vernacualr language in Haryana. the name (Puthkanda= Puth from inverted, Kanda- Spines) derives from downwradly directed spiny floral parts (bract i suppose).



Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week :: DV01 :: 01 DEC 12 08:08:55 :: Achyranthes aspera in Nagla forest, Thane:

Achyranthes aspera L.
ak-ky-RAN-thees — from the Greek words: achyr (chaff) and anthos (flower) … Dave’s Botanary
AS-per-uh — roughDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: achyranthes, chaff-flower, crocus stuff, crokars staff, devil’s horsewhip, prickly chaff-flower • Gujarati: આઘારો agharo • Hindi: अघाड़ा aghara, चिरचिरा chirchira, धानुष्का dhanushka, दुरअभिग्रह durabhigrah, लटजीरा latjira, मधुकर madhukar, मयूर mayur, प्रत्यकपुष्पी pratyakpushpi, तरुण tarun, वशीर vashir • Kannada: ಉತ್ತರಾಣೀ uttaraani • Konkani: अघाडो aghado • Malayalam: കടലാടി katalaati • Manipuri: খুজুম্পেৰে khujumpere • Marathi: अघाडा aghada, अपामार्ग apamarga, खरमंजरी kharamanjari, किणी kini • Prakrit: अग्घाड agghada • Sanskrit: अधःघण्टा adhahaghanta, आकृतिःच्छत्रा akrutihchhatra, अक्षर akshara, अपामार्ग apamarga, खरमञ्जरी kharamanjari, मयूर mayur, प्रत्यञ्च्पुष्प pratyanchapushpa, वशीर vashir • Tamil: ஆகாடம் akatam, அபாமார்க்கம் apamarkkam, நாயுருவி nayuruvi • Telugu: ప్రత్యక్పుష్పి pratyak-pushpi, ఉత్తరేణు uttarenu • Tulu: ಉತ್ತರಣೆ uttarane • Urdu: اگهاڙا aghara, چرچرا churchura
Distribution: widely naturalized, exact native range obscure
References: Flowers of IndiaPIER species infoNPGS / GRINFlora of China
at Nagla block of Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Thane on 01 DEC 12



Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week:.Achyranthes aspera from Coimbatore BRS 005:
Sharing the images of Achyranthes aspera from Coimbatore.

Many thanks for sharing this plant, …
Uploads of Achyranthes aspera will hopefully help us know its difference from Achyranthes aspera var. porphyristachya.

Yes this is typical Achyranthes aspera. The Aghada offered to Lord Ganesha.
Leaves are characteristic. Thick velvetty tomentose or silky. More or less whitish appearance



Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: Achyranthes aspera from Delhi:
Achyranthes aspera L., Sp. pl. 1:204. 1753, nom. cons.
Common names: burweed, chaff-flower, chaffbur, devil’s horsewhip
Perennial herb up to 1 m tall, 4-angled, slightly inflated at nodes, pubescenct., branches opposite; leaves opposite, broadly obovate to elliptic-oblong, hairy on both surfaces, apex obtuse, slightly mucronate; petiole up to 1.5 cm long; flowers green to tinged red, in terminal spikes, initially condensed finally up to 40 cm long; rachis densely hairy, angular; bracts 3-4 mm long, lanceolate, bracteoles spiny, 3-5 mm long, rigid with two basal membranous wings; perianth 4-5 mm long; pseudostaminodes crenate at apex; dorsal scale fimbriate or ciliate ; utricle ovoid, 3 mm long.
Photographed from Delhi.

Thanks for sharing this one….at times becomes noxious..specially for plant collectors..

a very imp ayurvedic herb
esp for its ashes
so may be it can be removed and turned to ashes


Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week:: UD 001 :: Achyranthes aspera from Hort:
Achranthes aspera
species detail just given by …
I see this very often in any and all Herbal garden
seems almost obligatory that this be planted for demonstration garden, in any continent
These two pictures are from Hort Garden in Kolkata in Sept 2007
In Bengali called Apang
In Sanskrit Apamarg

Wow crisp pictures. Mostly green coloured one. Growing gregariously.


Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: BS05: Achyranthes aspera from Valley of Flowewrs UK:
Achyranthes aspera from Valley of Flowers UK
Pls validate

Yes … Very good photographs.


Nice. wonder what makes the flower head so pink. not green.
the two groups of “herbal” apaamarg I have seen were in various gardens in Gujarat and in various gardens in Bengal were all green… may be a very minute tinge of pink if any…at all..

What you say is correct. I have seen both plants with green and red inflorescence.
Achyranthes coynei is almost always red flowered.
The two species are really confusing.
Actually if one looks at only the above flowers it looks like Achyranthes coynei
Adding two more pictures where the flowers are red but the leaves are typical Achyranthes aspera var. aspera

… you may check the plant size, flower size and other features to check for A. coynei.


Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week : sk-18 : Achyranthes aspera var. indica L.:
This is typical Achyranthes aspera L., the spike of which can attain a length of 2 ft. or more. This variety seems to be the Achyranthes aspera var. indica L of FoC.

Yes A.aspera var. aspera

According to FoC the stem of A. aspera var. aspera is quadrangular. The plant in this thread doesn’t have quadrangular stem.

It is not var. porphyristachya so it has to be var. aspera due to tomentose nature of leaves.
Other characters are matching. I think in some places the stem appears quadrangular

I doubt if this plant has quadrangular shape anywhere on its stem.
According to FoC
(i) leaf margin slightly undulate ——- Achyranthes aspera var. aspera
(ii) leaf margin undulate —— Achyranthes aspera var. indica

This is becoming complicated at the same time interesting.
From BSI Flora Mah I know that following sp. exist from Achyranthes.
1. Infl. of terminal spikes, simple or branched. Flowers greeninsh-white … A.aspera
1. Infl. first erect, later patent,finally deflexed and appressed to rachis; flowers rosy or purplish …  A.coynei
Now A.aspera has two varieties
2. Leaves thick, velvetty tomentose or silky rachis stout. … … var.aspera
2. Leaves membranous, glabrous or sparsely pubescent; rachis slender   … var.porphyristachya.
there is no mention of var. indica.
What I am calling A.aspera var. aspera is close to your A.aspera var. indica.
My understanding may be wrong…..?

The “Bengal Plants” also describes two varieties of A. aspera (F. B. I. has three though), A. aspera and A. aspera var. porphyristachia.
I agree with your view – “It is not var. porphyristachya ….”
Since it is the typical Achyranthes aspera which includes another or more varieties what i learned from … (in an earlier discussion on different plant) is that this original plant should be automatically named (autonym) as A. aspera var. aspera.
After reading the descriptions in FoC i picked out the A. aspera var. indica, leaving aside A. aspera var. aspera, because this plant doesn’t have 1) quadrangular stem and 2) leaf-margin is more undulate.
However, according to FoP Achyranthes aspera var. indica is simply A. aspera which includes three varieties!!!
So, i think all those eflora should be blamed for complicating things!
Here is some relief……!


ID Request 140913SG :  Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Help ID of following spreading weed found in wild, photographed on 30Aug13 at Dhavlas, Maharashtra.

Achyranthes aspera..

ID Request 270913SG : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Please help identify this herb found at Dhavlas, Maharashtra
Photographed 25Sep13.

Achyranthes asperaAmaranthaceae

Yes. Achyranthes aspera. Amaranthaceae


ID- RMP10072014-A- Gujarat : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Please help to identify this Achyranthus sp.
locality North Gujarat Region

This is an interesting observation! Some of the spikes modified as panicles (!) perhaps due to mutation or infection. These may be floral galls.

Typical spikes of Achyranthes aspera are also seen in the picture.


ANOCT63 Please identify with herb : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5).

Bangalore outskirts
19th October 2014

Plant is herbaceous rising to about 2 feet in height. Inflorescence is terminal.

Achyranthes aspera (Amaranthaceae) I hope.

Achiranthus aspera


Mhow, Dist Indore, Madhya Pradesh Oct’09?; Aarey Colony, Goregaon (E) , Mumbai in the 2nd week of Oct 09; on 11-01-10, open field of ganganagar (raj.); Sikkim;
Request Species ID 171009 DKV 1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups

ID request (310509SCS1) – indiantreepix | Google Groups
PLANT FOR IDENTIFICATION – 14 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
plant for Id – efloraofindia | Google Groups

It is interesting to note that two names in English for Achyranthes aspera L. … crocus stuff and crokars staff – both sound somewhat similar when spoken.
Could both of them be valid names for this plant? OR has one of them have just happened to become popular, out of sheer laxity to know about its relation to the plant.
While both “stuff” and “staff” could be part of a plant’s name, Crocus and Crokar in context of Achyranthes becomes intriguing.
Crocus is a genus belonging to Iridaceae (iris family), and Crocus sativus is known for the world-famous spice – saffron.
Thus, if there is any stuff about A. aspera having quality of crocus, it will be good to know that it is a valid name.
Crokar – I was not able to find any meaning or connection with Achyranthes aspera.
I hope someone helps in validating these names for Achyranthes aspera.

All said, both these names have no popularity in India compared to prickly chaff-flower.

Net showing both names.

Yes, … Both names are found in almost all pages that discuss Achyranthes aspera.

They both sound similar when spoken – I have raised a doubt whether one of them is invalid.

ID Please: CR09102019_1 : 8 posts by 5 authors. 2 images.
Please identify this bush in my terrace garden at Pune, Maharashtra

Achyranthes aspera L.

Please check Achyranthes.

since its your own plant. can you please measure the leaves and take a few more pictures of the leaves please

Achyranthes aspera ……gave up on it long ago .

I encounter lot of variation ………
Short annual vs perennial 
Leaf grey white vs red dotted vs reddish 
Leaf fleshy vs chartaceous 
Bracts and tepals green vs red
Androecium gynoecium complex red vs green 
Spike short vs extra long 
Some variation in branching pattern too.
But I believe it is all A.aspera.

I went through the Genus ….. simply non other exists in my region. In Matheran I came across A .bidentata and my belief became firmer.

yes. I echo … sentiments. what we saw in Agri hort herbal lectures and their garden was very different from what we saw in similar week long classes in kutch and Gujarat.

yes were all diligently diagnosed and labelled by able taxonomists

via Species‎ > ‎A‎ > Achyranthes aspera L. … family: Amaranthaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
ak-ky-RAN-thees — Greek: achyr (chaff) and anthos (flower)Dave’s Botanary
AS-per-uh — roughDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: crocus stuff, crokars staff, devil’s horsewhip, prickly chaff-flowerAssamese: অপমাগ apamaga, বনশোধ bonsodh, ওভতকাটা obhatakata, ওভটাশোধ ovotasodhBengali: অপামার্গ apamarga, অপাঙ্গ apangGaro: champangmichelGujarati: અઘેડો aghedo, અપામાર્ગ apamargaHindi: अघाड़ा aghara, अपामार्ग apamarga, चिरचिरा chirchira, चिरचिटा chirchita, लटजीरा latjiraKachchhi: કાંઢેરો આઘાડો kandero aghadoKannada: ಉತ್ತರಾಣಿ uttaraniKonkani: आघाडो aghado, ಕಾಂಟಮೊಗ್ರಿ kantamogriMaithili: दतिवन dativanMalayalam: കടലാടി katalati, വൻകടലാടി vankadalaadiManipuri: খুজুম্পেৰে khujumpereMarathi: अघाडा aghada, अपामार्ग apamarga, खरमंजरी kharamanjari, किणी kini, सूराट suraatNepali: अकमारो akamaro, अपामार्ग apaamaarg, दतिवन datiwan, जम्दी jamdee, काली झार kaalee jhaar, उल्टो कुरो ulto kuroOdia: ଅପାମାର୍ଗ apamargaPali: मोरगु moraguPunjabi: ਪੁੱਠ ਕੰਡਾ putth kandaRajasthani: आघीजाडो aagijaadoSanskrit: अपामार्ग apamarga, खरमञ्जरी kharamanjariTamil: ஆகாடம் akatam, அபாமார்க்கம் apamarkkam, நாயுரீஇ nay-uriiTelugu: అంటీశ antish, అపామార్గము apamaargamu, దుబ్బిన చెట్టు dubbinachettu, ప్రత్యక్పుష్పి pratyakpushpi, ఉత్తరేణు uttarenuTibetan: ཨ་པ་མ་རྒ a pa ma rgaTulu: ಉತ್ತರಣೆ uttaraneUrdu: اگهاڙا aghara, چرچرا chirchira
and more namesHindi: धानुष्का dhanushka, दुग्धिनिका dugdhinika, दुरभिग्रह durabhigrah, मधुकर madhukar, मयूर mayur, प्रत्यकपर्णी pratyakparni, प्रत्यकपुष्पी pratyakpushpi, तरुण tarun, वशीर vashirOdia: ଆକୃତିଚ୍ଛତ୍ରା akrutichchhatra, ଚମତ୍କାର chamatkara, ଧାମାର୍ଗବ dhamargaba, କେଶପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ keshaparnni, ଖରମଞ୍ଜରୀ kharamanjari, କ୍ଷାରମଧ୍ଯ ksharamadhya, ପରାକ୍ପୁଷ୍ପୀ parakpushpi, ରକ୍ତ ବିନ୍ଦୁ rakta bindu, ରକ୍ତବିଟ୍ raktabit, ଶିଖୀ sikhi, ସ୍ଥୂଳ ମଞ୍ଜରୀ sthula manjariSanskrit: अधामार्गव adhamargava, अधोघण्टा adhoghanta, अध्वशल्य adhvashalya, आघाट aghata, आकृतिच्छत्त्रा akrticchattra, अक्षर akshara, चमत्कार chamatkara, धामार्गव dhamargava, धानुष्का dhanushka, दुरभिग्रह durabhigraha, घण्टा ghanta, गिरिकर्णिका girikarnika, काण्डीर kandira, करमण्डलिन् karamandalin, करम्भक karambhaka, कर्कटवल्ली karkatavalli, कर्कवल्ली karkavalli, कटुमञ्जरिका katumanjarika, केशपर्णी keshaparni, किणि kini, कीशपर्ण kishaparna, क्षारमध्य ksharamadhya, क्षवक kshavaka, कुब्ज kubja, लिङ्गवर्धिणी lingavardhini, मधुकर madhukara, महादिकटभी mahadikatabhi, महाशौण्डी mahashaundi, महाश्वेता mahashveta, मालाकण्ठ malakantha, मर्कटपिप्पली markatapippali, पाण्डुकण्टक pandukantaka, पङ्क्तिकण्टक panktikantaka, पराक्पुष्पी parakpushpi, पत्त्रिन् pattrin, प्रत्यक्पर्णी pratyakparni, प्रत्यक्पुष्पी pratyakpushpi, रक्तापामार्ग raktapamarga, शैखरिक shaikharika, शिखरिन् shikharin, शिरोवृत्तफल shirovrttaphala, स्फुलमञ्जरी sphulamanjari, स्थलमञ्जरी sthalamanjari, तृणशौण्डिका trnashaundika, वार vara, वशीर vashira
botanical names: Achyranthes aspera L. … synonyms: status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
December 1, 2012 … Nagla forest

ak-ky-RAN-thees — Greek: achyr (chaff); anthos (flower) … Dave’s Botanary
AS-per-uh — rough … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: crocus stuff, crokars staff, devil’s horsewhip, prickly chaff-flower • Assamese: অপমাগ apamaga, বনশোধ bonsodh, ওভতকাটা obhatakata, ওভটাশোধ ovotasodh • Bengali: অপামার্গ apamarga, আপাং apang • Garo: champangmichel • Gujarati: અઘેડો aghedo, અપામાર્ગ apamarga • Hindi: अघाड़ा aghara, अपामार्ग apamarga, चिरचिरा chirchira, चिरचिटा chirchita, धानुष्का dhanushka, दुग्धिनिका dugdhinika, दुरभिग्रह durabhigrah, लटजीरा latjira, मधुकर madhukar, मयूर mayur, प्रत्यकपर्णी pratyakparni, प्रत्यकपुष्पी pratyakpushpi, तरुण tarun, वशीर vashir • Kachchhi: કાંઢેરો આઘાડો kandero aghado • Kannada: ಉತ್ತರಾಣಿ uttarani • Konkani: आघाडो aghado, बेल्लो bello, ಕಾಂಟಮೊಗ್ರಿ kantamogri • Maithili: दतिवन dativan • Malayalam: കടലാടി katalati, വൻകടലാടി vankadalaadi • Manipuri: ꯈꯨꯖꯨꯝꯄꯦꯔꯦ* khujumpere • Marathi: अघाडा aghada, अपामार्ग apamarga, खरमंजरी kharamanjari, किणी kini, सूराट suraat • Nepali: अकमारो akamaro, अपामार्ग apaamaarg, दतिवन datiwan, जम्दी jamdee, काली झार kaalee jhaar, उल्टो कुरो ulto kuro • Odia: ଆକୃତିଚ୍ଛତ୍ରା akrutichchhatra, ଅପାମାର୍ଗ apamarga, ଚମତ୍କାର chamatkara, ଧାମାର୍ଗବ dhamargaba, କେଶପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ keshaparnni, ଖରମଞ୍ଜରୀ kharamanjari, କ୍ଷାରମଧ୍ଯ ksharamadhya, ପରାକ୍ପୁଷ୍ପୀ parakpushpi, ରକ୍ତ ବିନ୍ଦୁ rakta bindu, ରକ୍ତବିଟ୍ raktabit, ଶିଖୀ sikhi, ସ୍ଥୂଳ ମଞ୍ଜରୀ sthula manjari • Pali: मोरगु moragu • Punjabi: ਪੁੱਠ ਕੰਡਾ putth kanda • Rajasthani: आघीजाडो aagijaado • Sanskrit: अधामार्गव adhamargava, अधोघण्टा adhoghanta, अध्वशल्य adhvashalya, आघाट aghata, आकृतिच्छत्त्रा akrticchattra, अक्षर akshara, अपामार्ग apamarga, चमत्कार chamatkara, धामार्गव dhamargava, धानुष्का dhanushka, दुरभिग्रह durabhigraha, घण्टा ghanta, गिरिकर्णिका girikarnika, काण्डीर kandira, करमण्डलिन् karamandalin, करम्भक karambhaka, कर्कटवल्ली karkatavalli, कर्कवल्ली karkavalli, कटुमञ्जरिका katumanjarika, केशपर्णी keshaparni, खरमञ्जरी kharamanjari, किणि kini, कीशपर्ण kishaparna, क्षारमध्य ksharamadhya, क्षवक kshavaka, कुब्ज kubja, लिङ्गवर्धिणी lingavardhini, मधुकर madhukara, महादिकटभी mahadikatabhi, महाशौण्डी mahashaundi, महाश्वेता mahashveta, मालाकण्ठ malakantha, मर्कटपिप्पली markatapippali, पाण्डुकण्टक pandukantaka, पङ्क्तिकण्टक panktikantaka, पराक्पुष्पी parakpushpi, पत्त्रिन् pattrin, प्रत्यक्पर्णी pratyakparni, प्रत्यक्पुष्पी pratyakpushpi, रक्तापामार्ग raktapamarga, शैखरिक shaikharika, शिखरिन् shikharin, शिरोवृत्तफल shirovrttaphala, स्फुलमञ्जरी sphulamanjari, स्थलमञ्जरी sthalamanjari, तृणशौण्डिका trnashaundika, वार vara, वशीर vashira • Santali: cipcirip, cipirit • Tamil: ஆகாடம் akatam, அபாமார்க்கம் apamarkkam, நாயுரீஇ nay-urii, நாயுருவி nayuruvi • Telugu: అంటీశ antish, అపామార్గము apamaargamu, దుబ్బిన చెట్టు dubbinachettu, ప్రత్యక్పుష్పి pratyakpushpi, ఉత్తరేణు uttarenu • Tibetan: ཨ་པ་མ་རྒ a pa ma rga • Tulu: ಉತ್ತರಣೆ uttarane • Urdu: اگهاڙا aghara, چرچرا chirchira

botanical namesAchyranthes aspera L. … synonyms: status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
crocus stuff
crokars staff
It is interesting to note that the two names of this plant: crocus stuff and crokars staff are homophonous – both sound same when spoken. Wondering whether one of them is not a valid name for this plant.
devil’s horsewhip
prickly chaff-flower
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
অপমাগ apamaga
  • Many thanks to Brahmananda Patiri for his help with this name … facebook
বনশোধ bonsodh
  • Many thanks to Ratneswar Kachari for this name in his post … facebook
ওভতকাটা obhatakata
  • Many thanks to Brahmananda Patiri for his help with this name … facebook
ওভটাশোধ ovotasodh
  • Many thanks to Ratneswar Kachari for this name in his post … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
অপামার্গ apamarga
  • Many thanks to Dr Shahadat Hossain for this name in his post at facebook
আপাং apang
  • Many thanks to Dr Shahadat Hossain for this name in his post at facebook
~~~~~ GARO ~~~~~
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
અઘેડો aghedo
અપામાર્ગ apamarga
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
अघाड़ा aghara
अपामार्ग apamarga
चिरचिरा chirchira
चिरचिटा chirchita
धानुष्का dhanushka
दुग्धिनिका dugdhinika
दुरभिग्रह durabhigrah
लटजीरा latjira
मधुकर madhukar
मयूर mayur
प्रत्यकपर्णी pratyakparni
प्रत्यकपुष्पी pratyakpushpi
तरुण tarun
वशीर vashir
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~
કાંઢેરો આઘાડો kandero aghado
  • or just આઘાડો aghadoઆગાડો agado … PLANTS OF CUTCH AND THEIR UTILITY by THAKAR, JAIKRISHNA INDRAJI, 1926
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಉತ್ತರಾಣಿ uttarani
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
आघाडो aghado
बेल्लो bello
ಕಾಂಟಮೊಗ್ರಿ kantamogri
~~~~~ MAITHILI ~~~~~
दतिवन dativan
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കടലാടി katalati
വൻകടലാടി vankadalaadi
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
ꯈꯨꯖꯨꯝꯄꯦꯔꯦ* khujumpere
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
अघाडा aghada
अपामार्ग apamarga
खरमंजरी kharamanjari
किणी kini
सूराट suraat
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
अकमारो akamaro
  • Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for this name … efloraofindia
अपामार्ग apaamaarg
  • Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for this name … efloraofindia
दतिवन datiwan
  • Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for this name … efloraofindia
जम्दी jamdee
  • Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for this name … efloraofindia
काली झार kaalee jhaar
  • Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for this name … efloraofindia
उल्टो कुरो ulto kuro
  • or just कुरो kuro … many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for this name … efloraofindia
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
ଆକୃତିଚ୍ଛତ୍ରା akrutichchhatra
ଅପାମାର୍ଗ apamarga
ଚମତ୍କାର chamatkara
ଧାମାର୍ଗବ dhamargaba
କେଶପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ keshaparnni
ଖରମଞ୍ଜରୀ kharamanjari
କ୍ଷାରମଧ୍ଯ ksharamadhya
ପରାକ୍ପୁଷ୍ପୀ parakpushpi
ରକ୍ତ ବିନ୍ଦୁ rakta bindu
ରକ୍ତବିଟ୍ raktabit
ରକ୍ତାପାମାର୍ଗ raktapamarga
ଶିଖୀ sikhi
ସ୍ଥୂଳ ମଞ୍ଜରୀ sthula manjari
~~~~~ PALI ~~~~~
मोरगु moragu
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~
ਪੁੱਠ ਕੰਡਾ putth kanda
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~
आघीजाडो aagijaado
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
अधामार्गव adhamargava
अधोघण्टा adhoghanta
अध्वशल्य adhvashalya
आघाट aghata
आकृतिच्छत्त्रा akrticchattra
अक्षर akshara
अपामार्ग apamarga
चमत्कार chamatkara
धामार्गव dhamargava
धानुष्का dhanushka
दुरभिग्रह durabhigraha
घण्टा ghanta
गिरिकर्णिका girikarnika
काण्डीर kandira
करमण्डलिन् karamandalin
करम्भक karambhaka
कर्कटवल्ली karkatavalli
कर्कवल्ली karkavalli
कटुमञ्जरिका katumanjarika
केशपर्णी keshaparni
खरमञ्जरी kharamanjari
किणि kini
कीशपर्ण kishaparna
क्षारमध्य ksharamadhya
क्षवक kshavaka
कुब्ज kubja
लिङ्गवर्धिणी lingavardhini
मधुकर madhukara
महादिकटभी mahadikatabhi
महाशौण्डी mahashaundi
महाश्वेता mahashveta
मालाकण्ठ malakantha
मर्कटपिप्पली markatapippali
पाण्डुकण्टक pandukantaka
पङ्क्तिकण्टक panktikantaka
पराक्पुष्पी parakpushpi
पत्त्रिन् pattrin
प्रत्यक्पर्णी pratyakparni
प्रत्यक्पुष्पी pratyakpushpi
रक्तापामार्ग raktapamarga
शैखरिक shaikharika
शिखरिन् shikharin
शिरोवृत्तफल shirovrttaphala
स्फुलमञ्जरी sphulamanjari
स्थलमञ्जरी sthalamanjari
तृणशौण्डिका trnashaundika
वार vara
वशीर vashira
~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
ஆகாடம் akatam
அபாமார்க்கம் apamarkkam
நாயுரீஇ nay-urii
நாயுருவி nayuruvi
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
అంటీశ antisha
అపామార్గము apamaargamu
దుబ్బిన చెట్టు dubbinachettu
ప్రత్యక్పుష్పి pratyakpushpi
ఉత్తరేణు uttarenu
~~~~~ TIBETAN ~~~~~
ཨ་པ་མ་རྒ a pa ma rga
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಉತ್ತರಣೆ uttarane
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~
اگهاڙا aghara
چرچرا chirchira
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

Hindi name added …
उल्टा कांटा ulta kanta


Achyranthes aspera L.: 2 very high res. images.

Location: Dailekh, West Nepal
Altitude:  1930m.
Date: 12 August 2021
Habit : Wild 


472 ID wild plant Achyranthes: 13 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: bloomed at Amritsar Railway Station Punjab  INDIA
Altitude: 700fsl
Flower date: 16APR2023, 12.45pm
Habitat: wild moisture wasteland
Plant habit: small spreading herb, erect branches, semi hard stem, perennial
Height: 02 feet
Leaves: alternate, ovate, acute, simple, wavy margins, size upto:03.5×2.5cm
Flower: terminal spike inflorescence, diameter:05mm, green, non fragrant
Fruit: capsule green into brown, size:03.5×2mm
Seed: brown single, ovoid size:03×1mm
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Achyranthes aspera var. porphyristachya (Wall. ex Moq.) Hook.fil. ??
Name changed to Achyranthes coynei Santapau ??

Yes, it is very close to Achyranthes aspera var. porphyristachya, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant

Going by the leaves, it is
Wonderful images and close ups.

A simple A. aspera, var. would have acuminate leaves and shorter spike, A. coynei much larger pink flowers and much longer spile.
see my post

Thank you very much for your nice words and sharing ID link. In my observation, it having three times longer terminal only inflorescence than A. aspera

Thank you very much for helping to Identify my plant and sharing ID link with detailed information


Amaranthaceae: Achyranthes aspera L.: 1 high res. image.
location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994


Updated on December 24, 2024

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