Acrotrema arnottianum Wight, Ill. Ind. Bot. 1: 9 1840. ; . Common name: Arnott’s Acrotrema . Herbs; stem very short, densely hispid. Leaves radical, rosetted, to 35 x 15 cm, obovate obtuse, distantly toothed, very hispid, nerves many, regular, parallel; petiole 3-8 cm long, stipules wing-like, adnate to petiole. Flowers 12 mm across, in axillary raceme; pedicel 5 cm long, hispid; sepals 5, 6 x 3 mm, obovate, obtuse, hairy outside; petals 5, 8 x 5 mm, obovate, glabrous, yellow; stamens many, filaments as long as anthers; anthers obovate; carpels 3, jointed along the inner edges; ovules many on parietal placentation; styles 3, recurved. Fruit of 3 follicles, 5 x 5 mm, coherent along the innersides; seeds many, triangular. Flowering and fruiting: Throughout the year Moist places under bushes along edges of ditches in moist deciduous and evergreen forests Southern Western Ghats (Endemic) Acrotrema arnottianum Wight- Dilleniaceae- ESSK-FEB 02 : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments(1). Acrotrema arnottianum Wight is an endemic species of Kerala, belongs to the family Dilleniaceae, one of the three species reported from India. This is usually seen at low land evergreen forests, particularly along the shady places in southern Kerala. Captured from Thiruvananthapuram district in Kerala Nice picture of the interesting plant! Is this an acaulescent herb, …? Nice find. Is this the herb?? .
These broad leaved, herbs are extremely hairy and are found all along the rocks adjoining the streams. The flower buds appear to be red and hairy. Thanks! All the pic from 1-4 are taken around Maruthamala, TVM, Kerala. Neurocalyx calycinus? Acrotrema arnottianum Wight .
Pl. check I think it is Acrotrema agastyamalayanum E.S.S.Kumar, Dan & G.M.Nair as per details at A new species of Acrotrema (Dilleniaceae) from India Yes This is Acrotrema arnottianum I have seen this in Tamil Nadu. The species is endemic to Tamil Nadu & Kerala.
Acrotrema arnottianum
Updated on December 24, 2024