Adansonia digitata L., Sp. Pl. 1190 1753. (Syn: Adansonia bahobab L.; Adansonia baobab Gaertn.; Adansonia somalensis Chiov.; Adansonia sphaerocarpa A.Chev.; Adansonia sulcata A.Chev.; Baobabus digitata (L.) Kuntze); . Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Nigeria, Guinea-Bissau, N-Cameroon, Chad, Sudan, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Congo (Brazzaville), D.R.Congo (Zaire), Eritrea, Ethiopia, S-Somalia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Angola, Sao Tome, Principe Isl., Annobon Isl., South Africa (Limpopo), Namibia, Botswana, Seychelles (I), Madagascar (I), Comores (Mayotte, etc.), India (I), Yemen (SW-Yemen), Oman (Dhofar), China (I) (Guangdong (I), Fujian (I), Yunnan (I)), Java (I), Nepal (I), Sri Lanka (I), Bangladesh (I), Philippines (c), Lakshadweep Isl. (Laccadives) (I), Maldives (I), Jamaica (I), Puerto Rico (I), Haiti (I), Dominican Republic (I), Virgin Isl. (I) (St. Croix (I)), Venezuela (I), Trinidad & Tobago (I) as per Catalogue of Life; . ad-an-SOH-nee-uh — named for Michel Adanson, French surgeon, botanist and naturalist dig-ee-TAH-tuh or dij-ee-TAH-tuh — finger . commonly known a: baobab, bottle tree, cream of tartar tree, dead-rat tree, Ethiopian sour bread, lemonade tree, monkey-bread tree, sour gourd • * Bengali*: gadhagachh • *Hindi*: गोरख ईमली gorakh imli • *Kannada*: ಬ್ರಃಮಾఠಲಿಕ brahmamlika • *Marathi*: गोरख चिंच gorakh chinch, वावबाब vavabab • *Sanskrit*: सर्पदण्डि sarpadandi • *Tamil*: பப்பரப்புளி papparappuli, பெரியமரவகை periyamaravakai • *Telugu*: brahmaaamlika . Native to: northeastern, central and southern Africa; cultivated elsewhere . The tree as most would know has an inverted trunk, base being much thicker than the upper portion mainly due to the function of storage of water. . Edible use: … leaves can be eaten as relish, while the fruit dissolved in milk or water can be used as a drink … traditional food plant in Africa, but is little-known elsewhere (Quoted from Wikipedia) flowers & leaves: eaten by people as a salad seeds: eaten raw or roasted pith: used to make a sort of ‘lemonade’ when mixed with water (Quoted from Tropical Flowering Tree Soceity) . Malvaceae Fortnight :: Adansonia digitata :: Mumbai :: DVJUL01 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Adansonia digitata L. … Also placed in: Bombacaceae at MIDC Andheri on various dates at Veermata Jijabai Bhonsale Udyan, Mumbai on various dates very nice, all your submissions this week about this one when does it flower? what month/ weeks Adansonia digitata (Baobab tree), Family: Bombacaceae, Local name: Gorakh Chinch, Location: Mumbai. Malvaceae Fortnight :: Adansonia digitata ::Mumbai:: PKAJUL30 :: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)Adansonia digitata from Mumbai. Malvaceae Fortnight :: Adansonia digitata ::Mumbai:: PKAJUL36 :: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Baobab tree here in Mumbai during April and June.. Flowers of Baobab tree at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai. Thanks, …, for bring the beauties from your camera & uploading them. Adansonia digitata Baobab tree Cultivated tree from GKVK garden Bangauru very nice. is it flowering now? in September 2015? Adansonia digitata (Baobab): Ah, God knows how many people I asked for this tree! All including 8 Two huge Baobab Trees found at Jijamata Udyan,Byculla,Mumbai…..immediately on entering the garden. There were Albizias, Peltrophorum and Delonix species adjuscent to this poor chap (Baobab). Yes …, I was informed about it. I am yet to see though! Heard they are also quite huge and big, BTW saw one in February near Wadala on main road. If you get a chance please go inside Seepz – this requires special permission. There are gigantic Boabab trees there, by far the largest I have seen in and around Bombay. There are also some on the periphery of Seepz. Flora Picture of the Year – 2012: This 500 year old BaoBab’s tree flower is my picture of the year Amazing! A few months back I heard that there’s a Baobab tree in Africa with a whole pub in it! Definitely on my list of plants to see. The tree is 500 years old? I took the pictures at sunset. So couldn’t do any justice. But was happy to see the tree behind Ibrahim Roza Look at this article: The Hindu The flower in fact started to open up around 7.00pm. The funny thing as we are asking people for directions, the younger generation were discouraging us saying there is nothing like it. But the old people were pointing as to the right place, explaining to the younger generation, there does exist a tree. Many thanks … for sharing the beautiful Baobab flower as your picture for the year.
Malvaceae s. l. ~ Bombacaceae (baobab family) » Adansonia digitata Synonyms: A. baobab, A. situla, A. somalensis, A. sphaerocarpa, A. sulcata ad-an-SOH-nee-uh — named for Michel Adanson, French surgeon, botanist and naturalist dig-ee-TAH-tuh or dij-ee-TAH-tuh — finger Native to: northeastern, central and southern Africa Edible use: … leaves can be eaten as relish, while the fruit dissolved in milk or water can be used as a drink … traditional food plant in Africa, but is little-known elsewhere Quoted from Wikipedia flowers & leaves: eaten by people as a salad seeds: eaten raw or roasted pith: used to make a sort of ‘lemonade’ when mixed with water Quoted from Tropical Flowering Tree Soceity some facts: … some large individuals living to well over a thousand years of age … Wikipedia … giant individuals attain a girth of up to 28 m … World Agroforestry Centre – We have seen these trees planted on roadside at Mandu, Madhya Pradesh. – Gorakh chinch, Photos from my archives – At some places, it was planted by britishers. Native of African continent. Interestingly this is not native but still finds mention in the vedas as Parijat tree. – Baobab or Gorakhchich is also known as Monkey-bread tree or Upside down tree (when leafless it appears as if the roots are up in the sky!). Botanically it is Adansonia digitata. It is endemic in Tropical Africa and supposed to have been introduced in western India from Africa by Arabian traders. This is an ecologically important tree and there is a beautiful film titled Baobab which shows the life around this tree all around the day and night. This is not Parijat. Parijat of Prajakt is Nyctanthes arbor-tristris, a very popular / fragrant garden plant – small tree / big shrub. The scented pretty small flowers with white petals and orange tube bloom in the evening and fall in the early morning, perfect for the believers to collect and use for pooja. The plant supposed to have emerged during the churning of the ocean by devas and danavas. The origin is recorded as East India and Sumatra, however the plant is not really seen in wilderness but mostly in gardens and plantations. The leaves are rough and used like sand paper to polish wood. – … it may happen that a name popular for a plant in one region could be not so in another. In context of regions, a popular name of one plant could be altogether shared by another plant. Parijat is one such example. In most of India, Nyctanthes arbor-tristris is well known as Parijat, it could be so even in the area where the baobab Adansonia digitata OR the Indian coral tree, Erythrina indica (syn. of Erythrina variegata) is / are known by the same name. For a good justification that baobab indeed is known by the name somewhere in India, it is seen featured on Indian postal stamp … reference: Travel india guide Link to one of earlier discussions on Parijat … Interestingly, there is no entry found for parijata(ka) as a name for Nyctanthes in some of very well-known Sanskrit dictionaries like: • Monier-Williams Dictionary … • Revised and enlarged edition of Prin. V. S. Apte’s The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary … Flowers of Baobab – Adansonia digitata: Location : Mhow, Dist Indore, MP Flowers and buds of Baobab– Adansonia digitata Baobab Tree, Adansonia digitata pictures: Wanted to share photos of the magnificent Baobab tree, Adansonia digitata. This is beautiful. Its one of my most favourite trees. Baobab Tree, Adansonia digitata pictures: Here are a few pictures of the Baobob tree, Adansonia digitata. This was photographed from a temple premises near the coast in Kasargod district, Kerala, on Jan 27 2007. This is the only baobab tree in this region and no one seems to know how it came to be here. The saddest part is that, people have been burning fallen leaves and other rubbish right under the tree as part of ‘cleaning up’, a regular sight in Kerala! The main trunk is charred and I wonder how long the tree will last. very nice i had seen in aurangabad maharastra 2010 a international seminar of taxonomy. Oh one more Adansonia. Thanks for sharing. I love this tree. Beautiful Baobab is seen in Theosophical society campus, Adyar. ad-an-SOH-nee-uh — named for Michel Adanson, French surgeon, botanist and naturalist dig-ee-TAH-tuh or dij-ee-TAH-tuh — finger [image: Baobab Africain]<> May 3, 2007 in premises of SEEPZ, Andheri, Mumbai Commonly known a: baobab, bottle tree, cream of tartar tree, dead-rat tree, Ethiopian sour bread, lemonade tree, monkey-bread tree, sour gourd • * Bengali*: gadhagachh • *Hindi*: गोरख ईमली gorakh imli • *Kannada*: ಬ್ರಃಮಾఠಲಿಕ brahmamlika • *Marathi*: गोरख चिंच gorakh chinch, वावबाब vavabab • *Sanskrit*: सर्पदण्डि sarpadandi • *Tamil*: பப்பரப்புளி papparappuli, பெரியமரவகை periyamaravakai • *Telugu*: brahmaaamlika Native to: northeastern, central and southern Africa; cultivated elsewhere – [image: Baobab tree]<>… Mar 6, 2007 in premises of SEEPZ, Andheri, Mumbai – [image: Dead Rat Tree]<>… Mar 6, 2007 in premises of SEEPZ, Andheri, Mumbai – [image: Baobab]<>… May 9, 2010 at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai – [image: Gadhagachh (in Bengali)]<>… May 9, 2010 at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai – [image: Gorakh Chinch (Marathi: गोरख चिंच)]<>… Apr 21, 2007 near Porta do Mar (seaward entrance) of Bassein fort – … more views: 500 year old Baobab Tree in Bijapur, Karnataka: I took the pictures at sunset. So couldn’t do any justice. But was happy to see the tree behind Ibrahim Roza Look at this article: Tree For ID : Jijamata Udyan,Mumbai : 220813 : AK-1 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors. Saw this single large fruit hanging on a tree today at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai. Fruit was bigger than the pods of silk cotton tree. Id please. … Adansonia digitata, Bombacaceae, Malvaceae Yes of course it is the fruit of Baobab Tree. How could I not guess? Have not seen it fruiting in this garden before. Thanks a lot … for the id. Pls help identify this tree: Pls help identify this tree. Kindly ignore the dead palm in the picture. I cant make out the first two tree pics, but leaves in 3 – 4 pics look like Adansonia digitata to me. Please post a complete branch picture and search whether there are any flower or fruits on the tree. One suggestion please check with species of Barringtonia I will go with … in guessing it as Adansonia digitata with gross observation of the leaves.
Baobab – Cross Section of Trunk: Mhow Cantonment, District Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. Sept 25 2012: A Baobab had fallen in the compound of Christ Church Mhow (the oldest church in Central India) during the rains in July. It did not damage the church – just a little ‘scratch’ on one corner as it fell. It has now been chopped… This is one view of the cross section of the trunk which continues to lie there… Can anyone count the rings? I can send the original pic on request.
Gorakhchinch – efloraofindia | Google Groups Flora Picture of the Year 2010- Rashida Atthar.: The beautiful Adansonia digitata–baobab flowers at dawn. These are special to me because I could see them at different times zones at the Babasaheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabad. I have never been able to capture them in full bloom at Mumbai being bat pollinated they fall off early morning. The tree as most would know has an inverted trunk, base being much thicker than the upper portion mainly due to the function of storage of water. Several interesting links and info. can be found in our database. – Adansonia digitata or “Parijat” . Tree for id_ Tarkarli, Sindhudurg: 3 images. This huge tree was observed in Tarkarli, Sindhudurg in March 2021. Tree was in leafless state with few fruits on it. Location-Tarkarli, Sindhudurg Tree height- more than 120 feet Please help in id. Adansonia digitata Doubtful ID. Id is correct as per images at Adansonia digitata (Introduced) It perfectly matches with Adansonia digitata. . Adansonia digitata L. :: Thane, Maharashtra :: Mar 17, 2007 · JUN23 DV481: 1 image. . References: |
Adansonia digitata (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024