Adenanthera pavonina L. (Syn. Adenanthera gersenii Scheff.; Adenanthera polita Miq.; Corallaria parvifolia Rumph.); ID Plz_RKC03_260811: Habit: Tree Loc.: Khaari, East Kameng distt (ca 500m), Arunachal Pradesh Date: March, 2009.
efloraindia: 041111 BRS119: Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Adenanthera pavonina from Arunachal_RKC_03_10112011: Fabaceae – Mimosoideae- week- Adenanthera pavonina from Coimbatore: Sharing the images of Red Sandalwood Adenanthera pavonina from Coimbatore. Location: Anaikatti, Coimbatore Date: Nov. 2011 Habitat: Garden Habit: Tree In many places this has been planted as avenue tree. If any one interested in propagating this plants I can able to send the seeds. Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week_Adenanthera pavonina_RKC05_02012012: Fabaceae – Mimosoideae – Bangalore – RA – Adenanthera pavonina – Red Sandalwood Tree: Nice pictures BUT this is not, I repeat this is not RED SANDAL”WOOD of Ayurvedic medicine and of HINDU WORSHIP requirements…that real RED SANDALWOOD is ” *Pterocarpus santalinus* A RARE TREE“… MY POINTS IN THIS DISCUSSION: I am very happy with such wrongly interpret names. Ask me why? thanks for expressing your viewpoint, honestly, i liked that fact… No mam, you understood it a bit half. To me Adenanthera has less value because its not native. Its an exotic tree where as Pterocarpus is an endemic tree and that too Endangered. The links you shared seems actually to be of planted ones. Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week: Adenanthera pavonina Pune: Adenanthera pavonina Do you know why is it called Adenanthera….? its Aden-: gland + anthera: anther, refers to the anthers which bear minute glands at their tips…i dont know whether you are able to see it or not but it is there sending you a photo with the gland in a separate mail…. Here is the photo of flowers with the gland…this is not a very high quality picture but it is sufficient for an idea… Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week :: Adenanthera pavonina at Thane and Mumbai: ad-en-AN-ther-uh — from the Greek aden (gland) and anthera (anther) pav-ON-ee-nuh — like a peacock Dec 9, 2007 … Hanging Gardens a.k.a. Ferozeshah Mehta Gardens, Mumbai Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week :: Adenanthera pavonina at Mumbai : Very good pictures. I can see the glands near the anthers in IMG8088. i am presently using a Canon camera- S5-IS. The Macro feature of this camera is excellent. It has a “Super- Macro” feature, meaning the focusing distance is near zero. It gives very good result if the light conditions are favorable. Its handy as well. I agree … That was my intention of telling in my earier discussion on camera. You can really achieve very good closeup results with some of these prosumer cameras. In fact all parts remain in focus easily with these creating a good overall effect. . wonders of seeds and stories ! : ………………………. As … suggested this thread I remembered – that about a couple of years a junior student found a few seeds on his way to school. He collected not because he wanted to know the name of the tree, in fact I was not at all interested in flora world, he collected because those looked very attractive to him. There were 4 or 5 seeds and he gave me all. I kept those in my home for reason unknown to even myself! A few days ago I searched my room and found one of those Adenanthera pavonina L. seeds. I am yet to see or record this tree. As I googled a little while ago I came across another similar looking one – http://itp.lucidcentral.Prosopis_palmeri.htm. Attachments (1) Adenanthera pavonina L. tree flowers in march and seeds begin to appear in april.. last till may these are the ones I remember several as street trees in many neighborhoods .. no use going on a wild goose chase but they are everywhere, and the seeds sprout in wet humid (100% humidity days) in the debris under the trees… no allelopathy there.. the mother plant allows them to sprout out.. but I have not seen any really form a grove under or near the original tree.. i don’t know why… may be the mali-s /gardeners do not let them.. we don’t have cows roaming the streets or these parks that could possibly eat up the young plants… so I its a question… AND the wood is reddish… many mistakenly believe it to be red sandalwood, I have see the Dhakuria lake trees routinely mutilated… big branches are torn out… but its not red sandalwood… Thank you Didi, I would look for this tree in March, one should be somewhere near my school.
Please ID the tree whose seeds this monkey is snacking on – the monkey is a Phayre’s Leaf Langur – Trachypithecus player – an endangered primate Location: Forest track, Karimganj District, Assam Date: 1st March 2015 Equipment: Nikon D800 with Nikkor 300mm f2.8 + 2x TC It seems Adenanthera pavonia, seeds should be reddish and biconvex Thank you very much. The monkeys appeared to be eating the seeds by breaking open the seedpods. The seed pods were also not split open (probably not mature) but twisted and broken to extract the seeds. I found on Wikipedia that the seeds were toxic if consumed raw. I wonder whether these monkeys could be eating them without facing any harm. Unfortunately the tree was on a ravine and I could not get closer to collect seeds or leaves. TSPNOV2015-9: Images of Adenanthera pavonina (Fabaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5) Fwd: STORY OF A COLLAGE : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) It all started at Pachmarhi (they call it QUEEN OF SATPURA). Those were the days when I used to collect dry fruits, capsules, seeds for my dry arrangements. One day I saw some fruits on a big tree behind a house called DENWA (Next to Pachmarhi lake). The fruits were in bunches and they were pointing towards the sky like heads of spears. With great difficulty I managed to get some of these. During dry season these fruits split and there were many seeds inside. As I hold the split fruit in my hand, it locked like the outline of human eye. I thought of an image where the split open fruit will be used as eyes. I took an ordinary card board and fix these fruits with adhesive. That was in 1983. I used other fruits and seeds to decorate it. I left Pachmarhi in 1984 for Firozepore. This collage moved with me. In 1985 I was in Dehradun. This collage took a new shape at this place. The items were fixed on a velvet cloth mounted on a frame. At these place Bamboo scales and seeds of Adhenanthera pavonina were added. This collage moved with me from place to place and reached here at Cooch Behar in 2005. It was dismantled and rearranged keeping the eyes as they were. It is on display in our drawing room at this place. Two images are attached. First image is of the collage. The second image indicates the items used to make it. Fantastic, meticulous work …!!
Please help – indiantreepix | Google Groups Adenanthera pavonina :: Puducherry :: 13 OCT 19 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 6 images. Puducherry near sea coast Dates, various: October 13 – 15, 2019 … Altitude range: about 0 – 3 m (0 – 10 feet) asl Adenanthera pavonina L. they open up in April in ganges delta Lovely post. Now flower would be nice add ! I do have its inflorescence in my earlier collection. I will post it soon. . Require seeds of Adenanthera pavonina and Xylia xylocarpa: Interested in following two plants legumes of Mimosoideae 1. Adenanthera pavonina 2. Xylia xylocarpa Interested in checking root nodules. I can check if I get seeds by sowing them in soil. If you people know locations/ sites where these tree plants grow kindly 8nform me. If I can get seeds of these for research plz.. PS: … if you can get information from our members of eflorindia plz let me know. I have Adenanthera pavonina seeds. I have seen a few trees of Xylia xylocarpa along roadsides near Karnala Bird Sanctuary. Adenanthera pavonina is found in some popular gardens. Veer Mata Jijabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai has this tree listed. In either case, I think fallen seeds need to be collected. I am not aware where they are sold. Thank you … for your information which is quite helpful. We don’t want to buy it since our purpose is research and generating knowledge. Getting material through academic people is authentic and we can’t rely fully on traders. If you have access to Xylia seeds it would be nice to get it. I will bear the postage charges if any. I am happy that efloraofindia is a useful link for academic activity in the country because members are doing great jobs. . [2023/Jan/08 ART 1] Is this Adenanthera pavonina?: 4 images. Date: 2023/Jan/07 Location: Kolavai Lake Surroundings, Chengalpet District, Tamil Nadu (Avenue Tree) May I know if this is Adenanthera pavonina? ID looks good ! https://www.flowersofindia.Red%20Bead%20Tree.html—l/f/fabaceae/adenanthera/adenanthera-pavonina Past discussions are interesting to read. . Adenanthera pavonina L. :: Thane, Maharashtra :: Feb 12, 2008 · JUN23 DV535: 3 images. Adenanthera pavonina L. Thane, Maharashtra :: Feb 12, 2008 · 7:30 AM IST :: about 11 m (36 ft) asl Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist . Fabaceae: Adenanthera pavonina L.: 1 high res. image. location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997 . Fabaceae: Adenanthera pavonia: 5 high res. images. Adenanthera pavonia in Andhra University campus, Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh. . References: |
Adenanthera pavonina
Updated on December 24, 2024