Adonis chrysocyathus

Adonis chrysocyathus Hook.f. & Thomson, Fl. Brit. India 1: 15 1875. (syn: Adonis margaritae Butkov; Adonis pyrenaica Hook.f. & Thomson [Illegitimate]; Chrysocyathus falconeri Chrtek & Slavíková);
Central Asia to W. Nepal: Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Nepal, Tadzhikistan, Tibet, Uzbekistan, West Himalaya, Xinjiang as per POWO;
Alpine zones in damp places, 3300 – 4500 m. Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh; W. Nepal and China (W. Tibet) as per BSI Flora of India;
Common name: Yellow Himalayan Oxeye Daisy

Fwd: Adonis chryocyathus – new for efi : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Whilst going through some of the slides I have scanned in from visits to Kashmir back in the 1980s, came across a couple of shots of Adonis chrysocyathus, which you do not appear to have any images of.
Not that good images but better than nothing.  Perhaps someone has some quality close-ups taken with a digital camera to add?
A.chrysocyathus sometimes known as ‘Golden Bowl’ grows in large clumps on alpine meadows in Kashmir @ 2700-3900m with Iris hookeriana and Euphorbia wallichii as they are all avoided by grazing animals.
Stewart records 2 other AdonisA.aestivalis, a common spring annual with the flowers varying greatly in size and colour. Recorded in Pakistan and Kashmir @ 300-1800m.
Also, Adonis squarrosa, with a strange combination of records from Baluchistan, Kashmir, Kishtwar and Pangi….

Nice photographs …, thanks for sharing.

Worthwhile to have whatever images are available of any many species as possible on this site – even if not close-ups and taken 30 years ago.

Fwd: Adonis chrysocyathus additional image : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Could not locate this shot earlier of fine display of Adonis chrysocyathus beside Vishensar Lake at some 3600m in Kashmir.
Would you add it to other 2 images posted yesterday.


Your Adonis chrysocyathus images: 2 images.
Please find attached herewith the photos of Adonis chrysocyathus for your reference and perusal.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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