Aesculus parviflora (USA/ France)

Aesculus parviflora Walter, Fl. Carol. 128 1788. (syn: Aesculus macrostachya Michx.; Aesculus macrostachys Pers.; Macrothyrsus discolor Spach; Macrothyrsus odorata Raf.; Pavia alba Poir.; Pavia edulis Poit.; Pavia macrostachya DC.; Pavia macrostachys Loisel.; Pavia parviflora (Walt.) Rafin.; Pawia parviflora (Walt.) Kuntze);
USA (Alabama, District of Columbia, Georgia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina) as per Catalogue of Life;


Tree for ID : New Jersey : 15SEP19 : AK-01 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)
A small tree seen in a cultivated garden in New Jersey during my visit in June,2017.
Seems to be Aesculus Species.
Experts kindly verify.

Could be A. parviflora,

Its a shrub. a buckeye… colloquially known as bottlebrush buckeye. telltale is the narrow inflorescence (unlike the horse chestnut tree we all love).
look at this Univ of Illinois Extension UTUBE, it 8 years old but very timely for our purpose
Aesculus parviflora is correct

Beautiful upload. Yes it is A. parviflora (Bottlebrush buckeye). The ID is correct. I have also seen this in Princeton (New Jersey) around & photographed.


France, July 2022 :: Aesculus parviflora :: ARK2022-102: 4 high res. images.
Aesculus parviflora
This was clicked in the Palace gardens, Versailles, France in July 2022.
Requested to please validate.

For me the ID looks correct. Cultivated. I have seen this in California area.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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