Agapanthus africanus (Cultivated- USA)

Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffmanns., Verz. Pfl.-Kult. 35 1824. (syn: Abumon africanum (L.) Britton; Agapanthus minor Lodd.; Agapanthus tuberosus L. ex DC. [Invalid]; Agapanthus umbellatus L’Hér.; Agapanthus umbellatus subsp. albus Hovey; Agapanthus umbellatus var. flore-albo Van Geert, contrary to Art.
23.6. (ICN, 2012); Agapanthus umbellatus subsp. flore-pleno Van Geert, contrary to
Art. 23.6. (ICN, 2012); Agapanthus umbellatus subsp. variegatus (G.Sinclair) Hovey; Agapanthus umbellatus var. variegatus G.Sinclair; Crinum africanum L.; Crinum floridum Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Mauhlia africana (L.) Dahl; Mauhlia linearis Thunb.; Mauhlia umbellata (L’Hér.) Thunb. ex Schult. & Schult.f.; Tulbaghia africana (L.) Kuntze; Tulbaghia africana var. heisteri (Fabr.) Kuntze; Tulbaghia heisteri Fabr.; Tulbaghia minor (Lodd.) Kuntze);
SW. Cape Prov. as per POWO;
Ascension; Cape Provinces; Jamaica; Mexico Central; Mexico Gulf; Mexico Southeast; Mexico Southwest; Trinidad-Tobago; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life;



Agapanthus africanus from Fremont California-02022020-4 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffm. (syn: A. umbellatus L’Her)
Common name: African Lily
Perennial tufted herb, less commonly grown as compared to A. praecox (scape up to 1 m long,  leaves up to 35 cm long, 4-6 cm broad, umbel 40-100 flowered, flowers 4-5 cm long) in shorter scape 25-60 cm in length, , leaves 1-2 cm broad, umbel 12-30 flowered, flowers  3-4 cm long.
Photographed from Fremont California, June 26, 2019.

To me look different as per SANBIPacific Bulb society, Architectural Plants and Useful tropical Plants
Pl. see attachments of revision of Agapanthus in SK1377 21AUG 2018 by …

I have seen both A. praecox and A. africanus growing in California. They are very distinct: shorter scape 25-60 cm in length, leaves 1-2 cm broad, umbel 12-30 flowered, flowers  3-4 cm long in A. africanus but scape up to 1 m long,  leaves up to 35 cm long, 4-6 cm broad, umbel 40-100 flowered, flowers 4-5 cm long in A. praecox. They are so distinct that there is no scope for confusion.

Thanks, … There are many other species (Pl. see attachments of revision of Agapanthus in SK1377 21AUG 2018 by …) and hybrids.
SANBI says:
Agapanthus are one of South Africa’s best known garden plants and are grown in most countries in the world. Their strap-like leaves and striking blue or white flowers make them favourites in plant borders as well as in containers. They are all easy to grow except for Agapanthus africanus and A. walshii

It may be some cultivar like Agapanthus africanus ‘Peter pan’ as per


Agapanthus africanus from California-GS24072024-1: 4 high res. images.
There are two species of Agapanthus in Cultivation:

1. Agapanthus praecox with leaves usually broader than 2.5 cm, scape longer than 1 m, inflorescence with more than 40 flowers, flowers 4-6 cm long.
2. A. africanus with leaves less than 2 cm broad, scape less than 80 cm long, inflorescence with less than 30 flowers, flowers less than 4 cm long.
Uploading Agapanthus africanus from California.



Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  World Flora Online  WCSP  SANBIPacific Bulb society, Architectural Plants  Useful tropical Plants

Updated on December 24, 2024

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