Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 511 1891. (Syn: Agastache anethiodora (Nutt.) Britton & A.Br.; Agastache foeniculum f. bernardii B.Boivin; Agastache foeniculum f. candicans B.Boivin; Agastache foeniculum f. foeniculum ; Hyptis marathrosma (Spreng.) Benth.; Hyssopus anethiodorus Nutt.; Hyssopus anisatus Nutt.; Hyssopus discolor Desf.; Hyssopus foeniculum (Pursh) Spreng.; Lophanthus anisatus (Nutt.) Benth.; Lophanthus foeniculum (Pursh) E.Mey.; Perilla marathrosma Spreng.; Stachys foeniculum Pursh; Vleckia albescens Raf.; Vleckia anethiodora (Nutt.) Greene; Vleckia anisata (Nutt.) Raf.; Vleckia bracteata Raf.; Vleckia bracteosa Raf.; Vleckia discolor Raf.; Vleckia foeniculum (Pursh) MacMill.; Vleckia incarnata Raf.); Canada to NW. & NC. U.S.A. as per WCSP; Alberta; Austria; British Columbia; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Idaho; Illinois; Iowa; Kentucky; Manitoba; Minnesota; Montana; Nebraska; New Brunswick; New Hampshire; New York; North Dakota; Northwest Territorie; Ontario; Pennsylvania; Qubec; Saskatchewan; South Dakota; Washington; Wisconsin; Wyoming as per Catalogue of Life; Garden plant seen in New Jersey in the first week of July,17. Cannot say which labiatae is this but could it be close to some Pogostemon or Elsholtzia ?? most likely not flowers look different and stem seems round (only a little is hshwing) (some in the back, not in focus may be angulated, but cant be sure) Could be Anise Hyssop, Agastache foeniculum? Just a guess. thinking of this plant. it may well be Anise hyssop. you just caught it when flower petals had mostly fallen off a and your close ups did not include the stems…. hence the doubts. my final impression (not diagnosis) Anise hyssop likely. ps next time take one or two more seconds and you can take at least 3 or 4 close ups of the stem and backs of leaves. good luck I could locate one more picture. Is there anything particular about the stem? They seem to look squarish in the picture I found. Attachments (1) flowers do remind me of Anise hyssop but squareness? not seen by me atleast. so we can go with Anise hyssop Cultivated, garden flower seen on 1/10/14 in San Francisco. Possible ID: Agastache rugosa ‘Blue Fortune’ (Hyssop)- Lamiaceae . Thanks for resurfacing and identifying my post. It does look like the suggested id. This may also be Agastache foeniculum as per difference between two close species i.e. between Agastache foeniculum & Agastache rugosa Thanks for the suggested id.
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Agastache foeniculum (USA)
Updated on December 24, 2024