Allium sativum (Cultivated)



Fruits & Vegetables Week: Allium sativum, the garlic: Allium sativum, the garlic, the leaves are used in vegetables, for garnishing, the bulblets (cloves) used in breads (garlic breads), pastes (garlic pastes) and in cooking.

-It also known to have medicinal properties


Found at the Flower show at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai in Feb, 2011.
I’m told they are from Jammu and good for health.
Saw these for the first time.
Can anyone give the correct id.

What I learn from the internet is, this is a variety of garlic (Allium sativum) and is commonly known as “Snow Mountain Garlic”, “Kashmiri Garlic”, “ek kali ka jammu ka garlic/lasun” etc. Considered to be medicinal, espl in lowering bp.

Also used in Vaata Dosha and gastric troubles in our area

Yes Allium sativum. Nice for health and nice spice also.

Bought them once (in 2007) from Manali…they sold it as a medicine for High Blood Pressure….

unfortunately couldn’t deliver it to the concerned person on time and they stayed with me for almost 3 years but even after that they didn’t dry up…after removal of their hard covering they were still juicy though the colour had changed to brownish…from off white…

I am in USA I want to know how can we propogate this garlic by seed or just sawing this garclic ? Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Please let me know. 

Yes a variety with large cloves. The plants are robust with broader leaves. In a plant there may be few or one clove; if one, it is completely rounded. The cloves from plants having more than one can only be used for propagation as seeds are usually not produced in it.

However, despite of large sized cloves it has less aroma and pungency.

I planted 24 seeds one came out. It is healthy and as you mention leaves are robust .total 7 leaves were there one leaf became yellow and died out second one is getting yellow .
My question is when  I can harvest the seeds? Also I am in  new Jersey USA, regular lasun we plant in second week of October and it remains dormant during snow time and come back in spring April and we harvest around 21st of June
What is the right time to plant for this Ek Kali nu lasun?


Plant for ID – New York – 120913 – RK : Attachments (6). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Not sure if this is flower – or? Highline Park – New York – 17/06/13 – afternoon.
Would appreciate ID of this interesting plant!

Looks like Garlic to me.

Allium sativum L. !


Updated on December 24, 2024

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