Allophylus cobbe (L.) Forsyth fil., Bot. Nomencl.: 226 (1794). (syn. Allophylus amboinensis Bl.; Allophylus aporeticus (Voigt) Kurz; Allophylus bartlettii Merr.; Allophylus betongensis Craib; Allophylus blancoi Bl.; Allophylus brachypetalus Gagnep.; Allophylus brachystachys Radlk.; Allophylus cambessedei Bl.; Allophylus celebicus Bl.; Allophylus cobbe (L.) Raeusch; Allophylus cochinchinensis Lecomte; Allophylus crenatus Radlk.; Allophylus dasythyrsus Radlk.; Allophylus eustachys Radlk.; Allophylus fulvinervis Bl.; Allophylus glaber Boerl.; Allophylus hayatae Gagnep.; Allophylus javensis Bl.; Allophylus laete-virens Ridl.; Allophylus laetus Radlk.; Allophylus lanatus Roxb.; Allophylus laxiflorus Gagnep.; Allophylus leptococcus Radlk.; Allophylus leptostachyus Boerl.; Allophylus leucochrous Radlk.; Allophylus leucocladus Radlk.; Allophylus ligustrinus Bl.; Allophylus litoralis Bl.; Allophylus livescens Gagnep.; Allophylus longifoliatus Radlk.; Allophylus macrodontus Merr.; Allophylus montanus F. N. Williams; Allophylus mutabilis Boerl.; Allophylus obliquus Radlk.; Allophylus ornitrophioides Roxb. ex Wall.; Allophylus pallidus Radlk.; Allophylus quinatus Radlk.; Allophylus racemosus Sw.; Allophylus repando-dentatus Radlk.; Allophylus rhomboidalis Radlk.; Allophylus rufescens Bl.; Allophylus rufescens var. cuspidatus Bl.; Allophylus rufescens var. heterodon Bl.; Allophylus rugosus Bl.; Allophylus salinarius Gagnep.; Allophylus scandens Ridl.; Allophylus serrulatus Radlk.; Allophylus sessilis Bl.; Allophylus sootepensis Craib; Allophylus sublaxus Gillespie; Allophylus sumatranus Bl.; Allophylus sundanus Miq.; Allophylus tahitensis Radlk.; Allophylus tomentosus Boerl.; Allophylus varians Craib; Aporetica gemella DC.; Aporetica penicillata Blanco; Aporetica pinnata (J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.) DC.; Azamara trifoliata Hochst. ex Baker; Cardiospermum schmiedelia Dalz. & Gibs.; Crantzia asiatica (L.) Kuntze; Gemella trifoliata Lour.; Ornitrophe aporetica Roxb.; Ornitrophe asiatica Steud.; Ornitrophe cobbe Willd.; Ornitrophe glabra Roxb.; Ornitrophe malabarica Hiern; Ornitrophe repanda Roxb.; Ornitrophe schmidelia Pers.; Pometia ternata Willd.; Pometia ternata G.Forst.; Rhus cobbe L.; Schmidelia adenophylla Wall.; Schmidelia allophylla St. Lag.; Schmidelia aporetica Wall. ex Kurz; Schmidelia bantamensis Bl.; Schmidelia bidentata Wall.; Schmidelia cobbe DC.; Schmidelia cochinchinensis DC.; Schmidelia conferta Blanco; Schmidelia dentata Wall. ex Voigt; Schmidelia fulvinervis Bl.; Schmidelia gemella Cambess.; Schmidelia glabra (Roxb.) Steud.; Schmidelia glabra Roxb. ex Wall.; Schmidelia javensis Bl.; Schmidelia kobbe Lam.; Schmidelia ligustrina Bl. ex T. & B.; Schmidelia littoralis Bl.; Schmidelia macrophylla Zipp. ex Span.; Schmidelia mutabilis Bl.; Schmidelia obovata A.Gray; Schmidelia orientalis Sw.; Schmidelia ornitrophioides Wall.; Schmidelia parviflora Zipp. ex Span.; Schmidelia racemosa L.; Schmidelia rhomboidalis Nadeaud; Schmidelia senegalensis Rchb. ex Steud.; Schmidelia spicata DC.; Schmidelia tomentosa Hook. fil.; Schmidelia vestita Wall.; Toxicodendrum cobbe Gaertn.);
India to Philippines as per POWO;
Myanmar [Burma] (widespread), Bangladesh, Philippines (widespread), Lesser Sunda Isl. (Timor), India (West Bengal, Maharashtra, Goa, Daman & Diu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala), Australia (Northern Territory, N-Queensland), Java, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Andaman Isl. (North Andaman Isl., Middle Andaman Isl., South Andaman Isl., Little Andaman Isl.), Nicobar Isl. (Car Nicobar Isl., North Nicobar Isl., Central Nicobar Isl., Great Nicobar Isl., Little Nicobar Isl.), Moluccas, New Guinea, Solomon Isl., Sri Lanka, Lakshadweep Isl. (Laccadives), Maldives, North Keeling Isl., Christmas Isl. (Austr.), American Samoa (Tutuila, Aunu’u, Ofu, Olosega, Ta’u), Austral Isl. (Rapa Iti, Tubuai), Fiji, Gilbert Isl. (Butaritari), Marshall Isl. (Bikini, Ailinginae, Rongelap, Utirik, Ujelang, Ujae, Wotho, Lae, Kwajalein, Aur, Ailinglapalap, Majuro, Arno, Mili, Jaluit), Micronesia (Dublon, Tol, Udot, Uman, Yap, Ulithi, Fais, Eauripik, Woleai, Faraulap, Ifaluk, Lamotrek, Puluwat, Namonuito, Murilo, Nomwin, Truk-Moen, Fanan, Pis, Losap, Namoluk, Lukunor, Satawan, Nukuoro, Kapingamarangi, Ant, Ngatik, Mokil, ?Pohnpei, Pingelap, Kosrae), New Caledonia, Niue, Palau Isl. (Babeldaob, Koror, Malakal, Aulupse’el, Urukthapel, Aulong, Ngeanges, Peleliu, Angaur, Sonsorol, Ngarakabesang), S-Cook Isl. (Mangaia), Society Isl. (Tahiti, Huahine, Raiatea, Tahaa, Bora Bora), Southern Marianas (Saipan, Tinian, Rota, Guam), Tonga (Tongatapu, Vava’u), Tuamotu Arch. (Makatea Isl.), Wallis Isl., Western Samoa (Aleipata Islands, Upolu, Savaii) as per Catalogue of life;
. al-low-FY-lus — from the Greek allos (diverse) and and phylon (tribe) ¿ KOB-bay ? — Latinized form of the local Sri Lankan name kobbae . commonly known as: diverse trifoliate sumach, Indian allophylus • Assamese: chi-cehirum • Bengali: রাখালফুল rakhalphul • Kannada: ಮೂರೆಲೆ ಬೆಮ್ಡೆ murele bemde • Konkani: टिटवी titwi • Lushai: arhik-bouna • Malayalam: മുക്കണ്ണല് പേഴ് mukkannal peezh • Manipuri: লীচী মানবী lichi manbi • Marathi: टिपीण tipin • Oriya: tsallunia • Sanskrit: त्रिपुट triputa • Tamil: அமளை amalai • Telugu: ఎర్ర ఆవాలు erra avalu, గువ్వగుత్తి guvva gutti, సళ్లి కుంకుడు salli kunkudu . Native to: s China, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Philippines . As per efi thread : According to Pant (2000) in Flora of India, Vol. 5, these two are treated as different species but Singh & Vajravelu (2005) in Flora of Kerala treated these two species as polymorphic species of A. cobbe. They stated that phenetically Allophylus consists of single species as A cobbe. Leenhouts (1967) also stated Allophylus cobbe as polymorphic species having some local races as A. serratus, A. rheedii. . Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah, D. Muralidhara Rao, K. Sri Ramamurthy (Description & Keys- Allophylus cobbe & Allophylus serratus) . Large shrubs to small trees. Young stem and peduncles densely yellowish brown pubescent. Leaves trifoliolate; leaflets 8-12 x 5-7 cm, ovate or elliptic-ovate or rhomboid-ovate, cuneate at base, margins serrate towards the distal half, acute at apex, tomentose on both sides, domatia present in the axils of nerves; terminal leaflet larger; petiole to 11 cm long. Thyrses axillary, branched, longer than leaves, 12-16 cm long. Sepals 4, 0.5-1 mm long, ovate-obtuse. Petals 4, unequal, 0.5-1 mm long, white. Fruits c. 4 mm across, globose. Flowering and fruiting: July-November
Moist deciduous and semi-evergreen forests, also in sacred groves
South India, Sri Lanka and South East Asia
Allophylus cobbe (titberry) is a plant bearing alternately and spirally arranged ternate leaves belonging to Sapindaceae family. The edible fruit is three chambered like Sapindus trifoliatus. Allophyllus cobbe is a variable plant with a broad distribution in India, South Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, and Papua New Guinea.[2]
The plants size is 10 metres (33 ft) high and 13 m (43 ft) in width. It has no stipules. The leaves of a plant are trifoliolate, while the leaflets are penni-veined, and could be from densely to glabrous hairy. The flower size is approximately 3 millimetres (0.12 in) in diameter, and are yellow-whitish coloured. The fruits are red in colour and are 8 mm (0.31 in) in diameter.[3]
The plant grows in mixed dipterocarp. It can also be found in coastal and sub-montane forests at the altitude of 1,700 m (5,600 ft). It grow commonly along the rivers and streams (tidal included), on hillsides, and forest edges. Also it grows on sandy or clay soils, and can also be found on limestone and ultrabasic grounds. It does exist as a pre-disturbance remnant in secondary forests.[3]
The plant can be used for roofing, firewood and bows.[2] It can also be used for making rafts and fish traps. The bark, roots and leaves of the tree could be used to treat fever and stomach ache. The fruits, although edible, could be used as fish poison.[3]
(From Wikipedia on 1.9.13)
Sapindaceae Fortnight :: Allophylus serratus from Chennai BRS 001 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). There seems to be some confusion regarding this species being an accepted name or a syn. of Allophylus cobbe.
Allophylus serratus syn. of Allophylus cobbe as per the following:
Not so:
Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India (with keys- Allophylus serratus as a climbing shrub & Allophylus cobbe as a tree) (2002)
May I request someone to please further clarify the matter. According to Pant (2000) in Flora of India, vol 5 these two are treated as different species but Singh & Vajravelu (2005) in Flora of Kerala treated these two species as polymorphic species of A. cobbe. They stated that phenetically Allophylus consists of single species as A cobbe. Leenhouts (1967) also stated Allophylus cobbe as polymorphic species having some local races as A. serratus, A. rheedii. I personally collected three species of Allophylus (A. cobbe, A. serratus, A rheedii). I found A. rheedii as a small tree and other two species as shurbs. Thanks, …, for the valuable feedback. What should we follow at efloraofindia website, you being the expert on Sapindaceae ? I think it would be better to follow the treatment of Allophylus cobbe as in Flora of Kerala by Singh & Vajravelu (2005). I am sending herewith the portion of Sapindaceae in Flora of Kerala as an pdf file. Hope it may help. Allophylus cobbe (L.) Blume (syn.: Allophylus serratus Radlk.):
This seems to be Allophylus cobbe (L.) Blume (syn.: Allophylus serratus Radlk.), Bengali Name : RAKHAL PHOOL, recorded at Garalgacha (Hooghly), West Bengal, on 23-Aug.-2012. Related links :- Found some fruits yesterday that i think of the same plant, though at different place and on another individual. Euphorbiaceae for identification 110812MK03: Please help me to identify this tree species. Is this any Euphorbiaceae?
Leaflet: up to 10cm long
Inflorescence: to 12cm long
Habitat: evergreen forest
Alt.: 950 m asl
Place: Valparai, TN Date: 28 July 2012 Is it Allophylus species? from Sapindaceae. I agree with … yes indeed it is Allophylus species and probably its Allophylus serratus The fruits of this measures 0.4cm across globoid. Please find the attached picture of fruit. It should be A.serratus Could this be Allophylus cobbe (L.) Raeusch.? A. cobbe identification: type: shrub
leaves:trifoliate with presence of hairs
no flowers no fruits not fragrant
local name:gayamari (kannada), jhakam juyi (marati)
used to treat fractures and bleeding wounds This could be Allophylus cobbe even i think Allophylus cobbe, an climber with trifoliate leaf, also an medicinal plant Requesting ID of this plant – Lohagad : 21082013 : ARK-01 : August 2013 : Attachments (2 + 4). 6 posts by 3 authors. This is Tifan [Allophylus cobbe]. Yes Allophylus cobbe. Sapindaceae.
Common in Mahabaleshwar also. You are most welcome. Some of my photographs. Euphorbiaceae Fortnight :: Tree for ID :: Valparai :: MK017 : Attachments (8). 5 posts by 3 authors. Please help me in identifying the tree found in the rain forests of western ghats.
Location: Valparai, TN
Alt.: 900 m asl
Date 12 July 2012
I forgot the details of the plant, since I took this a long ago. Allophylus serratus, I think.
Yes, … is right. However, this species is often considered synonymous with the Allophylus cobbe (L.) Raeusch., sensu lato. Please see Flora of Kerala, vol. 1, page 771. 2005, BSI publication. Thanks a lot Sirs Sapindaceae fortnight :: Allophylus cobbe in northern Western Ghats :: DV02 : 7 images. 1 post by 1 author. Allophylus cobbe (L.) Raeusch.
along KSH 34 near Belgaum on 29 MAY 11
at Mahabaleshwar on 27 AUG 10
along MSH 60 (Tamhini Ghat) on 13 JUN 09 . Celastraceae and Sapindaceae Fortnight: Sapindaceae – Allophylus cobbe from Lohagad, Maharashtra :: ARK-03 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.
Attached are pictures of Allophylus cobbe from Lohagad, Maharashtra captured in August 2013. Sapindaceae Fortnight :: Allophylus cobbe. Mahabaleshwar. Maharashtra.SMP6 : 1 post by 1 author. 2 images.
Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae fortnight :: Allophylus cobbe at Lohagad ::PKA6: : Attachments (4). 1 post by 1 author.
Shrub from Lohagad Lonavala. Camp Gee Dee (Bangalore) Allophylus serratus, perhaps. Thanks, ….
Pl. see another thread. As per this:
“According to Pant (2000) in Flora of India, vol 5 these two are treated as different species but Singh & Vajravelu (2005) in Flora of Kerala treated these two species as polymorphic species of A. cobbe. They stated that phenetically Allophylus consists of single species as A cobbe. Leenhouts (1967) also stated Allophylus cobbe as polymorphic species having some local races as A. serratus, A. rheedii. I personally collected three species of Allophylus (A. cobbe, A. serratus, A rheedii). I found A. rheedii as a small tree and other two species as shurbs. ”
I am accordingly following Singh & Vajravelu (2005) in Flora of Kerala fro efi site. Yes, looks like one, but the plant is more hairy and ferruginous than what I see in my locality. As per TPL A. cobbe var, serratus is a synonym of A. serratus (Hiren) Kurz. I found this plant from FLRHT garden, Yelahanka, Bangalore. This is Allophylus cobbe. I found that you have already mentioned about the literatures. ANSEPT91 Is this an Allophylus sp.? : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).
Chikamagalur-Kemmangudi Road Is it Allophyllus serratus?… I agree, possible. YES, I M SURE. date/time:may14
location:ambyvalley rd.,lonavala,pune
plant habit:?
height:about 5-6 ft. Allophylus cobbe (L.) Raeusch. Allophylus cobbe—for sharing and validation : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Pic taken at aambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune in june14. 127-TSP-ID-13DEC2016-2: A tree @ Bababudangiri,Chikmagalur for ID : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Kindly examine and identify this tree Habit:A medium sized tree Habitat:Wild,shola forest fringe Sighting:Bababudangiri,Chikmagalur,Karnataka about 1600 msl Date:13-06-2015 Is it possible to be Allophyllus cobbe ?? It is the common shrub Allophylus cobbe (L.) Raeusch. Sapindaceae Alophyllus cobbe Looks like Allophylus sps. (A. cobbe ?). Allophyllus cobbe (L.) Raeucsh. Climber SN20318 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Wild climber from Aralam wild life sanctuary, near Kannur, Kerala
A species of Allophyllus (Sapindaceae) Allophylus cobbe (L.) Raeusch. There seems to be so much variation, it looks like a climber here, leaves entire.
. Botanical name- तिपानी in Marathi : 3 posts by 2 authors. Please check for Allophylus cobbe for which a name टिपीण is given – which makes no sense. तिपानी = three-leaved. Plant for ID: Devgad, Konkan, March 2016 – ARKOCT04 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
This was on a mountain top growing wild. Requested to please provide ID. Pics were taken in March 2016.
Thanks, … Any habit images. Unfortunately no, … These are the only pics I have. This has been identified as Allophylus cobbe. Would like further opinion.
Allophyllus cobbe (L.) Raeusch. The trifoliate leaved, small tree or shrub known to climb considerable height as seen in the pics at Ulvi WLS, Karnataka, last week of April, ’10. Flowers very small, white in fascicles, 2-4 branched racemes.
Nice catch …!! I have never seen this in Bengal Thank … Good to know I could show you a new plant ! Why is it so? I have not seen 90% of the Indian flora hence out here to see and know them from you all
Allophylus cobbe [locally called Tipani, Tinpani] a scandent shrub is fairly common along forest borders. Sending one of my photographs. Sapindaceae (soapberry family) » Allophylus cobbe (syn. Allophylus rheedi, Allophylus serratus, Omitrophe serrata, Rhus cobbe, Schmidelia cobbe, Schmidelia serrata) Thanks for the additional pics. … the close up of flowers is very good. Allophylus serratus in FOI : 2 posts by 2 authors.
With regard to images of Bubai Bera ji at Allophylus serratus in FOI, keys are available at book link Flora of Peninsular India. However, these are not followed in efloraofindia site, as per efi thread (According to Pant (2000) in Flora of India, Vol. 5, these two are treated as different species but Singh & Vajravelu (2005) in Flora of Kerala treated these two species as polymorphic species of A. cobbe. They stated that phenetically Allophylus consists of a single species as A cobbe. Leenhouts (1967) also stated Allophylus cobbe as polymorphic species having some local races as A. serratus, A. rheedii.)
Pl. see all our posts at Allophylus cobbe (L.) Forsyth fil. Now it is up to you to follow it or not. Thanks for this information … Thanks for sharing …, very happy to the post from my native place,
Sapindaceae member,
Allophyllos serratus, It is Allophyllus status of Sapindaceae
Yes it’s Allophylus cobbe . 99 ID wild plant: 11 images. Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671 Flower date: 03.07.2021, 12.55pm Altitude: 1400fsl Habitat: wild, moisture Plant habit: small tree, branches, obliqued, hard stem or small woody, young stem hairy, long lasting Height: 04 meters Leaves: alternate, tripartite, ovate, oblong, hairy, toothed margins, apex, size:11×6cm more or less Flower: diameter: 2mm, white, good mild fragrance Fruit: globular, green, diameter: 07mm Camera: mobile LG K10 2017 13mp +macro lens Allophylus sp. [Sapindaceae]. Allophylus Great …, yes it is A. cobbe, thank you for ID my plant, Flora of Kaiga_ID_Please_26072021 PK1: 2 images.
Pl see attached 2 pics of Shrub for ID. Flora of Flora of Kaiga_ID_Please_26072021 PK1 Date/Time-:21/07/2021 – 13:10 Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga, Uttara Kannada, Karnataka Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub Size – 2 mtr It seems Allophylus cobbe (L.) Forsyth fil. Alophyllus cobbe . ID kannur 09/10/3/23: 1 high res. image. Vitex ?? Allophyllus sp Seems Allophylus cobbe Yes, appears close to images at . Plant Id please: Tamhini, Pune, mh: 2 images. Plant Id please.
Tamhini, pune, dec 2023.
It’s a host plant for chestnut streaked sailer butterfly. As per Butea superba Roxb. As new larval host plant for the Chestnut-streaked Sailer butterfly Neptis jumbah Moore, [1858] (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Bionotes Journal, the following are the larval host plants:
The reported larval host plants for N. jumbah are summarized by Robinson et al. (2001) and later by Nitin et al. (2018) as: Bombax, Bombax ceiba, Byttneria (Bombacaceae); Trema (Cannabaceae); Elaeocarpus (Elaeocarpaceae); Mallotus philippensis (Euphorbiaceae). Fabaceae, Cassia fistula, Dalbergia, Dalbergia latifolia, Erythrina stricta, Moullava spicata, Pongamia, Pongamia pinnata, Pterocarpus marsupium, Xylia, Xylia xylocarpa (Fabaceae); Nothapodytes nimmoniana (Icacinaceae); Malvaceae, Grewia, Grewia serrulata, Hibiscus, Pterygota alata, Thespesia populnea (Malvaceae); Rhamnaceae, Ziziphus, Ziziphus jujuba (Rhamnaceae) and Urticaceae. I could not find any match as per these. It looks like Allophylus cobbe .
Sapindaceae: Allophylus cobbe (L.) Forsyth fil.: 1 image.
synonyms: Allophylus cobbe (L.) Raeusch., Allophylus racemosus Sw.
location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997
. References:
Catalogue of life POWO The Plant List Ver.1.1 GRIN Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal Wikipedia ENVIS – FRLHT DDSA Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah, D. Muralidhara Rao, K. Sri Ramamurthy (Description & Keys- Allophylus cobbe & Allophylus serratus) |
Allophylus cobbe
Updated on December 24, 2024