Aloe arborescens Mill., Gard. Dict. ed. 8 3 1768. (Syn: Aloe perfoliata var. arborescens (Mill.) Aiton; Catevala arborescens (Mill.) Medik.); . S. Tropical & S. Africa: Botswana, Cape Provinces, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Malawi, Mozambique, Northern Provinces, Swaziland, Zimbabwe; Introduced into: Algeria, Baleares, Canary Is., Caroline Is., France, Korea, Madeira, Marshall Is., Mexico Central, Mexico Southwest, Morocco, New South Wales, New Zealand South, Portugal, South Australia, Spain, Tunisia as per POWO; . Difference between A. arborescens and A. vera: https://www.aloepluscaniegatti.aloe-vera-aloe-arborescens . Common name: Krantz Aloe, Tree Aloe, Candelabra Aloe . Aloe arborescens from Delhi: Aloe arborescens Mill., Gard. dict. ed. 8: Aloe no. 3. 1768 An arborescent, branched shrub, up to 3 m tall, leaves in terminal rosette, linear-lanceolate, up to 50 cm long and 5 cm broad, margin with firm pale teeth; fls scarlet, 2.5-3 cm long, in dense up to 40 cm long racemes. Planted in Herbal Garden, Punjabi Bagh in Delhi, photographed on 8 March, 2011 Commonly grown as ornamental, but also used as medicinal like Aloe vera. commonly used to treat burn wounds. Preliminary results show that it may also be used in the treatment of cancer. Common names: Candelabra aloe, Candelabra plant, Octopus plant, torch plant . Aloe: This is Aloe arborescens, commonly known as the Krantz Aloe. . Aloe for ID : 210611 : AK-1: I too think that this is Aloe arborescens of Asparagaceae family. .
. Var. A: Var. B: Flora of Haryana: Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. from CCSHAU Botanical Garden Hisar: Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. from CCSHAU Botanical Garden Hisar Both varieties, generally Var A is called as A barbadensis and B as A. vera But both synonym pls validate Var- B Nice to see the flowering stage of the plant I think may be Aloe arborescens Mill. as per difference between A. arborescens and A. vera: I think yes It is my pleasure to share few images of Aloe vera (Xanthorrhoeaceae) Habit: Perennial herb Habitat: Cultivated Sighting: Chikmagalur and Tumkur Districts of Karnataka, about 1000 msl and 800 msl respectively Date: 15-05-2014, 01-06-2014, 28-01-2015 and 05-10-2015 I think may be Aloe arborescens Mill. as per difference between A. arborescens and A. vera: I think yes Aloe vera from Panipat- NS DEC 12 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4). These are flowers only, and the plant is very commonly placed as indoor plant and much discussed as a medicinal plant.. shots recorded from Panipat.. nice but did you take pictures of the green leaves and its rosette? ps and dissection of these flowers I am sure is reported in some paper, if have some, could you send send me the links, please I think may be Aloe arborescens Mill. as per difference between A. arborescens and A. vera: Leaves should help ,
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Aloe arborescens
Updated on December 24, 2024