Alternanthera pungens

Common names: Khaki weed; creeping chaffweed;
Much branched mat-forming herb, creeping, densely hairy; leaves rhomboid-ovate to obovate, up to 5 cm long, in unequal pairs, apex obtuse with mucro, petiole up to 1 cm long; flowers in sessile axillary globose heads; bracts up to 4 mm long, spiny at tip, bracteoles without spiny tip; tepals unequal, outer 2 ellptic-deltoid, 5 mm long, 3-veined, midvein produced into spine, central elliptic, inner two smaller; pseudostaminodes shorter than stamens, entire or irregularly dentate; utricle brown, ellipsoid.
A. pungens is a plant of dry wastelands and has much larger broader leaves, stiffer branches and very spiny tepals. The species is quite distinct but often confused with A. paronychoides. A. paronychoides is a plant of wet habitats with softer almost succulent stems, smaller narrower leaves and softer whitish tepals without sharp (pungent) tips.


Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: Alternanthera pungens Kunth from Delhi, Manali and Ramban:
Alternanthera pungens Kunth in Humboldt & Bonpland, Nov. Gen. Sp. 2: 206. 1818.

Syn: Achyranthes repens Linnaeus; Alternanthera repens (Linnaeus) Link.
Common names: Khaki weed; creeping chaffweed
Much branched mat-forming herb, creeping, densely hairy; leaves rhomboid-ovate to obovate, up to 5 cm long, in unequal pairs, apex obtuse with mucro, petiole up to 1 cm long; flowers in sessile axillary globose heads; bracts up to 4 mm long, spiny at tip, bracteoles without spiny tip; tepals unequal, outer 2 ellptic-deltoid, 5 mm long, 3-veined, midvein produced into spine, central elliptic, inner two smaller; pseudostaminodes shorter than stamens, entire or irregularly dentate; utricle brown, ellipsoid.

Photographed from Delhi, Manali and Ramban in J & K



Yes … Very good photographs.


AMARANTHACEAE-CHENOPODIACEAE week DSR 004: Alternanthera pungens:  Alternanthera pungens Kunth (Amaranthaceae) is a widespread species in Indian plains. It is another invasive alien species having its origin in Tropical America. 

A prostrate perennial herb, this species occupy relatively drier patches of soil as compared to other Alternanthera species. 
Within Alternanthera genus four species are noxious weeds and placed in the category of Invasive Alien Species in India; these are A.paronichioides, A.philoxeroides, A. pungens and A. tenella. Invasive alien species, though enrich the vegetation but since they also replace native species, are considered as second largest threat to biodiversity.

Yes … Very common in Delhi along roadsides and wastelands.


Images by (Mayur Nandikar – validation by Gurcharan Singh), (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) 



Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: MDN 01: Alternanthera species?:

Probably Alternanthera pungens Kunth
Family: Amaranthaceae
Location: Jath, Dist- Sangali, Maharashtra

Date- 4th Sept. 2010

Yes Alternanthera pungens


17042014Al191 Weed for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1 + 1).

Found in Bangalore, growing amongst grass

Alternanthera pungens in my opinion…

Confirm if A. pungens?

Look like Alternanthera pungens


5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
I need id of following images belonging to Amaranthaceae
Date: 17.04.2015
Locality: JNU New Campus, New Delhi
Flowers: grey-white

May be Alternanthera pungens

Alternanthera pungens.

Sonepat, Haryana, 10th April 09; Sonepat, Haryana, 10th May 09; 15 Nov 2009- Tirunelveli Dist, TN; Delhi- Nov’09?; Manali– Oct’09?; Panipat District– Sept’10?;

Alternanthera pungens growing in Delhi: I am uploading Alternanthera pungens characterised by prostrate habit, broadly obovate leaves and flowers with sharp spiny perianth lobes.

Photographed from waste lands, mostly in dry places, at Vikas Puri in Delhi.

– Prostrate one with broadly ovate leaves.

Alternanthera pungens Kunth, F. W. H. A. von Humboldt et al., Nov. gen. sp. 2:165[folio]; 2:206[quarto]. 1818
Syn: Achyranthes repens L., Alternanthera achyrantha (L.) R. Br.,  Alternanthera repens (L.) Link, Illecebrum achyrantha L.
Common name: Khaki weed
Prostrate mat-forming perennial, much branched with prostrate branches; leaves broadly rhomboid-ovate to obovate, 1.5-4 cm long; inflorescence sessile globose , up to 1 cm across; tepals unequal, with sharp spiny tips.
The species is quite distinct but often confused with A. paronychoides, and the plant of latter is still labelled as A. pungens at FOI website. A. pungens is a plant of dry wastelands and has much larger broader leaves, stiffer branches and very spiny tepals. It is very common in Delhi. A. paronychoides is a plant of wet habitats with softer almost succulent stems, smaller narrower leaves and softer whitish tepals without sharp (pungent) tips.

I am uploading that separately.

Also common in our Area Thanks Sir for detailed information about This

Photo for Identification- 100619TH1 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) – 2 Mb each.


Attachments (1) – 2 Mb.

Alternanthera pungens.

Wild weed with a creeping habit : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Wild weed with a creeping habit seen today (10.9.20) morning near a lake.

Is this Alternanthera pungens?

Alternanthera pungens Amaranthaceae

For me the ID is correct.


08122020PP1: 1 image.
Request for identification of this water-associated plant.
Date: 15th June 2020
Time: 1007 hrs
Location- Sutlej river bank, Near Luhnu Cricket stadium, Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh
Habitat- Wild, riverine
Plant Habit- Herb, growing prostrately
Height: a few centimeters
Plant-animal interaction- Zizeeria karsandra (Dark Grass Blue) – nectaring on the plant

Alternanthera pungens


Amaranthaceae: Alternanthera pungens Kunth: 1 high res. image.
synonyms: Alternanthera repens (L.) Kuntze, Alternanthera achyrantha R.Br. ex Sweet location/date: Chilenahalli, Bangalore Distr., Karnataka, July 1997



Updated on December 24, 2024

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