Alysicarpus gautalensis

Alysicarpus gautalensis Gholami & A.K.Pandey, Phytotaxa 266: 142 (2016);
India as per POWO;
Maharastra as per BSI Flora of India;

Inclusion of Alysicarpus gracilis Edgew.: 1 image.
sending collage of Alysicarpus gracilis Edgew.
Syn. Alysicarpus bupleurifolius var. gracilis. for inclusion in eflora of india.

Alysicarpus gautalensis 
Present status

Sir, I have doubt to be my specimen is Alysicarpus gautalensis. For clarification on the epithet will send one more collage. Plz verify.
1 image.

Alysicarpus gamblei

Sir i am not convinced….can you forward this to Dr. Pokhle Sir.

Yes it is A.gautalensis as per A. K. Pandey. How ever in recently it iss treated as synonym of A.gracillis in my new book published by nova science publisher New York.

Also refer my book Genus Alysicarpus Desv. In lndia. On page 118 critical note 2.




POWO  BSI Flora of India
Alysicarpus gautalensis (Leguminosae: Desmodieae), a new species from Maharashtra, India AKRAM GHOLAMI & ARUN K. PANDEY (Abstract: Alysicarpus gautalensis, a new species of legume, is described from Maharashtra, India. It differs from A. bupleurifolius in having glabrous branches, elliptic-oblong, obtuse leaves with ciliate margins and trichomes present on both surfaces, lobes of the calyx ciliate, pods 2–6 jointed, moniliform with a foveo-rugulate surface sculpturing.)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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