Amaranthaceae Week: Statistics

Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week:: STATISTICS EXCELL SHEET: I have counted some 262 threads of discussion under the label Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week from my inbox.

25 genera were discussed and 62 species counted from the excel sheet prepared by me from the mentioned threads.

* species each were discussed in Amaranthes and Alternanthera while 6 in Achyranthes and Beta. There might be an occasional duplication where a synonym might have been used. One incidence I have found is …Chenopodium and Chenopodiastrum.

Please correct me if you find any errors or omissions as this has been done manually.

Achyranthes asperaAerva lanataAlternanthera ficoidea Amaranthus viridis
Achyranthes aspera var.asperaAerva persicaAlternanthera bettzickiana Amaranthus tricolor
Achyranthes aspera var.porphyristachyaAerva javanicaAlternanthera pungensAmaranthus cruentus
Achyranthes bidentataAerva sanguinolentaAlternanthera sessilisAmaranthus caudatus
Achyranthes coyneiAlternanthera philoxeroidesAmaranthus spinosus
Alternanthera brasilianaAmaranthus hybridus
Alternanthera paronychioides Amaranthus blitum subsp. Oleraceus
Bassia dasyphyllaBeta vulgarisBlitum virgatumCelosia argentea cristata
Beta vulgaris subsp. MarinaCelosia argentea plumosa
Beta vulgaris subsp. VulgarisCelosia polygonoides
Beta vulgaris subsp. siclaCelosia argentea spicata
Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima
Chenopodium albumChenopodiastrum muraleCyathula prostrataDeeringia amaranthoides
Chenopodium foliosumCyathula tomentosa
Chenopodium botrysCyathula capitata 
Chenopodium ambrosioides
Chenopodium murale
Digera muricataDysphania ambrosioidesGomphrena celosioidesHalogeton glomeratus
Dysphania botrysGomphrena serrata
Gomphrena globosa
Haloxylon thomsoniiIresine herbstiiKrascheninnikovia ceratoidesMicrogynoecium tibeticum
PupaliaSalsolaSpinacea  SuaedaTrichuriella
Pupalia atropurpureaSalsola tragusSpinacea oleraceaSuaeda maritimaTrichuriella monsoniae
Pupalia lappaceaSuaeda olufsenii

Updated on December 24, 2024

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