Amaranthus hybridus

Amaranthus hybridus L., Sp. Pl. 990 1753. (syn: Amaranthus aureus Moq.; Amaranthus batalleri Sennen; Amaranthus bellardii Moq.; Amaranthus berchtholdii Moq.; Amaranthus catechu Moq.; Amaranthus caudatus Baker & Clarke, in Dyer; Amaranthus chlorostachys Willd.; Amaranthus chlorostachys var. hybridus S. Watson; Amaranthus eugenii Sennen; Amaranthus flavescens Moq.; Amaranthus hecticus Willd.; Amaranthus hybridus f. aciculatus Thell. …………..; Amaranthus incurvatus Trimen ex Gren. & Gord.; Amaranthus intermedius Guss. ex Moq.; Amaranthus laetus Willd.; Amaranthus laxiflorus Comelli ex Pollini; Amaranthus neglectus Moq.; Amaranthus nepalensis Moq.; Amaranthus paniculatus var. sanguineus Regel; Amaranthus patulus f. multispiculatus (Sennen) Priszter .; Amaranthus pseudoretroflexus (Thell.) Almq.; Amaranthus retroflexus var. chlorostachys A. Gray .; Amaranthus spicatus Rchb.; Amaranthus timeroyi Jord. ex Moq.; Amaranthus trivialis Rota; Galliaria hybrida (L.) Nieuwl.;                                 (=) Amaranthus chlorostachys auct.; (=) Amaranthus patulus Bertol.);
Terminal inflorescence alone usually spiciform, the axillary inflorescences ± rounded clusters-or if axillary spikes present, these with globose clusters at junction with stem; bracteoles terminating in awns which are fine, flexuose and hair-like above; perianth segments 3………………………………Amaranthus tricolor
Terminal and at least some (generally most) of the upper axillary inflorescences spiciform, without dense globose clusters at the junction of peduncle and stem; bracteoles terminating in stout, rigid awns; perianth segments usually 5………….. A. hybridus
Subsp. cruentus has shorter bracteoles of female flower (longest mostly 1-1.5 times as long as the perianth; 1.5-2 times in subsp. hybridus), Stigma-bases and upper part of lid of fruit scarcely swollen (swollen in subsp hybridus) , fruit with no distinct “neck” (distinct neck in subsp. hybridus).


Tall annual herb often more than 1 m tall, stem usually red; leaves ovate-ovate rhombic, long petiolate, apex acute ot emarginate, glabrous or hairy; flowers in clusters forming long spikes or panicles often drooping at apex; bracts 3-4 mm long, disntinctly long-pointed, the arista a prolongation of midriblonger than perianth; perianth segments 5; stigmas 3; utricle ovoid, longer than perianth.

Photographed from Delhi.

thanks for the nice shots and description Sir. This was lying unided with me


Updated on December 24, 2024

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