Fwd: Cactus for id : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) These are two images of Euphorbia taken at Anaikatti (near coimbatore) and Kanyakumari. Request id at the species level if possible. This plant is definetly not an Euphorbia. It belongs to the cactus family. Nice photo, but not Euphorbia. It is a cactus, Cereus sp. I do not know the species name off hand, but for sure it is Cereus, look at those flower buds. Could be Cereus peruvianus. Thank you … Will put it down as Cereus spp Thanks to all … for all the suggestions. |
Cereus species- Anaikatti (near coimbatore) and Kanyakumari
Updated on December 24, 2024