Anaphalis subdecurrens (DC.) Gamble, 695 1921. (syn: Anaphalis elliptica (DC.) DC.; Anaphalis oblonga DC.; Anaphalis oblonga var. elliptica (DC.) Hook.f.; Anaphalis oblonga var. oblonga ; Gnaphalium ellipticum DC.; Gnaphalium indicum Thwaites; Gnaphalium oblongum Thwaites; Gnaphalium subdecurrens DC.); . Common name: Indian Pearly Everlasting, Indian Cudweed . Erect herbs; stems densely covered with smoky wool. Leaves 3-6 x 0.6-1 cm, oblanceolate, acute, 1-veined, sessile. Heads 3 x 6 mm, sessile, collected in terminal congested cymes; bracts 3 mm long, elliptic, entire, acute with solid lower portion; outer ones wooly. Female flowers many; corolla yellow, slender, glabrous. Bisexual flowers 4-6, central; corolla broader. Achenes brown, papillose; pappus 2 mm long, white. Flowering and fruiting: July-March Grasslands India and Sri Lanka Nilgiris: Anaphalis (Compositae) for identification: Please help me to identify this Asteraceae herb found in the grasslands of upper Nilgiris. The Plant height is about a feet and the leaves (5 cm long) are sessile. Date: 21 Oct 2012 Place: Mukruthi NP, Nilgiris, TN Alt.: 2360 m asl Check out for Anaphalis aristata or A. subdecurrens. this plant is Anaphalis subdecurrens (DC.) Gamble. Thanks … . Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate heads: Anaphalis for identification from Nilgiris – MK 01 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors. Please help me in identifying this species. Our … pointed out that this could be Anaphalis aristata or A.subdecurrens. This post is actually for resurfacing at Asteraceae week. Height of this plant didn’t exceeded 15cm. Date: 21 Oct 2012 Place: Mukruthi NP, Nilgiris, TN Alt.: 2360 m asl This herb is Anaphalis subdecurrens (DC.) Gamble . tiny pink flowers identification Eravikulam WLS, Munnar, Kerala, in the Nilgiris First week of October 2018 I think difficult to identify with these images. I agree with you on this. Anaphalis sp. of Asteraceae Anaphalis subdecurrens (DC.) Gamble .
Anaphalis ! Do you have any other images? Pl. check—l/ar/asteraceae/asteroideae/gnaphalieae/anaphalis/anaphalis-subdecurrens To me appears close. . 595 ID wild plant: 10 high res. images. Please ID wild plant, Location: Kanthalloor Marayoor Munnar Idukki Kerala INDIA Altitude: 4000fsl Flower date: 14MAY2023, 04.40pm Habitat: wild moisture evergreen misty sloppy mudwall alpine Plant habit: small shrub, erect unbranched tomentose, weak cylindrical stem 04mm base diameter, annual Height: 15cm Leaves: alternate elliptic acute leathery, size upto: 06×3cm Flower: terminal umbel inflorescence, clustered flowerhead, diameter:03mm, pink, non fragrant Fruit: Seed: Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x Anaphalis subdecurrens (DC.) Gamble Yes, it is Anaphalis subdecurrens, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant
. References: The Plant List Ver. 1.1 Tropicos Encyclopedia of Life (Specimen) Plant illustrations POWO GBIF (High resolution specimens) High resolution specimen Flora of peninsular India Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal India Biodiversity Portal (Obs.) IBIS Flora Biotik Kerala plants |
Anaphalis subdecurrens
Updated on December 24, 2024