Anemone tschernaewii

Anemone tschernaewii Regel, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 8: 690 (1884);
Afghanistan to Central Asia and W. Himalaya: Afghanistan, Kirgizstan, Pakistan, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Common name: Turkistan Anemone • Kashmiri: ﭨﻴﻨﻜﹻﻪ ﺑﭩﻴﻦ Tank-e- Bateyn

Sir may you please help us in identifying thhis plant species from Pampore Kashmir?: 5 high res. images.

Anemone tschernaewii Regel !
Please go through the posting rules of efi and address your mail to efi email.
Also provide date of image taken and elevation !

It is A. biflora DC. of FBI, and retained as such in BSI Flora of India published in 1993 but according to eFlora of Pakistan (Tropicos website) is actually Anemone tchernjaewii Regel which differs from A. biflora (leaf segments stalked) in sessile to cuneate leaf segments  which are shallowly cut. A. biflora according to latter is doubtful in our area. We need images of leaves to decide conclusively.

Anemone biflora is yellow flowers, isn’t it ?

No dull red both according to FBI and BSI Flora.

Here is my herbarium specimen from Harwan Kashmir, taken in 1970. Flowers are not clear but luckily it has basal leaves, which have sessile segments, thus it would be  Anemone tchernjaewii Regel

Anemone biflora DC. ??

Sessile segments which are shallowly lobed both point to Anemone tchernjaewii Regel


Re: ID Confirmation : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2).
Please confirm the ID of this herb from Kashmir:

Pulsatilla wallichiana (Royle) Ulbr.

Thanks … for showing this rare species. I don’t find any authentic image on the net, and yours is a very valuable addition.

This is an interesting high altitude species. Pulsatilla is represented in India by one species only i.e. P.wallichiana (Royle) Ulbrich. occurring in J & K and Himachal Pradesh.
Descriptions are available in Flora of India vol-I page-111 and Flora of Jammu and Kashmir page-412-13. ID seems OK to me. Diagram is available at-

Sorry, I do not currently think these images are of Pulsatilla wallichiana.
Once again, the posting from Kashmir provides no general location nor altitude – which is a serious omission.
ASSUMING, the specimen was photographed in the Kashmir Valley, this does NOT tally with the known distribution of P. wallichiana.
Furthermore, the foliage and involucre does not fit.
Stewart recorded P.wallichiana from N.Pakistan (incl. Baltistan) and Ladakh but NOT the Kashmir Valley.
My initial thoughts are that the images are of an Anemone probably either A.falconeri or A.biflora which Stewart did record from the Kashmir Valley (though I think there is now some questioning of whether the true A.biflora is found in Kashmir).  I shall be checking further.
In the mean-time, it will be useful for references purposes if I post the two images I have available (taken on my behalf) of what I do consider to be Pulsatilla wallichiana.

I could find some closer images of A.biflora at
Pl. have a look

Anemone tschernjaewii Regel as per details and references herein.


Anemone tschernjaewi Regel.: 1 high res. image.
Location: Kashmir, J&K.

Anemone tchernjaewii Regel: 3 high res. images.

Anemone tchernjaewii Regel
Location: Vurpash Ganderbal J&K.
Date of Collection:07-03-2022.
Vernacular name: Tyeank batein

Since BSI Flora of India records A. biflora, whereas eFlora of Pakistan records A.  tchernjaewii  it would be worthwhile to check lower leaves which are with stalked segments in A. biflora latter deeply lobed; sessile segments in  A.  tchernjaewii with shallowly lobed segments.

Yes  A.  tchernjaewii, clear from leaves



POWO  Catalogue of Life (Anemone tschernjaewii Regel) Flora of Pakistan (Anemone tschernjaewii Regel) FOP illustration Flowers of India  iNaturalist

GBIF (with high resolution specimens)  High resolution specimen 1  High resolution specimen 2  SHPA  Cal Photos  fotomontaro  growsonyou

A taxonomic note on the misidentification of Anemone tschernjaewii Regel. In Kashmir Himalaya – 2015 vol.60 no.1 pp.54-58- Aijaz Hassan Ganie, Bilal A. Tali, Anzar A. Khuroo and Irshad A. Nawchoo (Abstract- The correct identification of Anemone tschernjaewii Regel. previously misidentified as A. biflora DC. in the Kashmir Himalaya, India is reported. In this brief report, a detailed taxonomic description and photo-plates of its diagnostic morphological and anatomical characters are provided to validate this plant record for the region and to facilitate its easier field identification.)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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