Eriocapitella hybrida (L. H. Bailey) Christenh. & Byng (Syn: Anemone hupehensis var. japonica (Thunb.) Bowles & Stearn; Anemone hupehensis var. simplicifolia W. T. Wang; Anemone hybrida (ambiguous synonym); Anemone hybrida (Hort. ex L. H. Bailey) Makino (ambiguous synonym); Anemone japonica (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. (ambiguous synonym); Anemone nipponica Merrill; Anemone scabiosa H. Lév. & Vaniot; Anemone sieboldii Honda; Anemone vitifolia var. japonica (Thunb.) Finet & Gagnep.);
cult., Korea (I), China (I) (Anhui (I), Fujian (I), Guangdong (I), Jiangsu (I),
Jiangxi (I), Yunnan (I), Zhejiang (I), Japan (I), Ryukyu Isl. (I)), Ecuador (I), Hawaii (I) (Hawaii Isl. (I) (Hawai`i Volcanoes NP) (I)), Slovakia (I), Myanmar [Burma] (I), Mexico (I), Colombia (I), Guatemala (I), Vietnam (I) as per Catalogue of Life; Anemone for ID : Kashmir : 101011 : AK-3 : 11 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1).
Flowers photographed at Shalimar Garden, Srinagar, Kashmir on the 10th of Sept.
Anemone species?
Any leaves? Will this picture help?
Leaves were similar to Chrysanthemum leaves.
can this be (Anemone hupehensis var. japonica) Yes, i think … is right. I had also seen this plant (Anemone hupehensis) at “Shalimar Baug, Srinagar” recently. Sending few photographs of the same. Attachments (3). I was sure you had taken some pictures of the same since you too visited Kashmir last month. Anemone x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’ as per another thread. Ranunculaceae Fortnight: Anemone hupehensis in our database: It should be Anemone x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’-GSJAN07 : 2 posts by 2 authors. There are two uploads in our forum in the same thread, one by …, with flowers and one by … with habit and flower pictures from Shalimar Garden, Srinagar Kashmir, the latter is also featured on Flowers of India website. The flowers are characteristically with stamens in a neat circle surrounding a green disc of carpels
I happen to photograph the same plant from here in Fremont California. Both my plant and one by …are taller plants, whereas true A. hupehensis never grows taller than 75 cm.
In light of above excellent article our plant should perfectly fit into Anemone x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’
Your opinions please
Anemone hupehensis in our database: It should be Anemone x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’ : 2 posts by 2 authors.
There are two uploads in our forum in the same thread, one by …, with flowers and one by … with habit and flower pictures from Shalimar Garden, Srinagar Kashmir, the latter is also featured on Flowers of India website. The flowers are characteristically with stamens in a neat circle surrounding a green disc of carpels
I happen to photograph the same plant from here in Fremont California. Both my plant and one by … are taller plants, whereas true A. hupehensis never grows taller than 75 cm.
In light of above excellent article our plant should perfectly fit into Anemone x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’
Your opinions please
Dalhousie flowers i.d Al271111: A plant from a friends garden (gone wild)…
I suspect it is not a local variety, since I have never seen this here..
Location Dalhousie
Altitude 2100 mts Habit herb Habitat garden Height 16-18 inches Season October-November Probably some species of Rannunculus I believe it is an Anemone. Anemone x hybrida may be. Hope this helps.
Some hybrid sp. of Anemone Flora of Himachal Pradesh: 30102013 BS1 Anemone sp for id from IAS Shimla : Attachments (4). 7 posts by 4 authors.
pls id this Anemone sp
shot from IAS Shimla
May be hybrid one…
Looks like anemone vitifolia
Anemone x hybrida…???
These images do remind me of/suggest what in the UK we know as a ‘Japanese’ Anemone – very much a GARDEN plant and NOT a form of the wild Anemone vitifolia. These are understood to be of HYBRID origin, a deliberate cross involving Anemone vitifolia (one of the earliest introductions of this species into cultivation in the West was from Shimla in the 19th Century and Anemone hupehensis (a Chinese species widely grown in Japan). In the past the name was Anemone x hybrida but that may have changed. MANY cultivars are known such as ‘Prince Heinrich’ and ‘Honorine Jobert’.
Does seem strange to apparently have a cultivar being grown in a Shimla garden with one of the ‘parents’ perhaps originating not far from the very spot, more than a century earlier!
Anemone vitifolia is an attractive plant by itself but often seems to struggle in cultivation in the West, whereas various hybrids flourish.
I grew (and am having difficulties getting rid of it) a plant in the Kohli Memorial Botanical Garden from seed sent to me as A.vitifolia from the Berlin Botanic Garden, which flourished and produced an ornamental plant but I suspect a hybrid. Plants once in cultivation can be prone to hybridising (unintentionally down to bees or other pollinators). More genera are susceptible to this than those widely recognised, such as Geranium, Aquilegia and so on. It may be worthwhile me posting some images for comparison purposes.
May be Eriocapitella hybrida (L. H. Bailey) Christenh. & Byng (Syn: Anemone hybrida (Hort. ex L. H. Bailey) Makino) as per images, details and references herein.
Appears close.
I guess correct ID …!
Eriocapitella hybrida (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024