Angelonia angustifolia Benth., Prodr. 10: 254 1846. ?; . angel-on-ee-a — derived from South American name for the plant, Angelon an-gus-tee-FOH-lee-uh — meaning, narrow leaf . commonly known as: angel flower, angel mist, narrow-leaf angelonia, narrowleaf angelon, narrowleaf angelonia, summer snapdragon . Native to: Brazil . Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Angelonia angustifolia “Archangel Purple from California-GS-10 : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors. Angelonia angustifolia “Anchangel purple“, Archangel series of cultivars have largest sized flowers in the genus. This purple coloured cultivar was photographed in Sunnyvale, California. I wonder the reason for ?? when there is no contrary comment, even from … It is due to confusion between the closely looking species displayed on various sites as per discussions at Angelonia angustifolia FOR VALIDATION and Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia I am unable to find the difference between these ? . Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Angelonia angustifolia “Archangel Raspberry from California-GS-11 : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors. Angelonia angustifolia “Archangel Rasberry” Archangel series has largest flowers in the genus This Raspberry coloured cultivar was photographed in Sunnyvale, California I wonder the reason for ?? when there is no contrary comment, even from … It is due to confusion between the closely looking species displayed on various sites as per discussions at Angelonia angustifolia FOR VALIDATION and Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia I am unable to find the difference between these ? . Angelonia Species for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta : 06JUL20 : AK-11 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Angelonia Species seen at the garden. For me it looks like A.angustifolia white variety There has been lot of confusion regarding the species found in India as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia The group’s primary purpose is to identify plants naturally occurring in India. Since this plant is being cultivated in a garden in Atlanta, there is a good possibility that it could be one of the patented plants and therefore difficult to identify properly from photos. Here are several of the patented white Angelonias. P19,451 Angelonia angustifolia Anonia (TM) White Cultivar name ‘Dangeloni4’. Angelonia angustifolia Serena (TM) from the Serena series, white, ‘PAS394032’. Angelonia angustifolia ‘Balangspri’ AngelMist Spreading White (Registerd) ‘Balarcwhite’ USPP23543P2 is one of the AngelFace series. ‘Anwhitim’ USPP19866 is another of the AngelFace series. I realize this isn’t much help. Thanks, … Your inputs are always like an Expert help and you have such wonderful knowledge of plants. Thank you! But your words embarrass me. I know next to nothing about plants in India and am grateful when your members travel to Europe and the Americas where I have at least half a chance to make a proper ID. Thanks a lot for your valuable information on the Angelonia Species available around your area. Will go through all the suggested ones. Angelonia angustifolia ‘Serenita White’ . References: Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Top Tropicals (Angelonia goyazensis, Angelonia angustiflolia) ridzwanmn blogspot (Angelonia goyazensis, Angelonia angustiflolia) Dave’s Garden Missouri botanical garden Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal |
Angelonia angustifolia (USA) ?
Updated on December 24, 2024