Anisomeles indica

Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze , Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 512 1891. (syn. Ajuga disticha (L.) Roxb.; Ajuga glabrata Benth. ex Wall.; Ajuga mollissima Wall. ex Steud.; Anisomeles albiflora (Hassk.) Miq.; Anisomeles disticha (L.) B.Heyne ex Roth; Anisomeles glabrata Benth. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Anisomeles malabarica var. albiflora Hassk.; Anisomeles mollissima Wall. [Invalid]; Anisomeles ovata W.T.Aiton [Illegitimate]; Anisomeles secunda Kuntze [Illegitimate]; Anisomeles tonkinensis Gand.; Ballota disticha L.; Ballota mauritiana Pers.; Epimeredi indicus (L.) Rothm.; Epimeredi secundus Rothm.; Marrubium indicum (L.) Burm.f.; Monarda zeylanica Burm.f.; Nepeta amboinica L.f.; Nepeta disticha (L.) Blume; Nepeta indica L.; Phlomis alba Blanco [Illegitimate]);
Indian Catmint, Malabar catmint • Hindi: काला भंग्रा Kala bhangra, Gobara • Manipuri: থোইদিঙ অঙৌবা Thoiding angouba • Marathi: गोपाली Gopali • Malayalam: Chedayan • Telugu: adabeera • Kannada: Mangamari soppu • Bengali: gobura, gopali, apang • Konkani: गोपाली Gopali;


pls id this lamiaceae herb. Photo taken from a bank of a water channel/canal
0n 20-09-2010

I hope Dicliptera primuloides


A few more pics.
Attachments (8)

Could it by any chance be Anisomeles indica? I may be wrong, though.

I agree with …r. This is Anisomeles indica (Lamiaceae)

Anisomeles indica indeed a weedy plant in Bengal we had this plant in our taxonomy class during the
bachelor’s degree.

I hope this plant is Anisomeles indica, earlier uploaded by .. from Panipat. Please validate. If it is true then surely plant on Flowers of India is not correctly identified. It has uniformly mauve flowers, calyx almost tomentose and leaves much narrower, thicker and densely hairy.
Photographed from roadside at base of foothill along Mussoorie Chakrara Road near Kalsi on September 16, 2011


Sir, as per flowers of himalaya this looks like A indica
I am also attaching mines. Attachments (9)


Anisomeles indica, photographed from roadside at base of foothill along Mussoorie Chakrara Road near Kalsi on September 16, 2011. The plant is also featured on Flowers of India website.

Please validate this aromatic shrub. Sorry for least information on plant aspects.


01-06-2010 / 11:00 AM

Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-

Satyamangalam RF;ca. 400msl; TN

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-

close to river in shade

Plant Habit-

Unarmed shrub


Up to 1.5 metre

Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-

crenate margin, ca.10 x 6cm

Inflorescence Type/ Size-


Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-

ca.2cm long; pink;

… could be Malabar Catmint, Anisomeles malabaricaFOI

Anisomeles indica, i suppose.

This does not look like A. malabarica in which the inflorescence is very dense and many other characters. i ill go by … it can be A. indica.

The filaments are bearded. The colour of the flowers is pink. It is Anisomeles indica.
In A.malabarica the filaments would be pubescent and stems obtusely angled.

Thanks, … Key may not be correct as I find bearded filaments in A.malabarica also as in post by …: TSP-JUN2016-11-399: Images of Anisomeles malabarica (Lamiaceae)

Many thanks for the identification; I cross checked this plant with Anisomelos malabarica.

It is Anisomeles indica only. Not A. malabarica as suggested by …


efloraindia: 261111 BRS 205:
Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. request.

Location: NBNP Garden, Anaikatti, Coimbatore Dist., (640MSL)Date: 25.11.2011
Habitat: Rural
Habit: Herb
Moss growth of this plant along the water runoff area.


Lamiaceae (inc. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae- Anisomeles indica from Coimbatore -BRSMAY01/03 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Sharing the images of Anisomeles indica from Anaikatti Hills, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.


[EfloraIndia_201211PD01_Anisomeles indica_Flora of Odisha:
sharing the images of a very common plant flowering in Ranpur

Name of the species: Anisomeles indica
Family: Lamiaceae
Placee of collection: Ranpur, Nayagarh, Odisha
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild, Roadside


Ansimeles malabarica:
Is it Ansimeles malabarica
validate Please
At Soung,bageshwar

I hope Anisomeles indica
I hope the plant represented at FOI is not the correct one, it has much narrower leaves and different flowers.
Anisomeles indica has been uploaded by myself and … efi thread


Anisomeles indica (L.) O. Kuntze, Rev ? from Hooghly:

This could be Anisomeles indica (L.) O. Kuntze, Rev, GOBURA in Bengali, if the ID is correct.
Species : Anisomeles indica (L.) O. Kuntze, Rev ?
H & H : straggling, also erect herb or under-shrub; beside railway tracks and roadside; roadside herbs are smaller but those beside railtracks are much robust under-shrub like
Date : 23/10/12, 10.13 a.m.
Place : Hooghly
group posts visited :

Yes …, it is Anisomeles indica. Nice set of pictures!


Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze (?) from Guwahati.:
Attaching images of what looks likeAnisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze. Please validate the ID. 

Date :08.11.2012
Location: Guwahati [Dist- Kamrup(Metro)]
Family : Lamiaceae
Genus & species : Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze
Habitat: Grows wild
Habit : Herb
Flower : Original colour is Pink ( In images it is blue)

Yes it is Anisomeles indica

Lamiaceae (inc. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae – Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze from Assam – KD 25 MAY 2015 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Here attached images are Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze from Assam.


Hooghly Today : Anisomeles indica (Linnaeus) Kuntze:
Anisomeles indica (Linnaeus) Kuntze, recorded today.


Lamiaceae for ID 26072013 CS 2 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors.
This plant was spotted in Pusa. PLease help with ID. The closest I came to was Anisomeles malabarica.

Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze (Lamiaceae)


Anisomeles at Pachmarhi FOR ID :: 19 SEP 13 :: DV : 2 images. 3 posts by 2 authors.

Pachmarhi … about 3600 feet ft asl
Date / Time: 19 SEP 13 at 11:59 AM … Altitude: about 3407 ft asl

¿ Anisomeles ? … (family: Lamiaceae)
Habit: shrub, on wall
Habitat: along road in evergreen forest; not sure whether planted OR wild; this was lone instance in 2 – 3 km length of road.

Flower similar in aspects and dimension of Anisomeles heyneana

Nice pictures … Isn’t it Anisomeles indica?

Yes indeed … it does look like it now that you have given the ID !!
Thank you very much. Was not confident at all.


Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze
at Pachmarhi on September 19, 2013

Beautiful, … I hope, …, being an expert on Lamiaceae should comment during this fortnight.


Fwd: Lucas sp. from Dharwad for Id : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 2 MB each.

………….. And I have one doubt I got a plant.
see the attachments.
I found it as Lucas sp.
Family Lamiaceae.
but unable to find the species anybody who knows can Identify it.
it is a herb, having pubescent stem and leaves.
I got it in the Karnatak University campus Dharwad.

It is not Leucas species.
It is Anisomeles indica  (L.) O. Kuntze (Lamiaceae).

It is not Leucas species, it is Anisomeles indica


ANNOV40 Lamiaceae for identification : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)

Bangalore outskirts
15th November 2014

I think Anisomeles indica ….

very nice weedy
light mauve flowers with white bottom and white hair
typical lamiaceae bunching of flowers on squarish looking stem

Yes supporting … It is A.indica (Lamiaceae).


Agumbe Ghat :: Anisomeles FOR VALIDATION / ID :: DVJAN25 : 10 posts by 3 authors. 5 images.

Agumbe Ghat (part of Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary) … Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka
Date: 28 DEC 2014 … Altitude: about 600 m asl at crest, about 250 m asl at foothill
¿ Anisomeles ? … (family: Lamiaceae)

I think Anisomeles indica only 

Many thanks …, you must be correct. The tightly packed inflorescence made me think otherwise, Have seen the clusters to appear spaced out.

I also agree with …

Yes, It looks like Anisomeles indica

Thank you for giving such good information about that plant

similar plant (foothills of brahmagiri, kutta falls, Kodagu) was identified as Anisomeles indica by Dr K Sampathkumar
Attachments (4)


Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze
along Agumbe Ghat on December 28, 2014

I particularly love the habitat pictures

I agree.


Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze SN 15Jan 40 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze, erect wild under shrub, near water bodies from Guduvanchery area of Kanchepuram dt, Tamilnadu

Lovely pictures..!

This is a common erect and branching herb in plains as well as Himalayas,
these shots are recorded from Chakrata..
Anisomeles indica


Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Anisomeles indica from Panipat- NS May 90/90: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
This is occasional herb of grassy edges of water channels..
Anisomeles indica..

Images by tspkumar

77-TSP-ID-09JUN2016-1: A herb @ Chikmagalur for ID : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Kindly identify this HERB……Could this be Anisomeles indica….??? 

Habit: Herb 

Habitat: Wild, Wasteland 

Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl

Date: 22-11-2014

efi page on Anisomeles indica                                         

Yes it looks like Anisomeles indica, but its inflorescence is very compact, do you have any another pic for inflorescence???????

Thanks … for your thoughts… Will check up with my archives for additional images if any and will let you know.

Its no doubt that it is A.indica.

Yes, It is Anisomeles indica


Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8)
Sharing some pictures I guess is Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze shot at Chbhar Hill Kathmandu on 15 September 2016 at 4400 ft.
Nepali Name : Raato Chaarapaate रातो चारपाते 

Pilot Baba Ashram, Bhaktapur , Nepal

Alt 5500ft.
Date: 26 Septemer 2016
Attachments (9)


Anisomeles indica :: Makutta Ghat :: 24 FEB 2017 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.

Makutta Ghat Karnataka
Date: 24 FEB 2017 … Elevation range: ~ 87 – 263 m (288 – 865 ft) asl
Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze … (family: Lamiaceae) 


ID-DKB122 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Plant from smriti van Jaipur

 for ID(ID-DKB122)

Photo Taken on-19.10.2008

Looks like some Anisomeles Sp. from Lamiaceae family.  

Please check with Lamiaceae and species of Anisomeles.

Thanks, … To me it appears like Anisomeles indica, as per details from Indiantreepix Database:

it is
Anisomeles malabarica (L.) R. Br. ex Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 2071, 1819; Cl. in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 673, 1883; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay
2: 544, 1958 (Repr.); Singh et al, Fl. Mah. St. 2: 716, 2001; Almeida, Fl. Mah. 4: 141, 2003.
Synonyms: Stachys mauritiana Pert., Syst. 2: 123, 1806. Craniotome mauritiana Boj., Hort. Maurit. 249, 1824. Nepeta pallida Salisb.,
Prodr. 78, 1796. Ajuga fruticosa Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 1, 1832. N. malabarica L., Mant. Pl. 2: 566, 1771.
Common names: Malabar catmint, Chandara, Kapuri-Madhuri, Gojibha.

i observed it at Vikhroli, Mumbai.

I think this should be Anisomeles indica only & not Anisomeles malabarica as per images herein


KAS Week::(Anisomeles heyneana – 03/10/2012 – NJ):
Anisomeles heyneana (Gopali In Marathi)

I think this is Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze as per images herein.

Anisomeles indica from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7)
Here am sharing some images of Anisomeles indica taken in October2018.


Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)- around 500 kb each.
Location: Chobhar, Nepal
Altitude:  4500 ft.
Date: 21 September 2018
Habit : Wild

Please validate : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Anisomeles indica ?
Family : Lamiaceae
Place : Bankura, WB 
Date : February 2019

Yes …, It is Anisomeles indica

that’s great but the flower SEEMS different from what Gucharanji has on FOI. is it because its not open completely in this case? and how about the whole plant view, …

At present i have only these two picture … later i will send whole picture of the plant. My one friend suggest me its variation due to ecological condition of the location.

Thanks … catmint is not planted deliberately in india so was it wild? would you be able to find that plant again?

… it is wild.. and i will disclose another picture later

Thank you sir

at Bhadreshwar, Hooghly, West Bengal on 19/10/2007; in Vellore, Tamilnadu- Oct.’ 08; on 18/10/08 in Narshapur forest near Hyderabad; North Bengal flowers- Oct.’08;  the Eastern coast of kanyakumari- Jan.’09?; north bengal, Oct08; Gende Hosalli- 11-11-09; 19-01-2010 / 11:00 AM-Satyamangalam WLS– Scrub- ca. 300msl; 01-06-2010- Satyamangalam RF, ca. 400msl, TN;

Plant for id -4 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
North Bengal flowers – ID request – 3 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Lamiaceae for id 180310MK1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Wild Flower for Bot. ID-211109-RK-1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Lamiaceae Herb fir id – efloraofindia | Google Groups
PLANT FOR IDENTIFICATION – 16 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
North Bengal wildflower-ID Request 1 – 15May09-SJ – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Id please DSC03137, DSC03145 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Fwd: Re: [Indiantreepix] PLANT FOR IDENTIFICATION – 16 – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)- 1, 2 & 3 mb.
Location: Indra Daha, Kathmandu
Date: 11 September  2019
Elevation: 1550 m.

Habitat : Wild ??

Attachments (2) – 2 & 3 mb.

Attachments (1) – 5 mb.

so this was on a slope, in wide open space.
thanks for good depiction


TQ-Arunachal-05 Unid : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)
A wild herb found blooming in October end, in Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh.
Appears to be from Mint family.
Identify please.

Anisomeles indica

Yes, …!

Upper leaves were looking so rounded, and the coloration of the flowers looked different from the Anisomeles indica I had seen, so I was confused.

Upper leaves do get so, ultimately reduced to absence of leaf and tip of branches/stem looks like a very long spike of flowers (in fact multiple small inflorescence at each node).

there is one picture that shows rounded leaves and flower color like those in your case
its from Kanpur region

Thank you … for showing this plant. I was also thinking about the missing usual tuft of white hair in the throat. The flowers here look very similar to the flowers of my plant.,+30-Oct-2020+14:55:22+GMT

Need help with id of purplish pink annual : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
in Bhopal; black soil; 30/9/2020

Anisomeles indica.
Please post habitat image and leaf image as well in future along with elevation.

Anisomeles indica
SK1447 17 Sep 2018 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) – around 500 kb each.
Location: Lantau, Hong Kong 
Date: 14 August 2018
Elevation: 3000 ft.
Habit : Wild 
Which Lamiaceae ?? Plectranthus ???

Any idea about the correct genus?

Looks like an IsodonLamiaceae.

This is Anisomeles indica


Request for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Please verify ID of the plant.
Location: Imphal
Dated: September 16, 2020

Anisomeles indica!


Please identity the weed plant.
Name of plant:
Location:  near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, Kerala PIN:686671
Date:.               20.12.2020, 01.15pm
Altitude:           1700fsl
Habitat:            wild moisture
Plant habit:      erect branches hairy annual
Height:             04 feet
Leaves:            opposite oblong apex jaws
Flower:             size: 10 x 05 mm, white non fragrant

Leucas sp.,

Leucas correct, but no image similarity.

Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze ?? White flowers possible??

It’s possible


Requesting ID: Herb from dry deciduous forests of Mudumalai: 3 images.
Karnataka-Kerala-TN border region.
Please provide ID.

Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze

I too with you …


Anisomeles indica from Jammu-GS04052022-1: 7 high res. images.
Anisomeles indica photographed from Jammu, 5-11-2014


Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze: 7 very high res. images.

Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Date: 29 August 2021
Altitude: 1153 m.
Habit : Wild

This is a common weed here.


Lamiaceae plant for id: 2 high res. images.
Request for I’d of a Lamiaceae plant from Bilaspur. Photographed in November, 2022.

Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze ! Habitat and leaf  image ?


Lamiaceae from Assam KD 02, Nov. 22: 3 images.
Attached images are unknown species of Lamiaceae from Assam. Please ID of the plant sp.
Date : 18.11.22
Location: Assam
Family : Lamiaceae (?)
Genus & species : ??
Habit : Herb

Anisomeles ??  heyneana ??

To me appears close to images at—l/l/lamiaceae/anisomeles/anisomeles-indica

Some other Anisomeles ?

I do not think so.


Lamiacae: Anisomeles indica Kuntze: 1 high res. image.
synonym: Epimeredi indicus (L.) Rothm.
location/date: Kolkas, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994


050325PKD1: I’d pls collected from Koraput Odisha on March 2025: 4 high res. images.

Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze


Updated on March 13, 2025

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